Chapter 575 New Product Launch

Upper decision decided by the economic background!

Compared with the Han Empire at this time, the establishment of Liaodong has made a difference. In the pass, the rulers are the big landlords who own a large amount of land, farming, studying and family heirlooms. The big manors of the big landlords are also the main economic foundation of the Han Empire.

But here outside the pass, the land heirloom family has not yet formed. Only the constant flow of merchants in the pass support Wang Hou's financial operations. In addition to the self-cultivating farmers he cultivated, there are even large tracts of land leased to merchants in the form of contracting. Hiring people to cultivate, this form of agriculture also surpassed feudal farms, and is somewhat similar to the business model of large farms in the middle of the American Devils of later generations.

Those in power here are warlords and big businessmen.

Then the investment promotion conference held in Jinzhou this time was another grand event where warlords and businessmen colluded together.

Needless to say, those who do business are more diligent than the gentry who exploit serfs as rice worms. After all, the gentry only need to wait for the autumn harvest to collect taxes and exchange grain for money to enjoy themselves, and no matter how big the boss is, he has to participate in the operation. It took at least a month for Wang Hou to call for business solicitation, but in Liaodong, it took five days for businessmen from Liaocheng to come.

Now the commercial gentry has also formed a unique culture of the commercial gentry. For example, at this reception, the gentry used to have a table for each person. It would be nice to drink and eat vegetables and watch the little girls sing and dance. This time, it was not fixed at all. Tables, a row of square tables are placed in the middle of the banquet hall on the third floor of the Jinzhou Government Mansion, on which there are all kinds of good wine and ready-made snacks and cold meals, which can be taken at will.

Because compared to the extraordinarily full pace of life of the gentry, who are full of food and drink, reciting poems and painting, merchants are much faster. They need to exchange information at any time, such as the price of mountain products exported to Hong Kong this season, and the purchase of medicinal materials in the deep mountains of Eastern Liaodong. Hong merchants hand over new orders to merchants who set up shop in the port, or exchange all information that is beneficial to commerce.

But even if he was so busy, compared with the development of the island city and Ma'anshan, the number of big businessmen who came to attend the Wang Hou meeting was more than doubled, and they were no longer limited to the businessmen who had been in Qingxu for two weeks. They went south to Jingzhou Wu Jun , west to Liangzhou, Guanzhong, there were even a dozen bearded and turbaned Hu merchants from the Western Regions who got invitations from who knows where and mixed into the venue.

These guys don't admit to being strangers, they speak a crash course version of Mandarin, cheeky and babbling, forcefully squeezed into the local circle, and exchanged information along with it.

This also shows that Wang Hou's supportive class is also becoming stronger and wider, and it is opposite to the Confucian traditional status of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and these rising big capitalist vampires can only follow in Wang Hou's footsteps, and they cannot change their families. No matter how loyal to any other warlord, this is Wang Hou's greatest advantage!He is going to build himself into the East India Company of the Han Empire!

The next step into the grassland is also an extremely important step towards the Great Han East India Company!
"My lord is here!"

Suddenly, a few heavy armored infantrymen standing at the door raised their halberds to salute, leading the civil servants and advisers under their command, Wang Hou limped in, but this walking posture did not damage his majesty at all. When he came in, the hall that was originally full of excitement became completely silent in an instant. In the next second, all the big businessmen, whether they knew him or not, clasped their fists and bowed down in unison.

"Meet General Zhenbei!"

"Get up, everyone! Haha, Mr. Tian finally came early today, so there is no need for me to send someone to invite me!"

Among the crowd, Tian Rang, the "Boss of Liaodong Big Coal", was also talking loudly with his beard. Hearing Wang Hou's jokes, the old guy couldn't help but blushed, cupped his fists with a wry smile and replied, "General, don't laugh at me!" I'm old! The general bestows riches and honor on me, but I don't know it, I'm really ashamed!"

A joke made the originally serious atmosphere of the venue a lot more lively. While walking towards the main stage, Wang Hou was still laughing.

"That's also Tian Lao Hongfu! If you have wealth, you have to chase Tian Lao to give it to you!"

"But this time, wealth is not as easy as it was in the coal mine! You are well-informed, and you should know that this year I have an agreement with Xianbei Lord Ke Bineng! Liaodong! I will build a city on the grassland! And this city is what I want to discuss with you. Wealth!"

With a swipe, the huge map of Monan and Mobei was put down from the rostrum. Looking at the densely painted rivers, grasslands and swamps on it, a large group of Liaodong business groups could not help but focus all their attention on the press conference. The child's impression has deepened a lot.

However, this big picture was actually mostly compiled by Wang Hou. There is no way to do it. There is no satellite GPS to take pictures these days. Where can he find out the terrain of such a big desert in the south and north? Only a part of it is according to Li Hu also drew from the memories of other Xianbei people under his command, and the rest were all made up.

However, these days the map represents power, and I didn't intend to really follow them anyway, just fooling around for a while.

It also has the style of the new product launch conference of later generations. It showed the PPT car building project. Anyway, Wang Hou showed some actual products. After he slapped his hands, the maids served a lot of small bone china cups. Holding cups of pale white lotion, on the other end, several guards brought several large boxes. After opening, there were balls of wool inside, ranging from thick to thin.

It's useless to invite Wang Hou to run to those small cups. These big merchants have already consciously divided up, each of them takes a sip, and they still slam their mouths after drinking. However, the production of bone china has not kept up now, let alone high-end and low-end ones. Bone china is scarce in the market. In front of Wang Hou's face, many people took the finished cup as a gift and stuffed it in their sleeves. The corners of Wang Gelangtai's mouth twitched, so they had to pretend that they hadn't seen it. arrive.

After tasting the new milk tea, the curious business groups were like cats, each of them took a ball of wool and played with it.

"What do you guys think?"

"The general is so elegant. I drank milk, but I didn't expect that milk and tea can be boiled together. The flavor is extraordinarily novel and delicious. And this thread, it should be wool! Near my Kangju, some Qiang people will comb hair This kind of woolen yarn, but theirs is all woolen colored yarn, not as gorgeous as the general's colored yarn at all!"

"Both can be sold for a price!"

Not to mention, it's no wonder that the Mongols use Semu people to manage finances. These bigwigs from the Western Regions do have a way of doing business. Just as Wang Hou finished speaking, a businessman from the Western Regions with a high nose and deep eyes spoke that convoluted Chinese. When the answer came up, Wang Hou couldn't help but feel depressed when he heard it. He still planned to play tricks and show off!
But since the answer came up, Wang Hou didn't need to waste his time, he took out a leather bag from under the seat, took a ball of wool in his hand, and held two things, he restrained his smile and said solemnly.

"These two things are the main purpose of recruiting you here!"

"Wool and milk powder!"

(End of this chapter)

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