Chapter 541 The last laugh

The ass decides the head, let alone Zang Ba, who is so angry that his forehead is throbbing with veins and yelling about corrupt officials, he still bites a dead man and refuses to let go, and keeps yelling about rebellious officials and thieves. Wangtu hegemony.

So when the two classes of civil and military were still entangled in the Qingzhou Rebellion itself, Cao Cao asked what Wang Hou was doing!
"Returning to the Prime Minister, Tian Yu, the governor of Youzhou, is in a hurry for [-] miles. Wang Zhenbei is leading the whole army to attack Xiangping. The soldiers are killed and injured, and they are unable to support Qingzhou to suppress the rebellion!"

"The truth is known!"

After listening to Jia Xu's indifferent answer, Mr. Cao waved his hand in a very nonchalant manner, and then said indifferently to the chaotic staff group.

"I'm tired of the truth! Let's all go down!"

"But Prime Minister, the traitors are still occupying the city of Rizhao! In order to defend the majesty of the court, the brothers of the lower official clan were all killed by those traitors!"

Still upset, Cui Yan clasped his fists and clasped his fists as before, but this time, Cao Cao didn't say anything, instead, it was Xu Chu, the tiger-crazy general who was serving beside him, with wide-eyed eyes and heavy hands in his hands. The halberd buzzed and stood up.

It’s better to be ruthless. Cui Yan, who was stared at by his bull’s eye with murderous anger, immediately fell silent and choked back all his words. That photo was pretty handsome in the first place. The scholar's handsome face was flushed, as if he was constipated.

It’s better to be ruthless. If in the Ming Dynasty, a group of ministers hadn’t fought each other, causing a big political dispute, losing dozens of heads and exiling dozens of people, disrupting the country’s administrative order. It took two months to give up, but Mr. Cao, regardless of the dead Cui family or the unconvinced Zang Ba, all retreated in despair.


A political dispute was stopped in such an understatement by Mr. Cao. Not long after the ministers were dismissed, a dozen cavalrymen flew out from the Wulin camp and headed straight to the north. Five days later, the hoarding army was in Linji Lu Qian, who "observed the enemy's situation" and "waited for his own defeat", received an order that made him breathe a sigh of relief.

God has the virtue of good life!Rizhao disorderly work, make people Zhaoan!The leader of the evil is exiled to Liaodong, and the followers will not blame the past!

This result can be regarded as the victory of the Qingzhou side. Cui Cheng and dozens of people from the Qinghe Cui family died in vain. The culprit was sent to Liaodong?It was a punishment before, but now it is no different from going home. The first paw of the Central Plains family in Qingzhou was interrupted like this.

And Wang Hou also took advantage of it. Although Liaodong is called a bitter, cold and barren land, what is most lacking is either resources or population!To distribute the culprits, at least 7 to [-] experienced and middle-aged laborers can move to Liaodong, and their families can add at least [-] to [-] people to Liaodong.

More importantly, his original plan to replace Guannei Rizhao with Ma'anshan has been achieved!

But the matter is not over here, the Qinghe Cui family is only the first of the vanguard, and the rich Qingzhou will sooner or later attract the nobles of Yecheng to stretch out their claws. .

Moreover, Wang Hou, who took advantage of it, also felt that he was under more pressure!This time, it was really fortunate that Zhen Mi jumped out to remind me.

Why can Cao Cao deal with it so lightly?

Just because he was grinning and fighting against Xiangping City, even if something happened to the former territory of Rizhao, he didn't care, it proved that Wang Tuqiu really didn't have ambitions, at least he didn't keep his ambitions in the pass, and he didn't threaten President Cao's way to rule the world , So Cao Cao made a decision that was particularly beneficial to him, Wang Hou. If you say it well, it can be called a reward, but if you say it badly, it can also be called appeasement and paralysis.

But in case he has a brain and leads the soldiers back to Qingzhou, and packs his workers in Rizhao City, it is really hard to say how Mr. Cao will react. Maybe he will draw troops from Chibi and return to Qingzhou, or let Tian Yu lead the troops to the north. In short, he, Wang Tuqiu, can at least increase his priority by one or two pages on Cao Cao's defense list.

But according to this theory, if he wants to be on the back row of Mr. Cao's hit list, he Wang Hou can't live too comfortably!And as the Cao regime became more and more stable, he had to pay more and more attention!

At the moment when the Ming Empire was established, Zhu Yuanzhang was no longer the brother Zhu who led the poor brothers to fight the world. The poor brothers and heroes who herded cattle and begged for a pot together, all of them could not escape him. Suspicious red eyes have a reason.

Monarchs and ministers have no family affection!

Although the bloody turmoil in the political arena is actually restricted by the backward communication technology of this era, it has been two months since the Rizhao rebellion and Mr. The heavy snow fell, and the Liaodong military camp hoarded outside Xiangping City was covered with a layer of pure white.

According to common sense, the army besieging the enemy city in the cold winter is the most painful, but under the city of Xiangping, there happened to be a reverse series.

Coming in autumn, relying on his large number of cavalry, the strategic space outside Xiangping City was occupied by Wang Hou, and he was already ready for a long-term battle. The camp of the Liaodong Army was firmly established and deep.

What was Wang Houlai's biggest "invention" at the end of the Han Dynasty?Kang!A simple shed built of wood, with a row of Datong shops built with bricks and cement inside, and the first two stoves were fired with high-quality coal from the Ma'anshan Coal Mine, and the kang was so hot that it burned my buttocks.

Not only is the house warm, but it’s also not cold outside. The thick cotton in the big padded jacket, after intense exercise, sweats all over the body, and even Liaodong soldiers had to take off their coats at the door to cool off before coming in after returning from running and exercising outside.

In contrast, wearing single cloth clothes, drinking the famous knife style of Liaodong, the Gongsun family army on the city head was as cold as a grandson, and it was not easy for the Liaodong army to send some "warmth". The coal was lit and filled back into the colander of the cannon, and thrown into the city flickeringly, and the wooden house was set on fire to "warm" them, and they had to be splashed up with a snow bucket to quickly extinguish it.

What's more, the meal is not enough!
In the snow and ice, in order to maintain the body temperature, it consumes the most energy of the body!But I can only eat two meals a day, add a piece of less than [-] grams of grain, and a little calorie food, there is no oil or water, and when the wind blows, the whole person is blown through immediately. It feels like it is from the neck to the crotch Flying with a cool heart.

During the day and night, the coals on his head flew like meteor showers, and he was hungry to play ice and fire. As Wang Hou's enemy, it was really a double torture both physically and mentally.

But at this juncture, in the big tent of the Chinese army, whether it is Li Fu, Zhen Yao, the think tanks who served in the army, or Wu Qiujian, who was born as a military general, they all looked unbelievable and surprised. shouted against.

"At this time to launch a general attack?"

"My lord! Our army has been besieging the city for more than two months. Now the defenders of the Gongsun family in Liaodong are breathing their last breath before their collapse. Our army has a deep camp and sufficient supplies. In a month, until mid-January, even if the lord does not attack and the food is exhausted, civil strife will break out in Xiangping City, and it will surrender without a fight!"

"My lord, why do you want to rush now?"

It is true that there are urgent and slow attacks in the siege of the city. If he wanted to take Xiangping in a hurry, Wang Hou took advantage of his shamelessness and sneaked up on the cavalry to capture the city. Go down to Xiangping quickly.

Either it is the orthodox siege method, if I surround you, I will starve you to death!
This is not "Total War", you don't need to level up to train your troops to three golden bars, now Wang Hou ordered the siege, because the benefits of the rush attack were not reaped, and the siege didn't persist, and both sides lost!At the tactical level, it failed to the extreme.

But looking at the charades Jia Xu sent him from the front line, a big defeat and a small win, and listening to the three non-muscular guys with a bit of brain arguing, Wang Hou's next order was even more unbelievable. .

"Send envoys to the city! At noon today, I will attack the city. Once the city is breached, all Liaodong officials and dignitaries over [-] stone will be beheaded!"


Li Fu's beard was about to fly with anger!

(End of this chapter)

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