Chapter 792
The melon that Cao Zhang promised is not called cantaloupe at this time, and I have not eaten it!But looking at the vast Lop Nur, the great Wei Xizheng army, which was so smoked, couldn't be more excited. The cavalry who first drove to Loulan City didn't even care about the city. The vast and vast lake rushed forward, no matter people or horses, they jumped into the lake and drank to their heart's content.

However, after the first sip of water, no matter the person or the horse, they all regretted it, and spit it out in one gulp, and immediately the sad and unlucky people retreated, turning around and spitting.

Damn it, Lop Nur is a saltwater lake!
Fortunately, the Kongque River, which maintains the lifeline of Loulan, is still there at this time. Led by the guide, the infantry of the Black Mountain Army of the rear army has reached the river first. After drinking enough, they took off their boots and stretched their hot feet. Refreshing the summer heat in the cold drinking water, many people also performed a "water exchange" for the Kongque River, donating a bubble of scorched "Wei River water" to the river.

Then the cavalrymen who reacted hurriedly made do with the lower reaches of the Kongque River where the infantrymen were, and straightened their thumbs while drinking heavily, boasting that the river here really tastes like home!

Although the water in Lop Nur is bitter and salty and unusable, the aquatic resources in the river are really good. Who would have thought that one-third of the people living in the desert actually depend on fishing for their livelihood, and tie the crossbow arrows they brought to their backs? Putting on the rope, the soldiers also rowed Populus euphratica boats into the lake, and then grilled big fish with a charcoal fire next to the Yadan landforms that would take tens of thousands of oceans to visit in later generations.

But when the sergeants were jubilant, Cao Zhang, as the commander in chief and the general guard of the Western Regions, couldn't really be happy.

Khotan, who was the first to rebel, attacked other Han vassal states, and massacred and expelled Han envoys and officials, was in the west of Lop Nur, next to Congling, a little closer than Dawan City, which was attacked by General Li Guangli of the Second Division. Starting from Loulan, it was divided into the North and South Roads around Lop Nur. Shanshan, who also rebelled against the Han, was located in the South Road, and the Kongque River went south, and Kucha, which also massacred Han envoys to block the trade route, was located in the North Road.

On the way, Kucha was 40 miles away from Loulan, and it took more than 1000 days to march at a speed of [-] miles a day. To ensure supplies, the Yuni City in Shanshan was closer, but it was also nearly [-] miles away in the South Road.

A big difference from other troops in this era is Wang Hou's staff system. There are dozens of staff officers in the headquarters. With such a long marching distance and such bad traffic, Deng Ai led the staff officers to make calculations and spend [-] To transport the main force to the two places requires at least [-] cattle and horses, [-] logistics troops, and hundreds of thousands of grain, which is nearly a million shi.

How to proceed next has become a particularly headache for Cao Zhang, the governor of the Western Regions.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think I should do next!"

Staring at the map, looking at Wang Hou who was in pain, Cao Zhang asked again sadly, but even though he was trembling with shame and pain while looking at the big country, Wang Hou slapped his face as annoyingly as ever .

"Xiao Wenzi, you are the Chief Protector of the Western Regions, why do you ask me?"

The tragedy of Lu Buwei is that he has too much desire for power, Qin Yiren does not have a strong desire for power, and he is allowed to dictate everything, but Ying Zheng's desire for power is so strong that it makes people straight. Lu Buwei still didn't realize it, and continued to dictate. As a result, he went to the opposite side of Qin Shihuang, abolished the throne and exiled him, and finally gave him to death.

As a warning, Wang Hou, Lu Buwei's second, doesn't want to interfere too much, not to mention he also has a headache right now.


Angry cheeks bulged and knocked on the table, but Cao Zhang shook his head helplessly.

"The Metropolitan Guard wants to build a Lianglou Railway, starting from Loulan, crossing Hexi, and going straight to Didao!"

"Is the Protectorate of the Great Capital of the Western Regions rich?"

"The merchants in Chang'an and the Guanzhong Metropolitan Protectorate are required to contribute money and grain, otherwise the Metropolitan Protector will increase the Western Region business tax by [-]%!"

Needless to say, he grew up fast enough, and Cao Zhang also learned to rule as a feudal official. Something happened to the chief, and Wang Hou, who heard it, nodded with a very bachelor.

"Okay! I will immediately send envoys to attract investment and investigate the construction of this road!"

The future of the Protectorate of the Great Capital of the Western Regions was guaranteed, so Cao Zhang felt a little more comfortable, but soon after, he began to stare at the map of the 36 countries handed down from the Western Han Dynasty with sweat on his brow.

Deng Ai and other staff came up with a total of more than ten plans to deal with the enemy. There were moderate factions who sent envoys to recruit them again; I think it is necessary to wait until the army rations from Dunhuang County are transported to Loulan before marching, and continue to form a group to attack which country, and then kill chickens to warn monkeys, weigh the pros and cons, and the heavy sense of responsibility is overwhelming this playboy. .


In the end, Cao Zhang divided his troops. After all, the main opponent of the South Tianshan Road was Shanshan, a large oasis country with a population of more than 30, [-] households, and an army of only [-] to [-]. This mercenary group has been in Kansai for several years, and they need to be paid.

Therefore, Shanshan Kingdom was decided by Cao Zhang, assigned to Zhang Yun as prey, and the Montenegro mercenary group was responsible for the attack. After the capture, it was reported to the court, insisting that Zhang Yun was a barbarian. Following the model of Montenegro, he was supported by the Protectorate of the Western Regions outside the Central Plains. Establish a vassal state.

After hoarding troops in Loulan for less than half a month, 5000 troops were transported in, and after the [-] main force of the Western Regions Protectorate arrived, Cao Zhang personally led [-] troops and rode northward to the mountain country.

This place is a small country with only a few thousand households to 2 people, and it is still loyal to the big Han, but to the north of the mountain country is the well-known Cheshi Front and Back Country.

In the frenzy of rebellion last year, these two countries were the main force, and they plundered several large caravans from the Central Plains in a row, enough to be damned.

The most important thing is that Cheshi Qianqianguo is relatively close to Dunhuang, only more than 900 miles away!It is equivalent to Cao Cao's entire journey to attack Wuhuan!

Picking the big one among the dwarfs is the most suitable chicken. Apart from killing this chicken to scare the monkeys in other Western Regions, Cao Zhang really has no other prey to choose.

It’s more than October, and even the Western Regions are starting to get colder. It’s different from the heavy snow in the north. It’s dry and cold here. On the vast Gobi, the wind of knives makes people tremble from neck to heel. The sun is the smoke coming from the mouth of a thirsty man again.

"Brothers, work harder! In the mountain country, there are famous melons in the Western Regions. These days, they have just been picked and stored in the cellar, and the sweet teeth are falling out. When I arrive in the mountain country, I treat guests, and everyone can eat whatever they want!"

Carrying the banner of protecting Cao from the capital of the Western Regions again, Cao Zhang screamed passionately in front of the armored cavalry, but this time, including Deng Ai and Wang Changle, the two major staff officers who followed him hard, several thousand The Guanzhong armored cavalry all pouted together.

I believe you a ghost!
(End of this chapter)

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