Chapter 803
No wonder King Zeluo of Kucha chose this fat man as his envoy to Jiaohe City. The fat man can speak well without saying a word, and his mind is careful enough. Even if Cao Zhang promised to bring only [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, this old fat man was still not at ease. At the gate of Daying in Jiaohe City, I personally counted the number of people and confirmed that Cao Zhang and myself only rode a thousand steps in total, so I felt relieved.

However, it is said that it is a thousand-step ride, but there are more than 2000 horses in total. Even the infantry are riding horses, and each of them is riding a horse, and he is holding a horse in his hand. The horses are carrying heavy food luggage. .

This time, the three little strongmen were dispatched as a whole. Cao Zhang and Deng Ai rode horses, but Wang Changle had an extra privilege. After fighting Che Shiguo, the Protectorate of the Western Regions unlocked a skill. Two horses pulled a wicker weave The long light chariot buzzed along with the cavalry, even if the shock-absorbing steel bars were installed, it still shook Miss Changle's eyes.

"Prince Guard, what is this?"

"Oh! This is a sacrificial vessel for my great man to sacrifice to the god of thunder. In case of war, if you sacrifice blood to this vessel, you will be able to attract thunder from the sky and strike the head of the wicked directly!"

This time, Wang Hou came and brought some good things, such as this new model of steel, which also depicts the rifle, but only has a field gun of more than 500 kilograms, which can fire steel shells of five or six kilograms. If it is replaced by a Western gun This time, Cao Zhang pulled two of them. Watching the heavy cannons banging behind the carriage, Bayi, the fat man, looked like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

After so many years of hanging out in the city, Cao Zhang can still brag. While shaking his body with the horse, he stretched out his hand and gestured. Since the beginning of human beings, the fastest spread is only gossip!In the Battle of Shanguo, rumors spread about the fact that the Han army could fly Thunder God, but seeing Cao Zhangrao especially introducing it, Bayi was even more skeptical.

The smarter you are, the more doubts you have. If you are honest, you will probably believe it. However, the more you suspect the bluff of the Han army, the more beneficial it will be for Cao Zhang. Watching him keep looking at his cannon, The sinister smile on Cao Zhang's old face also became more intense.

It's just that on the city wall, watching Cao Zhang's back gradually leaving, Zhong Yao's worried brows were wrinkled like Sharpei.

Wang Hou has the capital to speculate, and he has soldiers and territory in his hands. Even if he does not have the support of the nobles in the Central Plains, he has to admit that he has been pulling people into the sea to do business in these years. In the Han Empire, there are already new and rising families Quite a large scale, even if one day he is pushed down from some Guanzhong Daxingtai or some Zhenbei general, he will have thousands of people chasing him, this is called fame.

But Zhong Yao is not that powerful, he is one, Yu Jin is one, and a few others who were implicated in the Wei Xi Rebellion had to gamble their fate on Cao Zhang. If Cao Zhang died, they would not only lose their fortunes, but The destruction of the family is light.

But this time Cao Zhang gambled too risky.

"Shi Ji!"

He stretched out his old hand in anxiety, and following Zhong Yao's dull call, a slick-looking guy who looked talented stood up in response.

"I saw my father!"

"Are you ready?"

"Go back to father, my son has been prepared for the past few days!"

"Then you take my Zhong family's cavalry team to Wusun day and night! No matter what method you use, I will convince Wusun to support me! Let's go now!"

"The child understands!"

The feudal patriarchal system is so unfair these days, but following Zhong Yao's order, the young man agreed very quickly, and went down the tower very confidently and briskly.

And after going down the city, the young man couldn't help showing a particularly meaningful smile when he saw the horseshoe prints and ruts that had just marched.


Five thousand cavalry have one horse per person. In order to maintain combat effectiveness and save food and grass, they can only travel a hundred miles a day and spend half a day grazing. However, there are two horses per person, and the saddlebags are also filled with directly fermented soybean meal and bran. In the straw bales, the horses ran for half a day and rested for half a day, and then ran after feeding. They traveled two hundred miles a day and arrived at Luntai City in seven days.

However, Cao Zhang didn’t set out just because he said he was going to start. He prepared for five days before embarking on the trip. After negotiating with Cao Zhang that day, Bayi Intuition sent a messenger back to convey the results of the negotiation, so Kucha King Zeluo was in Luntai City ahead of time. arranged.

In the wilderness near Luntai Oasis, flags are flying, and white tents are placed ahead of time, like a group of big white mushrooms. Looking at the flags, it seems that not only people from the country of Kucha come here, Gumo, Baicheng , Weitou and other small countries in the Western Regions also planted their flags here.

This is a good plan for the king of Qiuci. On the one hand, relying on his own country's long-distance, it threatens the Protectorate of the Western Regions; , how prosperous my big Kucha is, you all have to listen to me in the future!
but!Having said that, the national strength of Kucha is indeed not in vain. From the front of the densely packed tents, there are probably no less than [-] Kucha soldiers in iron armor with machetes on their waists, pointed helmets on their heads, and there are also large groups of cavalry running wildly around from time to time. And pass.

"Please come inside the general guard!"

Seeing that the cavalry arrived not far from Luntai City, pointing at the big camp with swaying banners like a forest, they ran wildly all the way, Bayi's fat old face smiled like a fried bun , got off the horse and bowed respectfully.

"King Zeluo has roasted the whole sheep in the camp, and set up a banquet, and respectfully invites all the guards to come in for dinner!"


Cao Zhang didn't say anything in his leadership style, but Deng Ai who was beside him yelled aggressively, and immediately clasped his fists heavily at Cao Zhang, but looked at Bayi's chubby old face.

"My family's lord is the guardian of the Western Regions. The big man came to the mansion. Seeing you and other foreign kings, how could you go straight to your camp! Is my family's lord a low-level person? Let you, King Zeluo, come out to greet you in person!"


It was originally negotiated, and here we will give the newly appointed Dadu surnamed Cao a slap in the face and deliberately bully him. Who knows that he will not accept this kind of trick. Following Deng Ai's shout, the cavalry behind him even lined up in front of him. When he got there, he put on a look like he didn't want to enter the camp when he didn't see anyone.

After being stunned for a full two or three seconds, Bayi, the queen liar of Kucha, just "awakened from a dream" had a row of heads.

"Daxingtai is right to scold you, but please invite my king to come out and greet you, little one!"

As he spoke, he jumped on his horse again, pumping his ass, and galloped straight to his camp.

Although more than 200 years have passed between the two Han Dynasties, Luntai City seems to be the same as it fell into the hands of the Han army for the first time. The city was infected with a sense of erratic like a mirage.

After staring at this strange scene for a few seconds, Cao Zhang tilted his head with a cold snort.


(End of this chapter)

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