Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 193 Stir-Fried Vegetables Stir You To Death!

Chapter 193 Stir-Fried Vegetables Stir You To Death!
"Wow! Money!"

"Really! The ground is full of money!"

The Taishan thieves who were running wildly shouted in surprise. Immediately afterwards, a large group of people shouted excitedly and bowed their heads. It's true!Halfway through the pursuit, the ground is densely packed with shiny copper coins, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of them!
With so many small and medium-sized landlords working together to pay, the shortcomings of the Taishan thieves who have almost no military discipline at all are exposed. Most of the thieves are poor tenant farmers who can't afford to eat at home, so they follow with high morale Come out and grab your own lord!Who doesn't pick up money here!The former soldiers who had been chasing forward were all in a mess. They all lowered their heads and stooped excitedly to pick up money.

After all, he is the leader. Chang Xi's brother-in-law, Xie Meng of Lin Gu, has fought many battles with Chang Xi. He obviously felt that something was wrong. Holding a knife, the fierce man roared to stop, and even swung the knife to kill him. A few Taishan thieves who bow their heads to pick up money, however, he can also deter a group of thieves in his own cottage around him, and the rest of them don't bother him at all.

Taking advantage of this chaotic time, the pressure on the army of Langya civilian husbands who had been chasing after their heads had been beheaded was relieved, and they fled out crying for their parents who hated their parents for not having an extra leg.

At this time, Wang Hou, who was riding a horse, had already run away and disappeared. In the wilderness beside the official road, rows of neat and dense soldiers were lined up here. More than 500 soldiers in heavy armor stood beside the horse and even No one moved, the more than 4000 strong and strong people in the back were all armored, carrying spears or halberds, looking like a regular army, watching Wang Hou rushing back with more than a dozen riders, Zhao Yun kicked his horse and hurried out to meet him with a dignified face .

"My lord? How?"

"The thieves have taken the bait, send a signal to the Red Festival! Put more chili peppers to kill them!"

In such an urgent military situation, my lord could say some incomprehensible and unreliable words out of his mouth. Fortunately, Zhao Yun was already used to it, and he turned around and gave orders neatly.

"Cut down the black flag and send a signal to Madam!"

It is really troublesome to not have a mobile phone these days. On the specially piled up mound, a soldier who had been waiting for a long time chopped down the high-hanging flag with a knife. Three miles away, Cao Hongjie, who had been staring at the signal, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, the girl gritted her teeth and waved her little hand forward: "Light it up! Smoke them to death!"

"Damn it, my little aunt said my cooking is unpalatable!!!"

The soldiers below also automatically ignored the second half of her sentence, and held up the torches to the straw piles that had been prepared. Oil was poured on the bottom of the straw piles, and water was poured on top of them. In the dampness, puffs of green smoke evaporated. rise.

Miraculously, these blue smokes didn't go straight to the sky, but went straight to the front of the Taishan thief who was still chaotically picking up money a mile away.

In August, the last gust of southeast wind blows majesticly from the ocean to the north!
As soon as the wind and smoke arrived, tens of thousands of Taishan thieves were in a miserable state. The thick smoke made people's eyes red, swollen and tears flowed down. Teammates, how many teammates are left!He already knew that he had been completely tricked, but Xie Meng, the leader of Lingu, still didn't give up and kept roaring loudly.

"Hold the line! Don't panic!"

"You have all seen how cowardly those farmers were just now! They are a bunch of rabbits! When the fog clears, cut off their heads and rob their food!"

When the thief leader Xie Meng was struggling to die, he didn't know that Zhao Yun was also struggling and entangled violently next to him not far away. A piece of wet cloth with a particularly strong smell was placed in front of him, on the white cloth It still had a strong yellow color, and riding beside him, Wang Hou nodded with an encouraging expression.

"Zilong, trust me! This is the method of avoiding smoking and poisoning that I got from Immortal Yu Ji, and it is [-]% effective!"

I believe you are haunted. How long has Zhao someone been with Wang Hou, and he still doesn't know him?Any fart can depend on Ji, saying that Mr. Yu let him tell his fortune!Full of grief, Zhao Yun cupped his fists trembling.

"My lord, Zilong thinks that even if I smoke and poison, I can still cut off the thief's head!"

"Zilong, you are my confidant's love sauce, and your battle is also related to thousands of people in Langya behind you. You must not allow mistakes. For me! For the people, wear it!"

Following Liu Huangshu's appearance with tears in his eyes and red hearts in his hands, Wang Hou spoke with incomparable "sincerity and sincerity", but listening to his words, Zhao Yun was about to cry, gritted his teeth hard, and finally put on Putting on the detoxification towel that his lord personally urinated on, he immediately roared out of shape: "Brothers, get on your horse! Kill the thief!!!"

It was also in a mess of grief and indignation like him. Five hundred cavalry put on diapers in grief and indignation, and immediately turned on their horses with a bang. More than 2000 iron hooves trampled heavily on the ground. , rushed to the killing field!
Seeing that his subordinates didn't care about the thick smoke and rushed into the smoke formation without hesitation, Wang Hou wiped the onion juice from two hands on the front of his clothes vigorously, and shook his head with emotion.

"Master Xing never bullies me, this trick really works! Hahahaha!"

He learned this scene from "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Beggar". Obai released the poisonous smoke to fascinate Kangxi's 10,000+ army. As a result, a gang of beggars urinated and covered their faces, broke into the poisonous smoke and was unharmed. Remember Wang Hou!It's just that if Zhao Yun, who was pissed all over his face, knew the truth, would he yell that he followed the wrong owner, and then go south to find Liu Huangshu without hesitation?

Fortunately, there is no Internet in this era, and I don’t know how effective this anti-smoke trick is, but the morale boosting effect is [-]%. In the smoke array, he is still closing his defense with red eyes. Lin Gu Xie Meng suddenly Suddenly, he heard a growl like killing his father.

"The thief of Lin Valley is coming!"

This kind of murderous aura and resentment are beyond ordinary hatred!Who has such a deep hatred for himself?Full of astonishment, behind the crowd, Xie Meng squinted his eyes and looked forward in astonishment, and saw that within the outline, something seemed to fly up like a scarecrow, and pieces of viscous liquid were swaying hazyly.

In an instant, the smoke screen became indifferent, and Xie Meng saw a heavy armored cavalryman with a yellow cloth on his face swinging out a halberd. One of his subordinates had a broken chest and flew out vomiting blood. With a silver spear, wearing dragon scale armor, and a yellow cloth covering his face, the general came straight to him with red eyes and gritted teeth!

The speed is so fast that there is no chance to defend!


But at the moment when his head flew into the air, the leader of the thief, Xie Meng, was still full of doubts. What kind of enmity does I have with this guy?


Huge cheers suddenly came out from the thick smoke. Hearing the sound, Wang Hou laughed in a very handsome manner, almost swinging a feather fan. roared.

"Beat the drum, attack from all directions! Kill the thief!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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