Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 547 There is still a long way to go!

Chapter 547 There is still a long way to go!

The battle of Xiangping is over.Before the start of the war, Wang Hou also implemented the neck-stuck strategy first, using the cavalry to occupy the countryside of Xuantu County and cut off the connection between Xiangping City and the counties under his command. Zhou Mu Dayin went to wander around the county towns and mountain towns, and the settlements in various counties in Xuantu County of the Han Dynasty almost fell in anticipation.

It's just that in the whole war, there were two things that the big guys couldn't think of.

One is that under such an iron wall, the head of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Kang, who is known as Pingzhou Mu, has slipped away!

The army sealed off the huge and magnificent Pingzhou Shepherd Palace, which occupies a quarter of Xiangping City. 2000 people searched the ground. Under the rocks, in the well, and in the dog hole, the sergeant took a big halberd and tossed it. I searched and couldn't find it.

It’s not that no one doubted Cao Zhang who rushed into the city first. He made a big round of the Pingzhou pastoral palace and brought out Gongsun Yuan, Gongsun Kang’s concubine No. [-], and more than a dozen heavy treasure boxes. After a moment of doubt, Cao Zhang was ruled out again. After all, he really had no reason to release Gongsun Kang. Moreover, after the robbery, he returned to Wang Hou's central army with these wives and trophies to show off.

Everything is under the nose of General Zhenbei, so Wang Zhenbei will not collude with the enemy and release this enemy who has been against him for two years and still has great influence in Liaodong!

The second unexpected thing is that Wang Zhenbei is really sick!
To be honest, after capturing a warlord in this era, it is not uncommon to kill all the officials under the other party's command. Twenty days ago, Wang Hou sent envoys to the city to publicize the order of extermination. Those who did not surrender, two hundred All officials above Shi were killed!
When the Liaodong Army entered the city, there were thousands of dignitaries in Xiangping City. Many families had even hung ropes on the beams. Hearing the army’s boots creaking and walking on the thick bluestone slabs that no one cleaned, Some impetuously scraped themselves directly onto the girder.

But just listening to the army crackling away, it took half a day, not to mention the door-to-door robbery, not even a normal form of looting by the city, the neck was hung on the beam for a long time, the pants were peeing, and there was no one For example, those dignitaries came down from the beam quietly.

Besides, others attacked the city by burning, killing and looting, but Wang Hou’s attacking the city was as if he was sending warmth. The martial law on the streets was lifted for only one day. When going to the market, Wang Tiangao even urgently transported a batch of grain from Lianjiao City, and sold it here to the common people at a low price.

Even those who have no money are fine, as long as you record in the account book which fang, the old Zhang family, and the old Li family you are from, and how much food you owe the government, you can transport the food home in advance.

Some Xiangping dignitaries who didn’t want to wait to die even disguised themselves, put on women’s clothes, and tried to sneak out of the city. There were indeed sergeants at the gate of the city to check, but it was just a registration.

Under such circumstances, some packed up their clothes and went straight to Lelang County, the last territory of the Gongsun family, to the south of the Datong River. head!

Confused for a while, and turned back again!

The handover of Xiangping City does not look like a regime change!

But it seems weird, but it is actually very easy to understand, the ass determines the head!
Sitting in the position of Wang Hou, what he wants is the whole Liaodong, just like the lump of the rise of the post-Golden Tatars. The most troublesome thing about Liaodong in this era is not that there is too much land to allocate, but that the population is too small to be developed, especially recently. Wang Hou also lost Qingzhou, which has a population of nearly 200 million. Now Lianjiaocheng, Jinzhou, Liaodong County, and Huren under his command have a total population of 40.

Facing the big city of 20 people that the Gongsun family managed to toss together, Wang Hou really couldn't bear the pain. Was he willing to commit a massacre?
The other side of Wang Hou's foresight was revealed again. Letting Gongsun Kang and his loyal clan and letting him escape to Lelang County was not just for self-defilement and to take care of Cao Cao.

It is true that in the future when I collect Lelang County again, I will have to spend a lot of money, but that will be a few years later, and even if Gongsun Kang escapes to Lelang County, Lelang is still the regime of the Han people, the land of the Han Empire!

But if Wang Hou came to a political massacre and killed all Gongsun Kang's staff, and now he doesn't care about the Korean Peninsula, then it's really not sure who Le Lang County is.

Now beside him, there is an ambitious wolf Goguryeo squatting covetously!
Just like in history, Sima Yi, an immortal old man, pretended to slaughter Xiangping City, and brought hundreds of thousands of households back to the Central Plains for his own political interests. As a result, Liaodong Xuantu was annexed by the Xianbei people immediately. The territory of Xinyueban, today's Lelang County, was completely swallowed by Goguryeo.

Then, taking advantage of the Wuhua chaos in the Central Plains, Murong Yan also gradually went south, and Goguryeo gradually invaded the entire Liaodong, and the foundation that Emperor Wu of the Han finally laid down was completely lost.

The political influence caused by this era even affected the era before Wang Hou traveled. Half of Lelang County on the Korean Peninsula will never be taken back, and the border with later generations of North Korea has changed from the Datong River to the Yalu River.

Therefore, let Gongsun Kang flee to Lelang, let him fight Goguryeo to death, and save Lelang County. In the long run, it is worthwhile!
After dealing with external politics, it's time for internal fighting again!In the long run, although Wang Hou made a lot of money in this battle, he won Fushun, Shenyang, Tieling, and Liaoyang, the grain-producing areas in the heart of Liaoning Province, which have a population of at least 40. Totally lost.

This battle was not cheap. It cost 90 min of silk cloth, 60 to 5000 million yuan, more than [-] shi of grain, armor and other supplies, especially in order to hold Xiangping and not be killed by the allied Goguryeo. The Fuyu people also plundered by the Mohe people, a mountainous nomadic people who are good at fighting. Wang Hou also spent more than [-] sets of armor, [-] knives, and [-] pieces of cloth.

You are unlucky for the foreign troops who did not participate in the siege!Those who are not qualified to enter the city and participated in the siege, especially the Mohe people who are ruthless in battle and almost never lose every game, Wang Hou gave two choices, either enter the city to find out by themselves, or directly set a set of sword armor and a piece of cloth , weigh yourself which is cost-effective.

No matter how much you go to the city to rob, it is impossible to have a good weapon made by a great Han craftsman. Almost most of the people in Mohe chose the former, and the opinions of those few were ignored by Wang Hou!

After spending this part of the money, you have to spend Ye City's political donations!Although generally speaking, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for Mr. Cao, it is still a catastrophe for Wang Hou's Liaodong regime. attracted to oneself.

His enemies in the court must know that there are quite a few!If you want to win this political battle, survive at the lowest cost and win Cao Cao's political favor, you must not be reluctant to give up money!

The money spent these past few days was so shameless that Wang was convulsed. He even made a fuss in his house. First, he voted for Mr. Cao. Pack them all together and send them to Yecheng in a fragrant car.

Then he made a big circle around his Zhenbei General's Mansion, and all the antique bronzes he got in Qingzhou were also taken out.

Then there are several boxes of gold that he regards as his lifeblood.

The last is the bone china output of Liucheng Bone China Field in this quarter, with more than 2 pieces of large and small porcelain.

"Don't worry brother-in-law! You are so righteous! My father will definitely reciprocate and we will tide over the difficulties together!"

More than 2000 members of the "Wang Clan" Mission straddled in front of Xiangping City. This time it was really a sight to behold. They were appointed as the envoys of the mission, holding their fists. What made him lose face was that Wang Hou didn't even pay attention to him. Instead, he clasped his fists and bowed heavily to the two deputy envoys, chief secretary Li Fu, and Lianjiao prefect Zhen Yao.

"Everything, please leave it to the two of you!"

"My lord, don't worry, I will go through fire and water, and I will never hesitate!"

(End of this chapter)

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