Chapter 562
This time Wang Hou was really ashamed and out of position!Let Ke Bi Neng be a barbarian like Guan Yu and fight alone, he will be shocked.

"Here! Please!"

Although the knitting project of the fine-wool sheep did not start last year, and the first phase of investment was invested in the Yuwenbu Bone China Industrial Park in Liucheng, it does not mean that Wang Hou forgot about it. Last year, among hundreds of thousands of sheep, For the more than 100 fine-wool sheep selected by Caisai, Wang Hou opened a breeding sheep base in Beizhen at the foot of Yiwulu Mountain, and selected a technical team from the production elite of Rizhao Cotton Textile Base to study how to weave wool. into wool.

Taking Ke Bineng on horseback to this small breeding sheep base that day, in front of a concrete compound, Wang Hou stretched out his hand in resentment and made a letter of invitation, inviting the technical bandit to go first.

Without the absolute comprehension of walking with a great traverser, this prairie hero dismounted first without any scruples, and stretched out his hand to push open the big red-painted iron gate that was the same as the gate of a farmer's brother's factory in later generations.

Seeing the scene inside, the prairie hero couldn't help being in a trance.

The reciprocal integration of ethnic groups that Wang Houyao wanted is fully realized here. The workers in this sheep breeding farm include Han Chinese, Wuhuan people, and Xianbei people. They can be clearly distinguished by their appearance and clothing, but everyone But they are integrated together, and they are all working hard for the same job.

At this time, just in time for the spring wool of the previously raised fine-wool sheep to grow out again, the workers led the workers to the sheepfold for more than a dozen sheep that had been used to being squeezed. Hey and batch service, as the scissors clicked, pieces of wool fell off one after another.

In fact, if you understand a little bit, you will know everything. Wool spinning is not much more difficult than cotton spinning. The key is how to make this messy wool into a fluffy state like a cotton ball.

To deal with cotton, weavers use elastic, but to deal with wool, it takes a little more effort, that is, washing and combing!

It is said that within seven steps of a poisonous snake, the snake venom antidote will grow. This wool and the Northwest are really a perfect match. Wang Houlue seemed satisfied, while Ke Bineng looked at it with a slightly frowning brow, and cut it off. The large clumps of wool were stuffed into hot water by the workers, sprinkled with lye, and washed vigorously.

Wang Hou was so sleepy watching such a boring process, he simply ordered someone to pull another sheep nearby.Thanks to the cumin powder brought back by Bowanghou Zhangqian, mixed with Bashu rattan pepper powder instead of chili noodles, Wang Hou actually roasted the whole lamb humming a little tune heartlessly.

But as expected of Ke Bineng, he, a wild prairie man, was able to bear his temper, and he almost didn't even blink, paying attention to every step of grooming, watching with his own eyes the clumps of wool turning slightly yellow from afar. The Ututus were washed until they were as white as cotton, and then they were scooped up by workers to dry them in the sun, and then they were combed into large balls of cotton candy-like wool with an extremely dense wool comb full of tiny steel needles. .

The last thing is spinning. More than a dozen women of various ethnic groups are sitting on the ground. Regardless of the kind of spinning wheel that often appears in Eastern or Western movies, they step on it with their feet, but they are very patiently holding the big pieces in their hands. During the rotation of the flywheel, the wool wadding that was originally a large piece quickly tightened and quickly turned into the kind of thread that people in the Central Plains are most familiar with. Bundles of thick or thin wool threads of various types were formed. out of shape.

These threads can also be spun into cotton or silk-like cloth with a spinning wheel, but Wang Hou’s own preference is to make thick threads, just like when Wang Hou was a child, his mother sat on the kang in winter and wove it with long needles. Let a few prodigal daughter-in-laws in my family knit sweaters for me.

Ke Bi Neng stared blankly at the balls of spun cotton thread, and Wang Hou deliberately took off his coat after the mutton test was finished, and woven it for Lu Ji inside, revealing the cotton coat with cute images. Carrying a heavy leg of lamb, he greeted with a smile on his face.

"Brother Ke Bineng, sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood, let's fill your stomach first and then talk!"

"These..., these female workers are all given to me Xianbei! From now on, Xianbei is your most steadfast ally, General Wang!"

In this era, the most precious and popular commodity of the Han people on the grasslands is still silk. It is really a product that can compete with silk. Turning around, he gestured excitedly to Wang Hou.

Who knows that Wang Hou is not in a hurry now. The sharp meat cutting knife produced in Ma'anshan cut into the tender and delicious lamb shoulder blade, and a piece of it was in his mouth. He enjoyed the delicious food all over again. While thinking backwards, he shook his head and hummed .

"It's useless even if I give it to you!"

"General Wang, are you going to break your promise? Are you really going to fight a tug-of-war with my Daxianbei warriors?"

"Even if you spun cloth! How do you sell it? Do business with the gentry in the Guanzhong of Bingzhou? You can try it, those guys who are so cruel as to be ashamed of themselves have to lower the price to the point where beggars are crying, Hetao Southern Huns? They might be interested, but are you short of cattle and sheep?"

"There's also the Western Regions. Either the merchants under your command have to turn their heads twice more than those with beards, or you have to use a knife to force them to give a fair price, but it's okay to go directly with your cavalry. There is a difference!"

"In addition, will you manage and build a factory? Will you organize production? How to upgrade the quality? How to form a caravan to distribute the results! How to benefit the various departments of Xianbei? Have you thought about it?"

To say that nomads and nomads are also different, just like Arabs, they seem to be born with this kind of business talent, while the nomadic tribes active in the south and north of the desert, the Central Asia and West Asia prairie are better at wielding knives. Kublai Khan established the Great Yuan Dynasty, as well as the four glorious Mongolian Khanates, almost all of which had to entrust their finances to the Semu people to manage.

In addition, the Mongolian princes in the late Qing Dynasty also made Shanxi merchants play around. Many Mongolian princes even lost money in business and were heavily in debt.

Wang Hou’s familiar terminology, Ke Bineng’s brain is really big. Even if he has consulted the Central Plains gentry, this set of Tao Zhugong’s theory, the gentry who cultivated and studied the heirlooms are also very familiar with it. Awkward, know nothing.

"Then, what's your suggestion, General?"

"Wool weaving can be given to you! But I can't give it to you for free, and I have to take a profit from it!"

"When building a city in the grassland, the fine-wool sheep are handed over to the Xianbei tribe to raise them. After shaved, they are sent to the grassland city for processing and spinning. This part of the manpower is also provided by Xianbei, preferably female workers. You Xianbei men are so lazy that I am annoyed! Let me run the business, you can also send Xianbei nobles to follow the management and study, but! Don’t mess with the rules, dare to block Lao Tzu’s way of making money, I will let someone beat you out, and then don’t blame me for not saying hello to you!”

"As for marketing, this seat is responsible for sales. The merchants in Liaodong will sell woolen cloth and wool to the entire Han Empire, but Liaodong will take half of the profit!"

"No, at most I will give you [-]% to General Zhenbei!"

"Hey! Then let's go to war!"

In front of Yinzi, Wang Hou refused to let go, his eyes were burning, and the heads of the two black-hearted thugs were pushed together, and the eyeballs creaked and sparked like lightning, just like two goats in heat...

(End of this chapter)

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