Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 202 The Beginning of the Port

Chapter 202 The Beginning of the Port

At this moment, there is no one else who can save Wang Hou except his good friend Guangling prefect Chen Yuanlong and Chen Deng. It really looks like a lot of residential areas, Wang Hou grinned when he saw it.

"This thing is also square, why no one says it's ugly?"

But at this time, no one paid attention to the trivial thoughts of Mr. State Shepherd. I really didn't expect that Wang Hou at the seaside could actually produce food. If the food in Taishan County ran out, it would collapse. With the appearance of scalding his buttocks, he jumped up all of a sudden, tied off his long robe in a hurry, and waved it excitedly towards the sea.

"Hi! Here!"

Seeing this huge monster, all the people on the shore cheered excitedly, waving clothes and weapons, but!These dozen or so big guys looked spectacular, but they were really clumsy. After cheering for 10 minutes, they were still spinning there, and they were still spinning there for 10 minutes, and they were still spinning for 10 minutes!Jia Xu was already exhausted and lying on the pile of wood, but he saw that the building fleet seemed to move a little bit, and then a few boats were thrown down, and a dozen Xuzhou traders with bitter faces urged them to row on When he came to the shore, he pointed to the big boat parked there, and shouted depressingly.

"The bottom of the boat ran aground, and I can't get up!"


Good guy, there is a kind of grievance called food on the boat and the boat in the sea!No matter how much food there is, it must be able to be transported by hand. Fortunately, such a small difficulty, is it rare for our wise and wise Wang Zhoumu?With a flick of his arm, the veins on his forehead bulged, and he was the first to gnash his teeth to untie the giant Taishan tree that was still floating on the Lianhe River. Jia Xu, Cao Hongjie, and the others looked straight at him, his neck was thick, and he didn't He untied it, and immediately yelled angrily again.

"Why are you still standing there? Don't give me a hand!"

When later generations went to Qingdao, there was one scenic spot by the seaside that he couldn't forget the most, called Zhanqiao!There is also cat and mouse. When Tom goes fishing, he is often on a row of wooden corridors by the seaside of Shanghai. That thing is also a trestle, just for ships that are too deep to be able to get close to the shore to rely on the side to dock and unload their cargo. In fact, there are many things in the south now, but unfortunately Wang Hou is surrounded by landlubbers from the north, and none of them understand.

Hearing Wang Hou bluffing there, these guys finally came to their senses and followed up, dragging the raft with all their hands and feet, and some even took out knives to cut it. The clear water at the estuary of the Lianhe River turned scorched black, and Wang Hou slapped his thigh helplessly and sadly.

"My coal! I forgot to unload it!"

Fortunately, there are a lot of craftsmen under Wang Hou's command. If he doesn't mind thinking about this and that, he has to have his subordinates take wood, cement and bricks to round him up. After a long time, his hands and feet have been trained. In the middle of the call, Wang Yuan, Wang Hammer and the others understood what he meant, and it was easy to handle when they understood the meaning. The raft was also dragged ashore with oxen.

The boat from Xuzhou also took over. Wang Yuan took the ruler, first found a place with calm water, put the ruler in to measure the depth, and then the assistant immediately returned to the shore with a cloth strip to measure the length. Wang Yuan continued to measure, and the carpenter began to lengthen the head, pulling a big saw to cut a section of wood, and two assistants followed, sharpening the wood like a pencil with an axe.

The cut wooden stakes were carried into the sea by Wang Hou's strong men in the army. Two of them drove the wooden stakes in, and the other waved their big hammers in a hey, bang sound. A wooden stake smashed into the seabed.

But if you say that people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog your teeth!It didn't take long before the suddenly monstrous waves rushed to the shore again.

His uncle, the tide is rising!

This Wang Hou is really miserable. From a dignified state herdsman to a primitive life, the sea breeze can be quite strong. In order to shelter from the wind, the sergeants under his command had to pull the big wooden rafts that were pulled ashore two by two. Put them together and put them together to build a wooden shed like Mr. Bayde survived in the wilderness.

Seawater was splashed all over his body, and the sea breeze was blowing in while he was huddled in the shed. Wang Hou was as cold as a grandson, holding his arms and shaking, poking his head out to see the carpenter under his command who was hot all over. Shirtless, he used a saw and a plane to throw the wooden boards there, and looked back at the wooden stakes that had been driven more than 20 meters away. He sneezed sadly.

"Sooner or later, I will fill the entire harbor with concrete, and then there will be all concrete walls and small concrete buildings, ah-choo!"


In my mind, that kind of Wang Hou's characteristic appeared again, ugly, dilapidated small building like a rough house, on the other side, Jia Xu couldn't help but look at the corner of his mouth.


Wang Hou has more than 200 carpenters and apprentices, with thousands of pieces of wood. They take advantage of the low tide to stare at the piles in shifts, and then nail the wooden boards in rows and stack them on the pillars. They are reinforced with the unique ocean nails of the Wang family. It is a trestle bridge more than 120 meters deep into the sea. It can be considered that it was built on the fairly good port of Rizhao Bay. Those big ships from Xuzhou can stop, put on and build ladders, and those strong men brought by Wang Hou from Taishan County are ants. In that way, they began to carry the grain transported from Xuzhou down basket by basket.

Although there were still desolate tidal flats behind him, Wang Hou still seemed to see a faint hope in this lively and busy scene. He hugged his knees and looked at the line of sea and sky with joy.

However, Lord Zhou Mu's good mood didn't last long, as several Xuzhou businessmen came over with their ledgers smiling, a moment later, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, he jumped up angrily again.

"What? Sank three boats and lost [-] shi of grain, and it still counts on the Benzhou shepherd's head! Wow, Chen Yuanlong, you bullied me too much! You go back and tell your master, after a while, the Benzhou shepherd Go to Guangling personally and beat him until his nose is bruised and his face is swollen!"

"Hey! State herdsmen, calm down! Don't blame me, my state herdsman suffers from cyclone disease, and sometimes he is mentally disturbed. Who the hell, hurry up and sign for the food and payment with the state herdsman's seal!"

Seeing Wang Hou baring his teeth, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to give some Xuzhou merchants a full martial arts, the smile froze on his face, Jia Xu hurriedly hugged his waist, pulled him back, and pointed at Sanwen with a smile on his face After pulling the angry Wang Zhoumu aside, Jia Laohuo clasped his fists and bowed in an extremely sad way.

"State herdsman! A friend in need is a friend in need! The fact that the prefect Chen can send us food at this time is already giving us charcoal in a timely manner! When sailing in Tianshui, there will inevitably be some unforeseen circumstances. The tens of thousands of shi of food they gave you are lost, and you still care about it." Don’t you think you’re too stingy? You’ve offended Prefect Chen, and he won’t deliver food to you, what should you do?”

"What did he send me!"

With his mouth crooked, Wang Hou slapped his thigh like a cheapskate again.

"Every grain of grain from Xuzhou belongs to Benzhou Mu himself, so old boy Chen can enjoy it! He has taken advantage of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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