Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 731 Dahan No. 1 Real Estate Developer

Chapter 731 Dahan No. [-] Real Estate Developer
The city wall is not what you want to build, you can build it if you want to!
The majestic feudal hierarchy rules have been handed down since the Zhou Dynasty. How tall and big the emperor lived in the city, how tall and big the princes lived in the city, and how tall and big the scholar-officials lived in the city. Last year, in the 18th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao was officially canonized by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty as the king of Wei after the opponent's political game. , Dingdu Ye.

In order to show his lofty authority, Cao Cao deliberately built Yecheng, his administrative city, to be six feet higher than Xudu, where the emperor of Han lived, during the reconstruction. But you, Wang Tu, wanted to build Chang'an, and you built another one that was fifteen feet higher than Yecheng. .

Do you want to do your father-in-law's work, or do you want to rebel?


Listening to Lunzhi's analysis, Wang Hou sucked in a bitter breath, the pockmarks were not pockmarked, it was really a scam.

"Old Lun, what do you say?"

"What else can I do? Before anyone makes trouble, smash the wall down 21 feet!"

Lunzhi spread his hands as a matter of course, but Wang Hou's heart was bleeding for a moment.

Liaodong is far away, and the cement is still transported to Jiuyuan by train. The slag cement bought from two profiteers, Xiahouba and Nanxiongnu Shanyu Huchuquan, has a seven-meter-high city wall and a five-meter-high wall above it. Lou, it's all money!
In particular, after finally building a miracle, and then taking it down, for Wang Hou, a Virgo with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it's like a hardened old heart.

"Can you not pick it up?"

"This subordinate is trying to die to follow the lord, and this subordinate will go out and ask someone to kill Sima Yi and others, and then our army will strike first, take Heluo first, destroy Xudu, and then go straight to Yecheng!"

Hearing the passionate appearance of this old man, Wang Hou simply rolled his eyes, and immediately pinched the treacherous beard on his chin, and leaned on the chair in distress. "

But after all, it was Wang Tiangao, he was confused for a while, and suddenly he stretched out his hand excitedly and pulled out the charcoal pencil on the table.

"There is a move!"

While Lunzhi poked his old head in amazement, Guaziba pulled out a piece of white paper, bit his tongue, and Wang Hou began to scribble happily.

However, after spending half of it, Wang Hou, who had no talent for painting at all, sadly threw the ball of paper into the trash can, baring his teeth and yelling, looking at the draft of a stick figure-level giant standing in the ruins of the city. up.

"Painting Master Zhang Kun!"


It was a bad idea to dismiss the impatient Lun and send this old man out of the house. Wang Hou, who had solved a major matter, stood up facing the window in a good mood, stretched his waist heavily, and strolled coquettishly to Zhen Mi sniffled heavily in front of the mysterious gift given to her by those Eastern Qiang students, a bunch of yellow and golden flowers.

However, just after taking two puffs, Wang Hou couldn't help straightening his eyes, and suddenly pulled a yellow flower in front of him, making such a fuss that he even stared straight at his eyes.

"Isn't this rapeseed?"

"Who presented this flower! Come on, send someone to the academy quickly, and find out the flower presenter to me!"


The transportation and communication in this era is really a headache. No wonder the ancients could conjecture that the swan geese passed on the letter. In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed. Only then did it come back.

When replying to the letter, Wang Hou was just like a contractor, wearing a big hat of General Assembly B on his head, inspecting the construction site himself.

Originally, the Xiqiang talents who came to Chang’an City to work as migrant workers had been here for more than 25 days, and it was less than a month before they were paid. However, the [-] migrant workers in Dongqiang were paid on the [-]th of each month. In order to boost morale, Wang Hou also Don't worry about these things, a man in his prime pays a stone of wheat for a bunch of money, women get half of it, and get rid of the old and the weak.

Every Qiang family can have five or six workers, so let’s do the math!Working for Wang Hou for one month can earn enough food for him to farm for three months at home, and he still has money to pay. The Qiang people who were still a little bit restless were more settled down, and the whole construction site was in full swing.

However, the busy construction site is not the Daxingtai Mansion, nor the most profitable construction market that Wang Hou wants to build, but the Prime Minister's Mansion!
This is what Wang Hou wanted to do. Isn't Lao Tzu overstepping the rules?Then don’t build the Daxingtai Mansion, and just get a small villa to live in. First, build the Prime Minister’s Mansion. Chang’an City is not governed by yourself in name, but dedicated to your "wise and powerful" old wife. Father-in-law Mr. Cao, Chang'an is in charge of Wei Wang Cao Cao, and it is not his Wang Hou, so naturally there is no such thing as overreach.

Moreover, after the prime minister's mansion is completed, it is impossible for Cao Cao to come to work in Guanzhong. He dominates the world in the Guandong, and he is eyeing Sun Quan. He left the backyard for Cao Cao. Isn't the front yard still the place where Wang Hou works? !

Then besides the Prime Minister's Mansion, Wang Hou also did a project to flatter Mr. Cao, that is, between the Prime Minister's Mansion and the reserved central government office, a spacious Chang'an Central Axis Road was built covering an area of ​​tens of meters. In the large round turntable, in the middle of the turntable, surrounded by dense scaffolding, the chariot cast by reinforced concrete and the hem of the robe have already begun to appear.

A few days ago, Sima Yi, an old cunt, was also openly helping the poisonous people. He wrote a letter to Yecheng, emphasizing that Wang Hou built the city wall of Chang'an to deter the western barbarians from their last resort. Sima Yi's allies in the court also wrote a letter to defend it. Like the snowflake movie, it reflects a kind of ambitious appearance of Wang Hou deliberately overstepping the rules, and also wanting to use the opportunity to suppress Cao Cao's consent.

But he didn't know that Wang Hou's letter of guilt had already been delivered to Cao Cao. In the letter, he should kowtow, bluntly saying that he was too pretentious as a law-blind man, and the city wall was built higher. Always build a giant statue of a hundred feet in the center of Chang'an to show that Chang'an City is led by Mr. Cao!

Before Cao Cao agreed, Wang Hou had already started to do it, and he was still engraving a stele of merit and virtue on the bottom, praising Mr. Cao's achievements since he raised the army, which was comparable to that of Dayu.

Last year's crusade against Sun Quan failed again. Now Cao Cao's political orientation has changed from unifying the world to suppressing the northern gentry, imitating Wang Mang, building momentum to replace the old Liu family with his own old Cao family, and become emperor.

Wang Hou's construction of Chang'an City exceeded the limit, and he arrogantly stood the colossal statue of Cao Cao on the central axis of the accompanying capital Chang'an City.He succeeded in controlling the flood, and then defeated Emperor Shun with his own achievements, and also changed the system of the public world into the system of the family world. Using this as a metaphor for Cao Cao, isn’t Cao Cao qualified to be the emperor because he has made great contributions in calming the troubled times?

He, Wang Tuqiu, is still the son-in-law of Cao Cao. When these series of things are connected together, it can create the illusion that Cao Cao secretly instructed Wang Hou, so in order to show respect, the civil servants and generals who obeyed Cao Cao's regime had to compete to write letters. Give Wang Hou a compliment and praise him for his good cultivation.

Holding his chin, he looked at the majestic colossus in front of him. Cao Cao's schizophrenic old face appeared in his mind, which was both angry and happy. Wang Hou almost laughed out loud. I really think he is a political genius !

However, just as he was pinching his chin and watching his workers keep putting steel bars upwards and then making bones, and he was complacent, the old guy galloped towards him panting with sweat on his brow.

"My lord! Yecheng replied!"

Lunzhi was deeply skeptical of Wang Hou's unreliable approach. He knelt on the ground and presented the urgent document. Seeing Wang Hou spread out the official document and read it hastily, his old face could not wait to touch the document.

While he was staring eagerly, Wang Hou, who had only glanced twice, suddenly twitched his old face violently, and the left corner of his mouth pulled to the left as if he had suffered a stroke.

Looking at the face of his lord, one doesn't need to read the text to know it. Wang Hou is [-]% clever but was mistaken by cleverness, and suffered a big loss!

"Timo's! I'm a profiteer? Cao Mengde is the world's biggest profiteer!"

Returning to the temporary office in Sanqingguan again, Wang Hou snarled sadly as he knocked on the table.

Cao Cao agreed to the political temptation of his colossus, and even praised him in the official document, but at the end of the official document, he was given a task to fill in.

The Duke is so good at building the city and casting the fortress, Luoyang, the capital of the gods, and paying it to the Duke, so as to restore the glory of our heaven and Han, and look forward to it!

Translated into adult language, it means that you are so willing to repair miracles, so let you repair enough, don't just repair Chang'an!Luoyang City was also repaired by the old man, and it had to follow this standard!If you can’t fix it, the old man will kill you!

This really regarded him as the number one real estate developer in the Han Empire!
Feeding three 10,000+ workers plus their family members, and paying for materials, has almost exhausted Wang Hou, the richest man in the big man. Now Cao Cao has added a task for him to restore Luoyang City that was lost by Dong Zhuo. He is dead!
His face was full of pain, under the disdainful gazes of Lunzhi and Deng Ai, while howling sadly, Wang Hou leaned his head upside down on the chair like a sack.

"Where can I find so much money?"

(End of this chapter)

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