Chapter 256
Tian Rang is going to go shirtless!

The tenants rebelled and even divided up the clan's land, which dealt a great blow to the ruling class of the clan's local tyrants!If no punishment is imposed, the tenants and slaves in every family will follow suit. Wouldn't the etiquette collapse and the joy be destroyed?How can everyone continue to live a happy rice bug life?
The Tian family should indeed do this!
After Liu Fei granted the Qi State in the early Western Han Dynasty, he began to re-use the power of the clan to raise the disciples and farmers, and then merged the land with both soft and hard methods, and re-developed. However, the feet of a hundred insects are dead but not stiff. Once Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty left, the family slowed down again.

After surviving the politics of cruel officials, and catching up with the hotbed of aristocratic and wealthy families in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Tian family has grown to annex up to [-] million acres of land, spanning five counties, a super local tyrant on the coast of the East China Sea, and the leader of Qidi!The aristocratic families in all counties and places follow the lead of the Tian family.

As the boss, if he doesn't come out, who will come out?

Moreover, when Yuan Tan served as the governor of Qingzhou, he had to give him three points of courtesy. Now that Wang Hou has come, he is yelling at him like a servant and playing tricks on him time and time again. Can bear it.

It was really hard work. After the party, even Linzi didn't even stay there anymore. Tian Rang went back to Lixia's hometown in person. After arriving in Dier, he immediately posted a hero post, and sent out the diners who were eating under the door, those heroes, hooligans, hooligans, Scoundrels, murderers, and Zhuang Ding men who can fight and kill all gather in Lixia!

This time, the old man Pengcier is going to lead the team himself, and go to Le'an County in one go, slaughter those tenant farmers who are below the level, and let the mud legs in Qingzhou know that this Shandong land is still alive. These local tyrants and evil gentry have the final say.

It is true to say that the late Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms, Two Jins, Southern and Northern Dynasties were the stage of the aristocratic family. The Tian family is only one place where the aristocratic family is powerful. There are [-] or [-] tenants and slaves under the control of the clan, and there are a lot of dog legs attached to the Tian family. In just a few days, under the order of the old man Pengcier, there were eight or nine thousand social elders hanging around their shoulders, or picking their teeth with a small knife, or cutting their nails with an axe. Under the banner of Tianzi.

Back then, Li Guangli, the general of the second division, conquered Dawan, and the Emperor Wu sent him the vicious youths in the middle of the capital. The quality of Tian's armed forces was even higher than that of Li Guangli's army. .

The gentry literati these days are really two different species from the gentry after the Song Dynasty. Don’t look at the old man in his sixties, he also wears armor and holds a knife. He is in the same wild way as Wang Hou, standing on the platform made of mounds of soil, Seeing Zhuang Ding spreading out the knives and guns and the armor inlaid with iron sheets, Tian Rang's old ambition also jumped vigorously. For the first time, this old guy found that he also had such a strong capital.

To be honest, in terms of financial resources, military strength and food storage, the Tian family is many times stronger than Wang Hou when he first arrived in Qingzhou. With such a capital, Yuan Tan’s absence from Qingzhou half a year ago is really enough for him to build up some power .

It's a pity that it's half a year later, and Wang Hou has already put Linzi in an era where he's stuck in a pit!Looking at his lord with piercing eyes and inspecting his big brother in society, the mastermind of the Tian family, Jiang He, who was dressed like a teacher in his 40s, couldn't help feeling worried. He hesitated to speak several times, but in the end he Still unoccupied, he punched Tian Rang heavily.


"Forgive us for being rude! But my lord's move is really too risky! You must know that Wang Papi is sharpening his sword in Linzi at this time, eyeing him like a tiger, and he has no orders to send troops in front of him to attack the county in the same battle. Slaughtering the county people, if the other king picks up the skin and slanders the lord for rebellion, and joins the army to crusade, wouldn't our Tian family care about one and lose the other!"

"It's okay!"

There is a saying that if heaven causes people to perish, it must first make them crazy!Now Tian Rang's eyes are filled with the "heroic posture" of his subordinates who are big brothers in armor. If Jiang He's sleeves are shaken suddenly, he doesn't care, and laughs proudly road.

"Didn't he, Wang Xiaoer, play an official role with the old man, saying that the county magistrate has no report, and the state government ignores it? The six counties in Le'an are all from our noble family in Qidi. Who can report the old man's march to him? ?”

"And even if he, Wang Xiaoer, asks for the crime, so what? The land of Qi has been suffering for him, the Wang family, for a long time. When the old man quelled the civil uprising for everyone, and was deeply expected by everyone, he just raised his arms and expelled him, Wang Xiaoer, out of Qingzhou! My Tian family is of great virtue, Just as this fate belongs to the Lord of Qingzhou!"

Speaking of the joy, this old man who touches porcelain looks like an opera singer with a goatee, and just after he finished speaking, the Leling Tian family and his nephew Tian Boguang followed him with a red face and flattered him Shot over.

"Ah Weng is right! Now that the world is in chaos, there are conflicts between heroes, and the artifacts are naturally home to those who are virtuous. After my Tian family is orthodox, I, A Weng, is the elder of Qi. He is a ruthless king. The heavens are angry and the people complain, now is the perfect time to restore our Tian clan Qi Kingdom!"

A group of Tian's families all nodded in agreement!The cheerful appearance, as if they had re-established Tian Qi, one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, was waiting to be conferred the title of Marquis and Bo, and his wife Yinzi. Jiang He, a counselor from Yingchuan who was hired with a lot of money, was stunned.

Tian Qi?The Han Dynasty has been established for more than 300 years, who still remembers your Tian family Qi?Besides, Jiang Yiqu's more than 4 Qi troops have never beaten Wang Hou. Grandpa, where do you get the confidence to be a scumbag?
However, I don't know which ancestor of the Tian family helped the old lady or donated money to the orphanage. At this moment, the Tian family is really smoking from the ancestral grave!
Amidst the loud roar, nearly ten thousand sturdy social elders finished receiving their armaments, gathered the five armies in a chaotic manner, and surrounded Lixiatian's threshing ground in a mighty manner. The sight of Tian made his heart beat, seeing the old man With a wave of arms, this army of social people is about to fight out with watermelon knives and folded stools, to teach the mud-legged people in Le'an County who refuse to pay protection fees why their flowers are so popular, suddenly there is an evil wind blowing on the school grounds , Everyone was stunned, and with a click, the big banner with red letters and black background broke with the wind, and fell to the ground like a big paving moth.

In the season of dispatching troops, the commander-in-chief's flag was broken, and even later generations would feel awkward even if they were so scientific. This era of old feudal superstition is even more ominous!Tian, ​​who saw it for a moment, was stunned.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, just when Tian Rang looked at the broken flag on the ground and trembled with anger, and couldn't say a word for a long time, there was another burst of smoke and dust from the bottom of the mountain, watching the messenger run away. Out of breath, his big tongue was about to come out. Knowing that the bad planner, Jiang He, ran down the small slope himself, and after hearing a few whispered words from the courier who turned over and fell off his horse, he was anxious again. ran back.

"My lord, it's a disaster! The tenants and slaves in Leling have turned against each other! They broke the Fengcangtang manor, robbed the grain that our Tian family had hoarded over the years, and even destroyed the county soldiers in Leling County! The county magistrate Li ran back to the county desperately." Ya, now the blood book is urgent!"

"What!!! These goddamn mud legs!"

Good guy, before we can attack the rebellious tenant farmers from other people's houses, the backyard of our own house caught fire again. Jiang He's words made Tian Boguang of the Leling Tian Clan jump up like he had his butt scalded, his voice was octave higher, the voice of a male duck After screaming like that, he turned his head sadly again, bowed to Tian Rang with a mournful face, and held his fists tightly.

"Aon, what should..., what should I do!"

How to do?
Without making a sound, Tian let his old face look ugly as if he was constipated...

(End of this chapter)

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