Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 735 The Father-in-Law Comes to Inspect

Chapter 735 The Father-in-Law Comes to Inspect

In fact, there is a sign that Mr. Cao is coming. In April this year, the restoration work of Luoyang City was basically completed. Compared with Xudu, which is closer to the front line of Jingzhou, Luoyang is indeed more suitable for the capital because of its dangerous mountains and rivers. So as soon as Luoyang was completed, Cao Cao had already led the Bafu army to visit it first.

It is one foot higher than Chang'an, almost the same type of 15-meter-three super-high city walls and towers over 20 meters high, which are quite appreciated by Cao Cao, and Wang Hou of the Luoyang Palace did not use the Han-style pavilions advocated by scholar-bureaucrats. The situation of the pavilions is still cheap reinforced concrete, which is quite pleasing to Mr. Cao. If Wang Hou hadn’t pocketed the money from the sale of the house in Luoyang Guixingfang, Cao Cao would undoubtedly have appreciated Wang Hou even more.

Luoyang has seen it all, and it is logical to come to Guanzhong by the way, and to promote Mr. Cao's command over Guanzhong by the way.

The situation in the Han Empire is a bit complicated now. In theory, Cao Wei has already been established. Three years ago, Sun Quan was not defeated in the battle of Ruxukou. He proclaimed himself the Duke of Wei and founded the Kingdom of Wei. The capital was in Ye, and the territory directly under the Wei vassals included ten counties in Jizhou. The official title of the State of Wei has actually set up an institutional team for Cao Wei to replace the Han Dynasty.

Last year, the foundation of the state of Wei was laid, and Cao Cao took another step closer. He forced Emperor Xian of Han to proclaim himself king of Wei, which broke the rule that Han Gaozu Liu Bang made 300 years ago that different surnames cannot be kings, and further tore the Han Empire majesty.

This political struggle in the Central Plains is indeed treacherous and cruel. In the Battle of Ruxukou three years ago, Xun Yu, who had always been Cao Cao’s right-hand man, was forced to death by Cao Cao because he opposed entering Wei Gong. Cao Cao officially named Cao Pi as the heir of King Wei. In the battle for the sons, the second son, Cao Zhang, and the third son, Cao Zhi, were officially out.

However, for Liaodong, or for Wang Hou in Guanzhong today, Cao Cao still expressed great goodwill. Take this visit as an example, he did not notify Wang Hou with official documents that your boss and I have come to inspect your work, but It was because Cao Zhang was sent to inform Cao Zhang first, and then Cao Zhang told Wang Hou, that the reason why both of them were caught off guard.

This feeling is a bit like the father-in-law calling his son who works in his son-in-law's company and telling him that the old man wants to come to your company to see what he looks like, which is much more cordial.

Of course, there are no absolutes in politics. God knows what Cao Cao is thinking?Whether the intimate movements are paralyzing Wang Hou, no one can say for sure!
Therefore, the Kansai "Jester" Lunzhi was more thoughtful, and the guards who followed Wang Hou to greet him all had their firecrackers ready, and Zhao Yun, who was regarded as the number one thug loyal to Wang Hou, even acted as a bodyguard again. In Lunzhi's reminder, he followed Wang Hou's side every step of the way.

Put the story of Liu Bang's victory over Han Xin, the king of Chu, at the front, and the heart of defense is indispensable!
Fortunately, this time the defense seems to be useless. After all, the step of Cao Cao’s suppression of the Han has not been achieved in the general environment. It has not yet reached the time when the part of the Cao Group’s stolen money is torn apart. Wang Hou, the son-in-law, has always been "loyal", not to mention Cao Cao. The important money bag, on June [-]th, the meeting to meet Mr. Cao in the southern suburbs of Chang'an was very harmonious.

"Meet King Wei!"

Cao Zhang is brilliant. After all, he is the general of Guanzhong that Wang Hou accepted his fate. In the past three years, the Chang'an Army with 1 field troops has also been successfully built. On the Weinan Plain, with his order, the cavalry dismounted and the infantry paid homage. , as he roared in front of the army, tens of thousands of soldiers under the banner of the Great Wei bowed down in unison. That scene was really spectacular.

Wang Hou's own political consciousness is also good, the banner he flies is also Wei Guanzhong's Daxingtai King, he is the leader, the military and political chief of Guanzhong, Chang'an General Xia Houyuan, Yongzhou Governor Sima Yi, Liangzhou Governor Zhang Ji, Daxing Director Shi Lunzhi , Jing Zhaoyin Du Ji, Weinan Ling Tao Sheng and other civil and military officials in Kansai also followed him to prostrate.

"See King Wei!"

"Haha, gentlemen, please stand up!"

Cao Cao's voice is still so loud and powerful, but after not seeing him for more than a year, Cao Cao's hair is obviously a lot grayer, and his old signs are becoming more and more obvious. Smiling, he walked up to Wang Hou, and slapped Wang Hou on the shoulder, almost cutting him off.

"You can do it, kid! The old man thought that the Qiang chaos in Kansai would make you flustered too. The Qiang chaos that has plagued me for a hundred years has actually been put down by you boy in five years! My Cao Mengde's daughter really has bright eyes, following you kid, she will be famous in history!"

"Thanks to my father-in-law for your wise command and Sima Inspector General Xiahou's great help. Without you and them, my son-in-law would have achieved nothing!"

The credit goes to the leader, and you have to unite with your colleagues. After being a small leader for so long, Wang Hou himself has become more and more tactful. After some flattering, Cao Cao raised his head and laughed, and slapped Wang Hou again with a smile. He almost patted him on the shoulder, making him paralyzed.

"Well, you are a king, you can give this old man a high hat! You are the old man's son-in-law, you are capable, and the old man is proud of you! That's fine, I am not here because you are not at the door to brag about each other, so why don't I invite you Let’s take a look at the three-point area of ​​this acre?”

"Father-in-law please!"

The old man is really not a real relative, even if your old scumbag is the one with the highest force value among the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms, you shouldn't shoot like this!Shaking his sore shoulders, Wang Hou stepped aside sadly.


Although Luoyang Chang'an was created by Wang Hou, it is still very different, the most different is the atmosphere!Luoyang is not Wang Hou's international metropolis, so except for the city wall and the palace and the noble surname square for the Heluo clan to live in, there are basically no other supporting facilities, so it is a political city, a bit similar to the peanut shield of later generations.

And Chang'an is the twister of the old beauty in later generations. The political atmosphere is very ordinary, but the economy and leading the trend are very different. Following Cao Cao, Zhong Yao, Hua Xin, Wang Lang and other important officials who had not taken it seriously at all simply entered the Grand View Garden with Grandma Liu. In that way, Jia Xu, one of the three princes of Wei State who had been in Qingzhou, had the comfortable look of returning home.

Walking in front, Wang Hou dutifully introduced like a good tour guide.

"This place is a big racecourse. There are many good riders in Liangzhou. There are representative teams in every county and county. Leagues are held here every month to inspire everyone's martial arts! To help the prime minister to help the troubled times!"

"This place is the Guanzhong Library. During Dong Zhuo's rebellion, most of the books collected by the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years were destroyed by the war. In the past few years, my son-in-law has collected various shares among the people, copied them, placed them here, and even printed them out for sale among the people. From my son-in-law’s point of view, protecting these ancient books is not to lock them up, but to publish them and sell them, the more books there are in existence, the more conducive to the preservation and dissemination of our great Han culture!”

"To the right of this place is the East Market, and to the left is the West Market. Hu merchants from the Western Regions sell goods in the west, and Han merchants gather in the east! This place is the largest source of income in Chang'an City, and it can collect millions of dollars in taxes every day!"


Needless to say, there is a scene in Chang’an, the colossal statue of Mr. Cao, this flattery is really flattering. I watched my 33-meter colossus rising from the ground, touching the big sword with both hands, facing the mighty north to the north and facing the south. Not only was Mr. Cao not a little bit embarrassed by that majestic demeanor, but he took a deep breath of intoxication, and stopped to appreciate it slowly.

Except for Sima Yi, who is exhausted from looking at it every day, and Xia Houyuan, the rest, even Jia Xu, looking at this giant statue with a brass-plated watch, couldn't help revealing a dark color of jealousy, and secretly gritted his teeth in his heart and despised Wang Houlai. .

(End of this chapter)

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