Chapter 748

"how can that be!"

Just like the Shu army's divine soldier Tianxiang rushed to his back, the fierce offensive was beyond Xia Houyuan's imagination.

I don't know whether Wang Hou should also store oil as a strategic material, and the sale is prohibited. The jars in the arms of the assault Shu army are the rapeseed oil that has been exported everywhere in Guanzhong in recent years!Even the label of Wang's Golden Snake Donkey Flying Genetically Modified Rapeseed Oil was still on it, and the rapeseed oil, which had always been a small jar of money, was smashed on the wooden deer village by these prodigal sons of the Shu army without hesitation. Then it was lit with a bang.

Xia Houyuan was placed in the front to prevent the Jiantou Luzhai from the frontal assault of the Shu army's large corps, and the fire was ignited piece by piece. In the thick smoke, the defending Wei Jun himself was so smoked that he couldn't open his eyes.

But what made Xia Houyuan even more unable to resist was the incredible long-range firepower of the Shu army.

Thick smoke obscured the Wei army's field of vision, tens of meters away from the camp, but the Shu army could hide behind the big shield and shoot at the Wei army to their heart's content, and the firepower of the Shu army was far more intensive than any Xia Houyuan had ever experienced. In the war encountered, the bamboo arrows flying down from the air seemed to fall on the Wei army's position without stopping.

Wei Jun, who was carrying a bucket to put out the fire in a panic, was shot down by bamboo arrows flying down from time to time. Even if the heavy armored infantry was hit by more than a dozen arrows, they were still like hedgehogs. , As soon as they fought, Wei Jun was completely suppressed.

Thanks to Wang Hou, Xia Houyuan looked around for a long time with his binoculars, his eyes sore, before he could see clearly what was going on.

The archers of the Shu army at the front each held a crossbow with a big belly, the arm of the crossbow in their left hand, and the box of the crossbow in their right hand. Pressing up and down, an arrow magically shot out from the head of the crossbow. A soldier kept lifting the crossbow back and forth. In just 1 minute, more than a dozen crossbow arrows with pig iron heads and bamboo bodies flew down on his position.

In the rear, a large number of light infantry carried bundles of crossbow arrows and added them to the front line.

"General, there are more thieves and less rides! Please let the last general fight and charge him!"

After that, his eyes were red with smoke, and tears were streaming down his face. While coughing, Ma Dai, who was supposed to be standing opposite, held his fists and anxiously asked for instructions.

This is an opportunity. Between Dingjun Mountain and Xiahouyuan's camp, there is still a large impact plain, but!It seems that fate is always irresistible in the dark, and he looked through the binoculars for a few seconds excitedly. He really couldn't see through the layout of the Shu army behind the thick smoke screen. Xia Houyuan finally rejected this suggestion.

"Qingqi cooperates with the rear army to fetch water to put out the fire, and our army sticks to the foot of the Dingjun mountain. As long as any support army from Daxingtai or General Guanzhong arrives, these Shu thieves will not be a problem!"

"The last general..., follow orders!"

He agreed in a particularly depressed manner, and Ma Dai also rushed to the back camp in a hurry, whether it was fetching water, at least he didn't need to be smoked here.

But at this anxious moment, another change occurred on the battlefield. The fierce drums sounded violently from the north, and the Shu army invested infantry and launched an attack!

On the edge of Luzhai, which was also smoking black smoke, groups of Shu soldiers also had their eyes red from the smoke, but they rushed in bravely with single-handed swords and fought hand-to-hand with the Wei army.

In the raging fire, the existence of Luzhai became the weakness of the Wei army, splitting the formation of the Wei army, and the Wei army, which was at a disadvantage in numbers, could only fight in the form of skirmishers. On the right side, the soldiers of the Wei army were fighting face to face with the Shu soldiers There was a sudden chill on the back, and a hot blood flowed out immediately.

Seriously wounded, he turned his head abruptly, and Wei Jun, who was so fierce that he tried to change his life for another, didn't wait to growl and cut off the knife, but once again his back turned cold, and a long blade pierced through his chain mail chest, and immediately came back. It was a horizontal and a twist, the terrifying hole spurted blood, and the tall Northern Wei Jun finally fell to his knees on the ground.

What made him die even more was that he didn't slash again, the Shu army who had just slashed his back casually threw the knife stained with his blood on the ground, took his own sword casually, and rushed to kill him again with a ferocious and strange smile.

In terms of stature, the Wei army in the north is taller and stronger, but there are too many Shu troops charging in, and their fierceness is even stronger than that of the Wei army. Under the desperate attack of tens of thousands of Shu troops, even the northern line The main general Zhang Jaw himself fell into a bitter battle.

The center line commanded a group of heavy infantry wielding axes and guns to push over like a wall, guarding the gaps between the several deer villages behind, and chopping down with axes that kept smashing, and the heads of the rushing Shu soldiers were smashed one by one like watermelons of broken pieces.

It was hard to stabilize the battle line, but unexpectedly, a group of Shu troops who broke through from nowhere came from behind, lurking behind the Wei army through the wafting smoke like ghosts.

It was the tooth-piercing sound of sharp blades being scratched on the metal armor again. Amidst the popping sound, they were stabbed into the back of the waist through the gaps in the armor, and several unsuspecting heavy infantry were knocked down again. The successful Shu army was excited. Pulling out the knife, he was about to continue the backstab. Unexpectedly, a general in red cloak suddenly slashed at him with his heavy two-handed long knife. Martial arts are still very useful in this era. The Shu army was hacked to the ground with heavy knives before they could even see clearly.

It's also the knife and flower game of the Guanzhong knights. It swayed across the left leg of a Shu soldier. While the Shu soldier was screaming and fell to the ground, he turned half of his body and slashed in a circle. With the crisp sound of metal breaking, he stood in front of him. The light infantryman of the Shu Army looked at his weapon in disbelief, and in the next second, his head also fell off.

However, Zhang Jaw's energy was also exhausted, and at the moment when he was exchanging interest, a sharp pain came from under his feet. The best military boots were pierced by this knife, and his leg was cut off by him. The Shu soldier in front of him had a dark face and a very ferocious smile, and in front of him, a dozen Shu soldiers rushed up like wolves with a grinning grin.

Breathing in the pain, he raised the knife with his right hand, but opened his jaw and roared sharply.

"Don't look back, keep going!"



Xia Houyuan had two fronts, and the side he was on was the main force. He was facing the Dingjun Shanshu Army. Although he was in a hard fight, Zhang Jaw on the flank still did not ask for help, because Zhang Jaw had experienced too many battles. He knew too well that no matter what No matter how fierce an attack my side undertakes, it cannot be the main attack!

However, Zhang Jai knew in his heart that Xia Houyuan, who was in the Chinese army, couldn't sit still when he saw the flames on his right hand rising into the sky, screaming to kill people.

"Liu Jia, Sima Yu, Li Chao, and your three units immediately support the left army! Make no mistake!"

Slapping the thick smoke, putting down the binoculars like an ant in a hot pot, and circling the Chinese army a few times, Xia Houyuan finally couldn't help it, and roared loudly.

"The last will obey!"

Following Xia Houyuan's roar, more than two thousand soldiers and horses rushed straight to the left wing of the barracks, roaring into the battlefield.

The thick smoke on the bank of the Han River in the scuffle was too thick. On this side, Xia Houyuan, who had just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the shouts of the left army extinguished, had no idea that he was directly opposite him and had never participated in the battle. Ten thousand Shu troops were rushing up from behind those Liannumen with swords in hand.

The general who led the khaki-colored Shu army was nearly seventy years old, his beard and hair were completely gray, but while he was buttoning his heavy helmet, the old guy pulled out a palm-thick, heavy and terrifying blue machete with his right hand.

"Beat the drum, attack!"

Amidst the roar of anger, the roaring battle drums sounded like thunder, and more than a dozen large yellow flags were erected by the Shu army excitedly against the black smoke!

(End of this chapter)

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