Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 764 The Attacking General Cao

Chapter 764 The Attacking General Cao

With the backward means of communication in this era, when Wang Hou got the news, the Battle of Xiangyang had already begun!Taking advantage of the swell of the Yangtze River in autumn, more than [-] troops were sent from Jiangling. Guan Yu led the army in a boat and went straight to Fancheng, an important border defense town in the north of Cao Wei.

Later generations often use the north to rule the south. Except for the Ming Dynasty, it seems that the south is rarely used to rule the north. This makes sense. First of all, the quality of the soldiers. And there is winter in the south, but when the southern soldiers and horses arrive in the north, people will freeze to death one by one.

And there is another important reason, the south is too short of war horses!When Sun Ce raised his army, the Sun family had a thousand war horses, and beat up all the forces around Wujun.

Now Guan Yu is not much stronger than Sun Ce back then. He has 3 soldiers and only [-] cavalry in his entire army.

In contrast, Cao Ren's army had [-] soldiers. Although the quality of the infantry was poor, there were [-] cavalry. Therefore, Guan Yu's rise in the middle did not cause much shock in today's Cao Han. Cao Cao, who was fighting fiercely with Sun Quan at Ruxukou, asked for help, but he just sent an envoy to remind him.

And facing Guan Yu, Cao Ren did not defend the city, but took the initiative to attack.

On the riverside, Cao Jun's lineup is really chic, forward, eight thousand cavalry swung forward, and many of them were equipped with Liaodong's tortoise shell plate armor!The [-] Xiangfan infantry at the back can be regarded as a dense camp, but on the other side, on the banks of the Yangtze River, Guan Yu's army is a bit cramped, driving a three-story building boat with hundreds of feet, and all the boats gather together like a group of newspapers for warmth. The infantry who disembarked seemed to be afraid of the enemy, huddled together tremblingly, like a nest of quail.

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the one-on-one battle before the army is actually a fake. After all, it is not easy to train a general. Moreover, Xia Houyuan took the lead and personally went to the front line to command and repair the Luzhai, but he was chopped down by Huang Zhong. The Wei army, which was difficult but still capable of fighting, immediately collapsed across the board.

However, it is true to send a small group of elite troops and low-ranking officers to harass and sneak up on them first, chop off a few heads to boost morale. Seeing Guan Yu's army land, Cao Ren is proud to take the lead with a big sword.

"Ma Bo, Liu Jian, where is Xia Houqing? Let's raid the bandit formation first for our army, and let the bandits down!"

Anyway, Guan Yu first sent the call for Cao Cao a while ago, and this was not considered a sneak attack without courtesy. Hearing Cao Ren's order, the three generals of the Cao army who were particularly tall and chubby clasped their fists neatly, and immediately pumped their horses like He rushed out like a chicken blood.

The cavalry is really superior to the infantry, not to mention the impact, the flexibility of the infantry is not comparable, the first team has about 100 cavalry, and the third team has more than [-] people surrounded by wolves from three angles.

When they arrived at the place, the cavalry of the Wei Army did not act foolishly and rushed over thousands of Jingzhou Army infantry, hanging more than 50 meters away, drew their bows and arrows, and shot at the Jingzhou Army's forehead.

Amidst the sound of crackling bowstrings, bursts of arrows rained down like rain, which really overturned seven or eight soldiers of the Jingzhou Army, and even attracted Cao Jun's wolves to scream excitedly with their bows raised.

However, at this time, the Jingzhou army faced the pair of Xia Houqing's cavalry in the middle amidst a burst of drumming and noise. Only ten Jingzhou infantrymen came out with big shields, wrapped themselves like a big turtle, and fought the cavalry with the infantry. The other party was No. 30, and he was only number ten. Looking at the slowly moving shield, Xia Houqing clearly showed contempt. He stopped shooting arrows and just waited for the other party to lean in here.

The shouting and drumming of the sergeants on both sides became much quieter. Seeing that the infantry team was about 40 meters away from the main formation and was about to approach Cao Jun's cavalry, their pupils suddenly hardened. Swinging the whip of the horse, NO.30 cavalry cavalry of Cao Jun launched a charge together.

This is an opportunity. The warriors of the Jingzhou Army must be the ones who go out to fight. If they can behead the opponent, it will unintentionally greatly increase their morale. They all saw their ax fall and the opponent's head flying.

but!How dare you go to Liangshan without three points and three points?Since the opponent dared to come out, he naturally had a means in it, and he had the same thoughts as Xia Houqing. The ten-meter cavalry arrived in a blink of an eye. Seeing Xia Houqing attacking with an axe, all of a sudden, the Jingzhou shieldman was so fierce with his shield. The ground leaned back, and in the howling, the heavy ax missed.

But Cao Jun's horse's feet were exposed. In the famous battle of infantry fighting heavy cavalry in later generations, in the Yancheng battle, wasn't the tactics of the Yue family army cutting down the cavalry and cutting down the horse's feet!Wang Hou should be proud here, because what Guan Yu's Jingzhou army used was actually his Xuanhua axe!The cavalry went out with their axes from under their feet. Amidst the sound of clicking, the sharp ax hook bruised the horse's leg. Xia Houqing and four or five cavalrymen of the Cao Army under his command couldn't hold back the horse and fell down. The horse stumbled, and the heavy cavalry of the Cao Army Wei rolled out like a ball, don't underestimate the falling horse, the impact force is enough to throw a big man with all kinds of dirty things.

Before the heavily armored Xia Houqing could stand up, behind the shield formation, there was a Jingzhou Broadsword slashing across with his ring-headed saber in his hand.


Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, Xia Houqing and four cavalrymen of the Cao Army had their heads picked up by the flagpole, dangling in front of the Jingzhou army, and Guan Yu's adopted son Guan Ping, who personally led the army to fight back, even the army formation He didn't return, and stood arrogantly in front of the army like a gorilla, beating his chest and screaming.

Feeling ashamed, Cao Ren suddenly drew his sword out of embarrassment and yelled loudly. Following his shout, more Cao cavalry rushed forward with whips on their horses.

However, in the sound of crackling cavalry horseshoes, they still didn't charge forward with you. Cao Jun's light cavalry shot you with their bows and arrows at a distance of more than 50 meters. Amid the sound of clattering, the former Jingzhou army raised a shield, but In the face of more than 2000 arrows crackling and crackling, there was an unstoppable gap after all, and the screams of the arrows were one after another.

If this is a game, this casualty is a drop in the bucket compared to a [-] army, but war is not a game after all, people have feelings!Just bowing your head and shooting next to the arrow, not knowing when the arrow will land on your forehead, people will panic and be afraid!The morale hit was particularly severe.

The shot was far away, and even the building boats by the river suffered a few arrows. It seemed that the Jingzhou army could not stand it anymore. With a shout, the shield soldiers at the front suddenly stepped aside. Archers with quiver on their backs ran out in large numbers, facing the light cavalry of the Cao Army in front of the army formation, with the sound of hula, a total of four or five thousand South bows were suddenly pulled away!

The skills are intensive, no matter how you move!A large volley of hula la fell like raindrops. Amidst the screams, Cao Jun Qingqi, who was still in a crazy wave, was shot down a large area. Some war horses even hung on their bodies like hedgehogs, neighing and screaming. After retreating, the two thousand light cavalry were defeated again, and the Jingzhou archers were chasing after them. Even behind the Jingzhou army, there was the sound of rumbling army drums.

But seeing this scene, this time Cao Ren was not only angry, but also overjoyed. He also gave an order, and Cao Jun also beat the drums to fight. , The darkness rushed up like a wave.

Before the archers of Guan Yu's army came to their senses, a large number of cavalry fighting cavalry of Cao's army had already arrived in front of them!
(End of this chapter)

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