Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 790 Rebuilding the Protectorate of the Western Regions

Chapter 790 Rebuilding the Protectorate of the Western Regions
Although I don't like the old Tartars of the Qing Dynasty, I have to admit that the territory of the later Huaxia was established by the Qing Dynasty. Kangxi conquered Zhungeer several times, and for the second time since the Tang Dynasty, the connection between the north and the south of the Tianshan Mountains and the Central Plains was strengthened. It was Zuo Zongtang Zuogong, whom Wang Hou admired very much. Under the internal and external troubles, the [-] solitary army under the pressure of the corrupt Qing Dynasty and the pressure of many great powers in Tsarist Russia and Britain, forcibly defeated the hundreds of thousands of Central Asian bandits in Yagubo and defended China. precious territory.

The Han Dynasty opened up the Western Regions, opened the Silk Road, and established the Western Regions Protectorate. It seems brilliant, but in fact, the Han Dynasty did not implement a definite strong rule on this land. Ban Chao has spanned 36 countries for decades. There were less than 5000 people, and the military strength of the Duhufu continued to be weakened, unable to maintain the rule of the Han Empire in the Western Regions, and was finally abolished for decades during the Qiang rebellion.

This time the westward advance of Guanzhong can be regarded as the second time that the Central Plains dynasty has attacked the Western Regions on such a large scale after General Li Guangli of the Second Division conquered Dawan. This time Wang Hou is also ambitious. The Western Regions were also completely brought under the rule of the Central Plains.

For this western expedition, he prepared two echelons, the front and the back, with a full army of more than [-].

As the first echelon of the main force, there are tens of thousands of Heishan Hu Han Buqi recruited from Liaodong Heishan, and they are still led by Zhang Yan's third son Zhang Yun. The Goguryeo Kingdom, which has become emaciated and dead camels, has 5000 people recruited by Wang Hougang. Under Cao Zhang, the capital of the Western Regions, there are 1 remnants of Xia Houyuan's half of the hegemony's remnant army, and the two fierce generals are also under his command. .

Then, tens of thousands of landlords who voluntarily recruited from all over the Kansai to pursue honor were armed, with [-] cavalry and more than [-] retinues.

It's a pity that Xianbei can't milk anymore. The military pressure caused by Rouran in the north even forced Wang Hou to transfer the Liaodong Second Brigade to Guihua City to help prevent his industrial base on the grassland and the railway Throw the transfer station to the Rouran people!

It’s really a reality. When they were poor, Xianbei people were more vicious than anyone else, but in the past two years, the tribe enjoyed trade profits and quickly became rich. The enterprising young people of the tribe were not transferred westward to Guanzhong by Wang Hou, or went south with Xianbei Pirate King Well, this nomadic cavalry who left a strong mark during the Southern and Northern Dynasties is now so weak that they can't even protect themselves, and they have to hire Huns cavalry from Jiuyuan to form a mercenary regiment to maintain their pastures north of Yinshan Mountain.

However, with this level of Xianbei, it is estimated that it is impossible to cause any more disturbances in the Central Plains.

War missions are basically handed over to this first echelon to fight.

The second echelon is the 10 people in Wancheng Luhun brought by Cao Zhang from the Central Plains. Wang Hou not only considers the problem of defeating, but also how to defend it. These soldiers are like the production and construction corps of later generations. In the oases in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, continue the rule of the Han or the Wei.

This war hasn't started yet, but the industrial and commercial system under Wang Hou's command has been particularly stimulated first, and the war must have weapons!After the order was sent, the large boxes of arms from the Ma'anshan Iron and Steel Center in Liaodong came westward by train, and the major families that controlled the Ma'anshan Iron and Steel Center made a lot of money.

Then there is military rations. The later generation Beidacang is the largest producer of commodity grains in the country. Zhang Yan of Montenegro has made a fortune. The rice produced in the vast Songnen Plain is also transported by railway in bags and bags. Fortunately, Zhang Yan took the initiative to discuss with the Liaodong chaebols to expand the railway, expand the original single line to three or even four lines, and four large trains run together.

Then there is milk powder from Guihua City, felt for tents, woolen cloth for keeping warm, beef jerky, and canned fish from Qingzhou.

Piles of luggage were distributed to the Bafu army, which is regarded as a direct line of troops, and Zhang Jai and Guo Huai were moved to tears, with snot and tears, this motherfucker is like a soldier, in the old days It's like a beggar.

But it was also because of so much preparation that Guanzhong had already issued a war mobilization order to the west in February, but when Wang Hou arrived in Dunhuang, more than half a year had passed, and the combat troops did not arrive on the battlefield until August.

Here, Wang Hou expects the Western Regions Metropolitan Protectorate team to be fully assembled. The civil servants are mainly Zhong Yao, more than 40 members, military generals Zhang Jai Guo Huai and more than [-] members, as well as the Allied Army Heishan Zhang Yun, and the cannon fodder troops Goguryeo He is full of talented people through and through, with strong soldiers and strong horses.

Then the situation is really good. The former governor of the Western Regions, Wang Shuang, is too timid. Under his wise management, the remaining major countries in the Western Regions have all turned against each other!
Not to blame Wang Shuang, he pursued expansionism, strengthened the management rights of the Western Regions Changshifu over the countries, ordered the subordinate countries to pay tribute, and naturally had irreconcilable conflicts with many oasis powers.

Here, the forest law of whoever has the biggest fist is the boss is also vividly reflected. For more than half a year, the king of Khotan killed the king of Yanmi, and the big man who lost Hanzhong didn't even care about it. Kucha, Shule, Shache, and the Cheshi Kingdom in the north of the Tianshan Mountains almost withdrew their flags, and they all rebelled against the Han!
In the hall of the Dunhuang Prefect's Mansion, which is so low that it hardly looks like an official mansion, in the hall with loess walls, kneeling on the ground, the voice of the former Chief Shi Wang Shuang echoed in the air.

"Daxingtai, the last general is incompetent! Shanshan captured the front station of our Loulan Duhufu, Qiucishu strangled our Han officials and envoys, Shache expelled our Han officials out of the country, Che Shiguo set up a card in the North Road, and passed by the car Our big Han caravans in the division levied heavy taxes, and now only Jingjue, Pulei, Qule, Pishan and other small countries are loyal to our big Han, and are still resisting the invasion of Khotan and other countries!"

It’s no wonder that postage is free in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in later generations, and Xinjiang does not in any case. From Chang’an to Wuwei Dunhuang, Wang Hou felt that it was far enough. But looking at the map, it seems that the distance from Dunhuang to Khotan is farther than Chang’an to Guanzhong. Some, and this road is not comparable to the Central Plains. The desert and the Gobi are connected one by one. No wonder this place has been unable to form its own unified empire for so many years in history.

But listening to Wang Shuang's depressed kneeling report, Wang Hou didn't take it seriously, slapped casually, pointed at Cao Zhang and said.

"The King of Wei rebuilt the Protectorate of the Western Regions, with the third son, Cao Zhang, as the Protector of the Western Regions. He is your superior! The apology is also for the Protector of the Western Regions, not me."

Suddenly pushed to the forefront, Cao Zhang, who had just appeared on the political stage not long ago, saw Wang Shuang kneeling in front of him in a respectful one-knee military salute. He was obviously confused. Here, the team that Cao Cao built for him rose again In order to make a difference, Shi Zhongyou, the Governor of the Western Regions who replaced Wang Shuang, followed closely with his fists.

"General Protector, although rebellions have sprung up in the Western Regions, the subordinates believe that General Wang Shuang is not to blame for the crime, it is all due to the advance of the Army of the Protectorate, preventing him from acting rashly! What do you think?"

It is not unreasonable for Zhong Yao to be able to be the prime minister of Wei Guo. He understands the etiquette of his subordinates very well, analyzes the problems, but does not make his own judgment, and leaves the judgment to the leader. Sure enough, listening to his analysis, Cao Zhang, the leader of the Western Regions A leader is the first fire to successfully take office as a new official, and win people's hearts!Nodding his head, Cao Zhang waved his sleeves with great tolerance.

"Please, General Wang, the fault is not yours, but the overall situation! And if these people rebel from the country, they will rebel. If they don't rebel, what will our army do?"

"Everyone is strong!"

"Thank you, Protectorate!"

What you said is to raise your spirits. As one of Cao Cao's hand-picked team members, Zhang Jai was the first to hold it up. On the other side, the voice of the fierce general Wang Shuang was also a bit louder. He was holding his fists, he was full of energy As soon as he lowered his head, he stood up abruptly with the clanging of his armor, and stepped back in the ranks of the generals in the Protectorate's Mansion with extraordinarily high spirits.

However, after the first fire was burnt out, Cao Zhang got stuck again. Everyone was waiting for him to give an order, and he leaned next to Wang Hou with a guilty conscience and asked in a low voice.

"Brother-in-law, how do you say to fight!"

This Lu Buwei is really not easy to handle. Cao Cao wanted him to cultivate a great prince of Wei, which really threw a big burden on him, but in desperation, Wang Hou said calmly and calmly.

"How to fight? Thirty thousand troops are in your hands, you can fight however you want!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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