Chapter 496 Endless
In the lobby, he didn't even care to drink his saliva. Hearing the arguing between the two parties, Wang Hou understood the cause and effect.

But if you understand it, you understand it. Now Wang Hou is in the mood to strangle these two groups of guys. It is really the same as what Mr. Lu Xun said.A group of rats carrying guns and fighting in the nest, the master is addicted to playing a pack of games by himself!You are a coward against foreign enemies!
The reason is that other Xianbei tribes and Wuhuan tribes killed them. The first one to escape was defeated in the grassland battle last year. The Yuwen tribe was frightened. More than 8000 nomads abandoned Wang Hou The Hambintu County assigned to them turned around and fled to Jinzhou.

As a result, it rained in spring, and the large paddy fields outside Jinzhou became muddy, and most of the livestock were stuck in the far edge of the paddy fields. These people were really frightened, or thought that there was a big family in Qingzhou, the lifeblood of nomads. All the herds were gone, and they left the sheep and horses and fled directly to the bottom of the wall in Jinzhou.

Then there were the Han people outside the Great Wall. When they saw that the Yuwen Department had escaped, they also ran away with Sa Yazi. It was the same as last year's retreat drill. The 10,000+ people all retreated to Jinzhou City again.

Then the contradiction came out!This year, the barbarians can't farm anymore!They still have to eat relief food, that is, the army ration left over from General Cao's army last year, but they can get it if they have nothing to do. These Li Chang Bao Zhangs know how much food is left in the Jinzhou Daku in their hearts!It will be a problem to supply more than [-] non-Saiyan Han people until this autumn, let alone distribute a share.

But Yuwenbu is also human, without livestock, they can't starve to death!After two days of drying outside the city wall, no one came to take care of it. I was so hungry that a group of lawless barbarians on the grassland naturally came to the city with their teeth bared.

And this is not the first day of fighting. Before Wang Hou came, he had been fighting for three days, killing and wounding more than 100 of his own people!
After understanding it, Wang Hou was really angry. Anyway, he is not afraid of touching porcelain in this day and age, and this old man Zhao is still watching him eagerly waiting for his judgment!Wang Tiangao was very disrespectful to the old man. He kicked up and rolled him in the stomach.

"Take your Libao immediately, leave the city, and then go to plow the fields for me!"

Not to mention, people are really strong these days, old men and old ladies in later generations, after being kicked, immediately fell to the ground and couldn't walk away.

"Zhou Mu, but there are barbarians outside!"

"You Li, Bao, every piece of land in the village is registered in the Jinzhou Mansion Booklet! It belongs to each of your households. Your own land is not Lao Tzu's official land, nor is it what you did in Wuhuan. It's time for slaves to plow for Master Wuhuan!"

"I'm afraid that the barbarians outside the city are not! It's okay! Whoever is afraid, go out and register it, and the land of his family will be taken back, and then I will be used as a serf for Lao Tzu. According to the old system, [-]% of the land is rented for one mu of land. Four points of food, I have plenty of warriors who are willing to risk their lives to protect their homeland!"

"Go! Go now!"

Seeing Wang Hou jumping up and roaring unforgivingly, a large group of over 50 security chiefs, regardless of 48 or 84, were sweating profusely on their foreheads, drooping their heads, and hurriedly slipped out of the lobby in desperation go.

Watching Wang Hou send a group of Han people away, the nobles of the Yuwen Department of Xianbei couldn't help but show their complacency on their faces, but when they turned their heads, Wang Hou slapped Yu Wenhong's clothes again. collar.

"The Ministry of Yuwen has no food, and I can provide food for emergency! But! Take your people out now, don't worry about Xianbei Wuhuan wandering around Jinzhou, I will chop off five hundred heads and bring them back!"

At this moment, Yu Wenhong couldn't help being dumbfounded, and faltered and started to draw his strokes there.

"Master Shangguo, who is as majestic as the god of thunder, the outer area..., the outer area may be pursued by the Murong Department. The Murong Department has more than [-] riders!"

"So, your Yuwen Department is useless to me!"

Suddenly, Wang Hou's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Yu Wenhong said coldly amidst Yu Wenhong's horrified trembling.

"Beyond Lianjiao City, there are more than 3 Wuhuan people working as serfs for the baron under me! Working in the cold fields and being whipped! I am farming!"

"I still have a shortage of tens of thousands of serfs in Liaodong. Would you like to try Ruyu's Ministry of Culture?"

"Sir, please wait for a moment, the last general will immediately order the soldiers and horses, and kill the generals to go out!"

Trembling with fright, Yu Wenhong clasped his fists heavily. Yu Wenhong walked up to his tribe members in cold sweat.

With gloomy eyes, Wang Hou couldn't help humming dully as he stared at the group of big bosses who were still making noise just now and walked away cleanly.

"This group of mud can't support the wall!"


No matter how muddy the wall can’t be supported, I’m still my subordinate. If I want to take root in this cold and hot land of Liaodong, I still have to transform the pastures of the nomadic barbarians into paddy and dry fields cultivated by the Han people. Even if I’m annoyed, Wang Hou still has to take care of it .

The first is the form of organization. The Jinzhou Brigade, the Second Liaodong Brigade, which Wang Hou wanted to postpone a little later, had to be formed in advance. He recruited from the more than [-] Han people. The tax has been lowered from the previous ten taxes and three to ten taxes and one.

But I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been kneeling under the hands of the Wuhuan people for a long time, or if I was scared by this move recently. These 10,000+ Han people are really the most bloody group that Wang Hou has encountered since he crossed. The notice was posted for three days. Only more than 2000 people signed up. Originally, Wang Hou planned to form a strengthened brigade. Like the first brigade, there would be 8000 regiments with 800 people. But with the forced recruitment of Xianbei people from the Yuwen Department, can we make up a standard brigade? Thousands of [-] people are hard to say.

And just when Wang Hou was forming this army, another terrible thing happened to him.


On the top floor of the five-story office building in Jinzhou City, facing a shuttered money, Wang Hou thought hard about how to deploy defenses in this huge area, how to form a defense-in-depth system, so as to prevent the Xianbei people on the grassland from coming to rob again, so that this land can be planted. When going down, at the door, Zhao Yun knocked on the office door hastily.

"Border military situation, Eighteen Mile Fort was ransacked by barbarians again!"


This Yu Wenhong was still wandering on the grassland without harvesting his head, and his hometown was washed again, his eyes were full of anger, his eyes were round, and he was sucking the ulcerated teeth, Wang Hou was really annoyed. table.

"Take two regiments and have a look!"

"The last will obey!"

Let's go!Eight hundred cavalry retinues trampled the sky full of dust on the Jinzhou Avenue reserved among the paddy fields. The agricultural area of ​​10,000+ people is not small. Later generations took a taxi from Baota District of Jinzhou City to the old green hills of Songshugou on the edge. It took nearly an hour's drive, and Wang Hou arrived at the scene of the accident after traveling for almost two hours.

Before arriving at the newly built Tunpuzi, I saw a puff of green smoke rising from all over the sky, and in the distance, I could still hear loud cries!

(End of this chapter)

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