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Chapter 464 Dad's Sharp Weapon

Chapter 464 Dad's Sharp Weapon


It’s really called Qingzhou people’s magic. A few days ago, it was still muddy and sticky, and it turned gray and white after a few days.And if you knock it hard with your fist, if you don't make it with your own hands and see it with your own eyes, an outsider might think it's a piece of natural stone!
But this stone block is too big!It is surrounded by a circle from east to west, north to south, which is more than 1000 meters long. In the later stage, the large wooden boards used in the construction of Weigang construction ships were reinforced on the edge of the trench. It is more than half a meter above the ground, and a steel bar is bared. , The hard and long concrete wall popped out.

I have never seen how the ugly stone buildings in Puyang City and Chengli were built before, but now I have seen it, and caressing the hard wall of the city, this bearded man is full of sighs, the city wall has It doesn't matter how strong it is. The important thing is that in just three days, a foundation of three meters can be erected, and a city wall of half a meter is exposed. In less than a month, these Qingzhou people can build a solid city out of thin air. Fortresses, not to mention Liaodong, where there is no end in sight, even in the Central Plains, this kind of construction technology is against the sky.

Especially in the military!

Imagine that two warlords are competing for a piece of apprentices, and the warlord on the other side is still pounding the foundation with Sanhe soil, and then the warlord city has risen, and I will come to beat you when you build the city, and repair it when your army comes to attack me Are you angry if you hide in the city?Can't get angry?

This is simply an artifact for fighting for dad!

"Hey, Yan Laosan! What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you fucking hurry up and work, don't you want tonight's centimeters? Why don't you fucking eat?"

Just when the strong man was in a daze, at the other end, the contractor of the Qingzhou guy, the supervisor had already yelled impolitely there, and when he heard it, the strong man quickly clasped his fists, and then pushed the wheelbarrow with his head depressed , and then transport the cement to nail the plank.

Looking at his back, the Qingzhou contractor yelled angrily again: "Bai Chang is so big, he is always lazy, and he is ugly if he is ugly! What is his name Yan Liang!"


With the rise of the city wall, the enthusiasm of the Han people outside the Great Wall to build has increased. With the protection of the city wall, at least there is no need to worry about the barbarians outside the Great Wall coming to loot, or the wild wolves that are more terrifying than the barbarians attacking something, and it is inherited from In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, those who lived in the city were called countrymen, and those who lived outside the city were called savages!In terms of status, Chinese people are a head taller than savages.

Fill the hole!Mix the lime soil from Qingzhou with sand and stones and mix well, then transport it to the city wall with a wheelbarrow, pour it on the wall site where steel bars are inserted, and then nail the board, wait for it to dry before pouring, less than one In a month's time, the city standing in Liaodong outside the Great Wall, with a height of more than eight meters, rose from the ground.

If more than 1000 years later, it will be not far from here. Zu Dashou, who was ordered to build Dalinghe City, must have been envious of this scene. He brought more than 5 soldiers and civilians to build it for a year, but he still failed to repair Dalinghe City. As a result, Huang Taiji led the army and the city to make dumplings, and was so hungry that people ate people. The fortress that was originally used to penetrate the enemy's territory in the form of a fortress to defeat the Jurchens also became a bargaining chip used by Huang Taiji to besiege the city and fight for aid. More than 5 Ming troops were defeated in one fell swoop.

However, Zu Dashou was envious and envious. Besides the cement formula, Wang Hou also spent several years to form a set of industrial chains in Qingzhou. Just like the corrupt form of Ming Dynasty, it can't be built!

After the city wall was built, it was still a matter of sewing and mending, such as the battlements. Wang Hou wanted to build parapets to block arrows on the outer side of the entire city wall.

Then there is the city tower. These days, there are no firearms to destroy the city on a large scale. The arrow tower is still a very powerful defensive weapon. Imagine that the grassland people outside the city who are good at shooting are running outside like ants who are moving, but they are like dogs. Like biting a hedgehog, facing the entire city tower, there is no way to start, but the defenders in the city defended the narrow hole of the archery tower, and shot out with a swishing arrow from the crossbow.

It doesn't matter whether you can shoot someone to death or not, I will piss you off first in terms of momentum!
This configuration is not only a nomadic Xianbei Wuhuan, but also a headache for the Central Plains army.

Ever since, on the design drawings, Wang Hou added a five-meter-high two-story building to each of the four city gates regardless of capital.

But the construction has gradually slowed down here. On the one hand, in order to build such a city, Wang Hou brought more than half of Qingzhou's annual cement production, and Jia Xu, who was still building the northern port of Weigang, stamped his feet angrily. Just scolding mother, now that the city wall is finished, there is not much cement left, and these buildings have to be built with bricks and stones.

On the other hand, once the city wall for living and living is completed, people's livelihood must also be considered. It is impossible to live outside the city wall and live in rugs all the time!And because the supporting facilities have not been built well, and there is no such thing as not being allowed to sleep on the ground and defecate these days, the base of the city wall has just been repaired, and the strong smell of night incense has already wafted up.

It is said that later generations of Paris were a dung city before modernization. The nobles wore high heels to prevent the dung from the street from spraying on their gorgeous clothes made of silk. It has not been breached for many years, it is the protection of the dung wall, and the foreign enemy is fainted by the dung wall before attacking.

Wang Hou didn't want his Jinzhou City to be like this!

But to build all of these, bricks are needed, and the raw materials for making bricks are available in the Lushan pine ridge behind the clay, but there is a shortage of fuel here. Wang Hou does not want to cut down all the trees in the nearby mountains and rely on wood to burn them. The temperature is still not up to the requirement, so he still wants coal!
Especially when October is approaching. Although Hu Tian in the Tang poems is an exaggeration that the snow will fall in August, it will start to snow heavily in October. The most lacking thing on the grassland is fuel, so that the herdsmen have to pick up cow dung and sheep. Dung dung was used as fuel, Wang Hou didn't want to burn that thing, and there wasn't enough to burn, so he had to get coal.

However, coal has not yet been found near Jinzhou, but his first foothold, Lianjiaocheng, later Lushun City discovered a large open-pit coal mine, later known as the West Open-pit Mine.

After strolling around his own Jinzhou City again, Wang Hou got on the boat again and slipped back to Lianjiao City, where he liked the new and disliked the old.

Lianjiao City in early September is now much more prosperous than when Wang Hou first came here. There are wars to be fought, and fathers have to be fought, but money still has to be earned. Even the Gongsun family has to admit that Wang Hou's arrival will make them Love and hate, Liaodong Road was thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, and the roads in the Liaoxi Corridor were soaked by sea collapses all the year round, and the Liaoxi Mountain Road was controlled by the dangerous Wuhuan and Xianbei people. The commodity trade channel between Liaodong and the Central Plains was too narrow.

But as soon as Lianjiao City opens, specialties such as furs, medicinal materials, and wild deer products from Liaodong can be directly exchanged for ironware, farm tools and cloth from the Central Plains in Lianjiao City. But before the autumn harvest, the city was full of merchants sent by the major families under the Gongsun clan to trade, and the merchants from Qingzhou also made a lot of money.

On this day, just as the big guys were still racing against time to trade mountain goods and walk accounts, outside the small city wall, there was a sound of ding ding bang bang, and within a moment, whether it was a local merchant or a Liaodong merchant, Hulala gathered around a large group, and looked at the bulletin board at the gate of the city. It looked like a chicken chop, and it was written by Qingzhou Mu himself, and a bulletin dripping with ink was pasted there.


(End of this chapter)

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