Chapter 486
Unlike any army in this era, the Qingzhou Army is always so energetic!Since they surrounded Xiangping City on the tenth day of November, the army has not been idle for a day.

Those Xiangping defenders stood on the top of the wall, watching these Qingzhou people from warm areas wrapped in big padded jackets, took out the engineer shovels they brought with their bags, and began digging at the foot of their own city walls wheezing.

Shovel after shovel of snowflakes flew upwards, and gradually the defenders could no longer see anyone. Because of the excavation, the wide and thick snow wall gradually completely blocked the sight.

More than 1000 years later, Huang Taiji attacked the Daling River with such tactics. Instead of attacking the city directly, he dug layers of trenches and completely besieged the city of Daling River. More than 4 people, Wu Sangui, the much-hyped star of Liaodong, and his father Wu Xiang were almost spared from the beating.

Although Wang Hou has no reinforcements to fight now, but the layers of ditches are still a great shock to the Xiangping army in the city. Seeing the thick snow walls defending themselves little by little, it makes people feel I was like a wild animal in a cage, desperate and panicking.

This is also the determination of Qingzhou to attack the city expressed to Xiangping City!
Then Gongsun Kang was frightened.

It was another day of snowflakes. At ten o'clock in the morning, the sergeants were still digging the snow with shovels. Suddenly, a big soil basket wobbled down on the Xiangping city wall surrounded by snow walls, and squatted down. The sergeant on the snow wall immediately raised his crossbow and shouted, baring his teeth, and the civil servant who came down with the dirt basket was so frightened that he immediately raised his hands and surrendered.

"Don't open the crossbow! Don't open the crossbow! It's me! Xiao Yang!"

"The next official is ordered by Pingzhou Mu to ask to see General Zhenbei, and I hope the official will inform you!"

The soldiers above were stunned for a while, and then they became fierce again, baring their teeth and yelling.

"Wait there, I'm going to report! Whether or not we will see you is up to our State Shepherd to decide! Don't move around, there is some kind of conspiracy, our brothers don't eat steel crossbows!"

"Yes! Yes! The officer is here! Right here! Don't move anywhere!"

After yelling for a while, the sentinel hurried down the snow wall and went back to report.

When the news reached the Chinese army, Wang Hou didn't look very imposing. There were four braziers in the thick cowhide tent, and he was wrapped in a thick quilt. His nose was still dripping from the cold. Twitching and twitching, trembling while holding a ledger.

"Zhou Mu, the old boy of the Gongsun family sent someone out to ask for an interview!"

At the door, Wang Congge received the information. Just as he opened the curtain, a gust of cold wind blew in, and Wang Hou was so cold that he sneezed out immediately. After a while, the snot sprayed all over the other end, the cheap brother-in-law Zhen On Yao's robe, the corner of the disgusting old boy's mouth twitched, and he didn't dare to wipe it off. His expression was as weird as it could be!

"His uncle, this old boy is scared! Come here, order the cooking team to set up quickly, and then welcome the guests to settle in, ready to negotiate a peace!"

"Why do you want to negotiate a peace? Our Qingzhou army is strong and strong, and it is a good opportunity to attack the city and destroy his Gongsun thief!"

As soon as Zhuge Ying heard about the peace talks, Zhuge Ying pouted immediately. This chick is not only a militant, but Wang Hou had promised to take her and Cao Hongjie to Dandong hot springs this autumn, but the Gongsun family overwhelmed themselves. This moth caused a mess, which disrupted all the vacation plans, and Zhuge Xiaoniu and Gongsun's family are also "mortal" enemies.

But listening to her words, Wang Hou hummed angrily.

"You still have the nerve to say, which prodigal girl has blown up all ten barrels of gunpowder in this seat? This Xiangping wall is as thick as it is, you have to chew it with your teeth!"

"Didn't the master say how many cannons were fired?"

Knowing that she was wrong, she wrapped her fingers around her black hair, Zhuge Ying drooped her little head guiltily.

In fact, even if Zhuge Ying didn't fire a cannon, it would be a dream to win Xiangping City with ten barrels of gunpowder. It was the capital of the Great Han Dynasty that ruled beyond the Great Wall, and when it was in the hands of Gongsun Du, it was even managed as a lair. Although it was not as exaggerated as the Tongwan City of Helianbo, it was built inch by inch, and the awl was pierced inch by inch, and all the craftsmen were executed. For quality, it is also built with three-component clay and glutinous rice juice. The wall is ten meters high and the city wall is thick.

Moreover, Xiangping City had plenty of food, and there were at least [-] to [-] defenders. If the whole city was mobilized, [-] to [-] troops would not be out of reach.

And not only the defender has the advantage, as the attacker, the Qingzhou army is actually at the end of its strength.

He crossed more than 600 miles, traveled thousands of mountains, and made an expedition to Xiangping. He was not well prepared for this war. Now, for the first time, Wang Hou, the logistics manager, is facing the problem of lack of logistics supplies. The feeling of crusade against Yuan Shu is over, there is no food in the warehouse, and I feel panicked!

The current Qingzhou Army is completely puffy. He is digging trenches around Xiangping City with great momentum, and he looks like he is attacking the city for a long time. I have to retreat back to the Qianshan Mountains in desperation, and get through this winter first.

Fortunately, Gongsun Kang was overwhelmed!

A big black pot was set on fire, the firewood was filled low, some snow was shoveled on the top and thrown into it, and the gurgling was boiled into water, and then the big black pig copied from Xinchang County was squeaking and screaming, His neck was wiped with a knife, and after the skin was peeled, he was thrown into the pot with sauerkraut thrown in. A large fruit was deliciously boiled.

In fact, I haven’t eaten a decent meal for more than a month. I just gnawed dry and hard dry food. I was selected to eat a group of more than 400 Qingzhou sergeants who held their rice bowls and smelled the smell. However, under the military order, he could only wait dryly.

Fortunately, before waiting for a while, curses and yelling came from the other side of the camp gate, as if they were being pardoned, the sergeants served the food as quickly as possible, and then began to pretend to be painful.

"Why the hell is stew! I'm tired of eating it!"

"That's right! You can't change to other dishes, why haven't the radishes arrived yet!"

"I'm dying!"

While suppressing the gurgling sound in his stomach, he still has to be like a picky eater, "disgusting" and pulling the hot broth in his hand to make cakes. It's really hard for these soldiers, but the effect of this pretense is very Yes, Xiangping Xiao Yang was led out, and while smelling the smell of meat, he stared in surprise.

Full of disgust, he sat cross-legged on the ground sipping hot meals, watched in agony as the envoy Yang Zuo was led into the tent, and finally a group of soldiers started screaming into their stomachs like they had been pardoned. It's like a starving ghost reincarnating.

On the other side, when I entered the tent, I saw a bearded man with a fierce face reading a book in one hand and picking his teeth with a sharp knife in the other. Yang Zuo cupped his fists in fear and bowed.

"Yang Zuo, who joined the army under Pingzhou Mu's command, pays homage to General Zhenbei!"

"Come on, beat this guy out!"

 I'm so hungry tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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