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Chapter 252 Opening a Warehouse and Saving People

Chapter 252 Opening a Warehouse and Saving People
On weekdays, the solemn and majestic Queen Qi Liu's Manor was completely overwhelmed today. The Anle people in various patched clothes squeezed in through the narrow suspension bridge like migrating lemmings, and then caught them like worker ants. What to grab.

Next to the door, a few young men from the Liu family who were not bombed didn't understand what was going on!Dangling around there, yelling and shouting, and swiping a knife to chop down a reckless tenant farmer, but Xiao Wuzi suddenly grabbed a brick and slashed it down on the forehead of the servant in front.

Sitting staggeringly on the ground, clutching his bleeding forehead, the Liu family's family members yelled and cursed angrily, and another scruffy-looking man with a stooped back came over with a stone weighing more than ten kilograms, while holding the stone high, On the one hand, this man actually howled with a crying voice.

"Liu Yu, this stone is to avenge my wife! You murdered a thousand knives to force rent and arrest people, and drove my wife alive into the ice cave, without even finding her body! Go to hell!"


Chinese peasants, when they are docile, are like old scalpers, willing to bear the burden of hard work and submit to it, but once they are forced to turn into mobs, they are more destructive than anything else. Most of the servants' heads were shattered, red, white, blood spattered all at once, and the remaining servants were stunned.

In the name of the Liu family, whenever they go to the village, they are always yelling and drinking, taking whatever they want, and even bullying a big girl and a little daughter-in-law. It was the first time they met, they looked up at the horrible and hideous corpse on the ground in disbelief.

The next second, they were all trembling. In their eyes, the familiar muddy legs were still there, but the fearful and cowardly eyes were gone, replaced by pairs of blood-red pupils full of resentment.

"Kill the dog!"

Who knows who roared, looking at the hoes and sticks raised high, those servants turned around and ran away.


The tenants who rushed into the manor grabbed whatever they wanted, including the ax in the firewood room, the iron hoe and shovel hanging on the wall, and there was a guy who looked like a king, and he burned it with his arms. The pee jars with rather delicate patterns refused to let go. Fortunately, there was a leading party who stepped on the plate to lead the way. After rushing into the manor for more than ten minutes, these poor and poor tenant farmers finally found the Liu family granary.

With a bang, the door of the granary was kicked open. Looking at the barn full of wheat, corn, and flour, these tenant farmers were completely crazy. Grab outside.

The missing grain was scattered all over the ground, and a crazy old woman was screaming and crying while clattering the leftover grain by the side of the warehouse.

"The Liu family who killed a thousand knives! You have so much food, you can't finish it and throw it there to rot, and you want to grab the last bite of our family. Poor our family's fierce son, who is seriously ill and wants to eat before he dies A mouthful of hot porridge, I can't even find a grain of millet, my old lady! You bloodthirsty people!"

While the tenant farmers were busy moving and scrambling for food, Liu Zhuzi finally found his goal, the dungeon of the Liu family!
Throughout the dynasties, what is darker than the prisons of the government is the private prisons of these local tyrants and evil gentry. Even the Jinyiwei prison has to abide by some scruples. Wei Zhongxian, who has power all over the world, killed Yang Lian Zuo Guangdou by hitting them on the back of their heads. Into the steel nails, pretending to be tortured to death, but here in the private prison of the local wealthy family, there are no rules, and the mentally twisted servants torture the poor who cannot pay the rent without any scruples.

The so-called dungeon is a cellar. After killing the two guards, as soon as the cellar door was opened, there was a smell of feces, corpses, and various strange smells. The pillars are all a stagger.But full of anxiety and clutching his nose, he went straight into the cellar again.

There are still torches lit under the cellar, but this only shows the eerie horror here. On the corner of the wall, there are hungry and skinny people, and the corpses are piled there layer by layer. Some people still have some breath, dying, etc. Dead, some people have been dead for an unknown time, and have dried up and become mummies.

As soon as Liu Zhuzi entered, several tenant farmers who were still able to run had already rushed out next to him, and one of them knocked him back, stumbling and stumbling between those dry legs that were almost as thick as hemp poles on the ground. , Drilling inside, Liu Zhuzi was anxiously pulling one by one.

"Damn baby! Damn baby! My pillar! I'm back!"

"When..., the head of the family!"

Fortunately, Liu Zhuzi was lucky. Just as he was rummaging through the crowd, a weak voice sounded from behind him exhausted. When he turned his head in surprise, Liu Zhuzi's face immediately became furious again.

At the other end of the cellar, there was also a beam, and the people hanging on it were all recently captured by robbing people for payment. Those unruly women were hung on it with their hands tied behind their backs, and their clothes were covered with flogging. There were holes and bloodstains, and I don't know how long they had been hanged. The women in tattered white homespun clothes were exhausted and hung their long hair hanging on them, like hanged ghosts. The scene was both terrifying and pitiful.

Cut off the hanging rope of the first woman with one knife, parted her hair, put it aside helplessly, cut off the second one, and cut off the second one until the fourth one. Just as she was about to raise the knife to cut the rope, the woman suddenly raised her head with difficulty, and let out a familiar voice. The head of the family, even Liu Zhuzi, who was born in a country ruffian, was a little moved with tears when he heard it. His strong body trembled violently, and he suddenly raised the dagger.


These women were all let down by Liu Zhuzi and cut off their binding ropes, but now he is fighting, and he can't take care of them. Whether they can get out alive depends on their fate. They carried their wives from that hell As soon as he got out of the ordinary cellar, Liu Zhuzi hurriedly got into the planned safe spot not far away, the Liu Family Watchtower.

"Sister-in-law was rescued!"

There, quite a few of the special forces of the Bureau of Investigation who had been sent out were waiting there, and his skills were recognized by his subordinates, who greeted him excitedly.

"The child's mother found it, but my Niu Zi hasn't found it yet!"

"Brother, that Liu Hu has brought back his bastards!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhuzi couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He rushed up to the second floor of the wooden tower in three steps and looked down. The servants of the family are swarming to get on the narrow manor drawbridge.

"Wait here for me, you'll be back when you're in charge!"


Gritting his teeth heavily, and putting his weak wife aside, Liu Zhuzi gave a rare and gentle exhortation, and then he turned his head and nodded heavily at his subordinates. The seven abandoned the watchtower and faced the The large team at the bottom of the mountain also greeted them.

This battle of King Liu of Qi in Anle County is short of the last trembling!
(End of this chapter)

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