Chapter 191 I frowned and thought about it
God is really saying that one favors the other. To the north of Lianhua Mountain, there are first the Taishan Mountains, and then the Yimeng Mountains. The terrain is rugged and the plains are sparse and barren. However, after passing the Lianhua Mountain to the south, there is another hilly plain in southern Shandong. The alluvial plains on both sides are fertile. , rich in products.

The abundance of products also contributed to the prosperity of culture, which is also one of the reasons why the Langya gentry was able to prosper for a long time in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, in addition to the Yingchuan gentry.

Wang Hou overestimated those Taishan bandit tribes a bit. It seems that there was also a situation in which more than 100 people from various families in Wenhuitang were arguing endlessly. When they originally planned to arrive at Lianhua Mountain, the other party also rushed to the mountain pass. However, when Wang Hou arrived slowly with an army of more than 1 peasants less than [-] miles a day, the [-] Taishan bandits hadn't left the Yimeng Mountains yet.

This gave Wang Hou more time to prepare.

In ancient times, wars were fought in an array, which is why thousands of officers and soldiers and 1 people can defeat hundreds of thousands of thieves. A few flags of Zhuge Wang, Zhao Tian and Liu stood there together, and now it is a fool's formation training. Tian, ​​Zhuge, and Wang flags are erected together, and the big banner is tilted forward, that is, the soldiers of these families are moving forward Charge, Liu and Li set up the flags on both sides, and the big flag tilted to the left means that the soldiers of the two families are going to the left, preparing to outflank the left. The command is now handed over to Jia Xu, and his old man is having a great time playing there.

Looking at the peasant army carrying hoes and shovels walking in a bit of a mess, some soldiers with the same surname of the same family have gone on the battlefield better. They usually train like this. I really don’t know how messy it is in battle Cheng Zhayang looked at Wang Hou and kept shaking his head.

"The thieves are also in a disorganized formation, and the battle formation is all based on a surge of blood, so the state shepherd is not too worried!"

He also knew that the quality of the subordinate soldiers was really mediocre, and with a sneer, Zhuge Lie persuasively persuaded him, the corners of Wang Hou's mouth couldn't help twitching, he was worse than anyone at the critical moment, this battle was enough.

But no matter what, the battle has to be fought, and Wang Hou put the conversation aside in a leisurely way.

"By the way, I heard that there is a man named Zhuge Liang in your Zhuge clan. I don't know which village he is in?"

"Oh, you said Xiao Liangzi!"

Zhuge Ying, the younger sister of Zhuge who was following behind with a stern face, became excited when she heard the name, and took up the conversation with great interest, and the corners of Wang Hou's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Prime Minister Zhuge?Bow and show respect!Little Ryoko!The three titles don't match up in my mind.

"How does Zhou Mu know about him? He is my cousin and lives near our house. He lost his father since he was a child and was raised by Uncle Xuan!"

"Oh? He's still in Wenhui Hall?"

Hearing this, Wang Hou became slightly excited, but Zhuge Ying shook her head heavily.

"It's been gone for a long time. Several years ago, Uncle Xuan worshiped as the prefect of Yuzhang, and he and cousin Ke followed! Later Yuan Shu fell, and the court sent someone to replace Uncle Xuan. They seemed to be with Uncle Xuan. Moved to Jingzhou! It has been three or four years without contact!"

"How did you hear about him? That little nerd, dumb, dumber than my strong brother!"

"Ying! In front of Zhou Mu, don't make mistakes!"

"It was supposed to be!"

The corners of Wang Hou's mouth are still twitching. He is a little nerd, but the later generations are dignified Prime Minister Zhuge. In all major games, the IQ is either 99 or 250, but your brother?I can't find it on Baidu!

"Before the trip, Yu Jiyu, the old god, once made a fortune telling that he has the fate of a rich man! Whoever recruits him will be able to prosper! Cheng Xu, if possible, can you write a letter to contact him for me? I want to recruit He enters the curtain!"

The feudal society is better, and everything can be pushed to the old feudal, but I don't know if Yu Ji can be as stunned as "Mr. Lu Xun" on the Internet after learning of his "magic calculation".

He also took the old Feng Jianji's words seriously, and Zhuge Lie clasped his fists with a little envy: "Your subordinate obeys!"

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes coming from under the mound, and Wang Congge, the captain of the messenger team, ran up the mound panting.

"My lord, General Zang Hongzang is back!"



"This is General Zang Hong, whom I sent to investigate the enemy's situation!"

This guy came back in time, but it was a bit embarrassing to meet, after all, the two "sufferers" are here!While introducing Zhuge Lie and his sister, Wang Hou's eyelids blinked like cramps. Fortunately, this Zang Hong has an emotional intelligence, and he didn't let Jia Xu's bad idea come out. Kneel down with a military salute.

"Meet the lord, there will be military reports at the end!"


It's really good to have an inside ghost, that is, Zang Hong, who fanned the evil wind and lit the will-o'-the-wisp, inciting the Taishan bandits to go south. Naturally, this kid knows exactly what their configuration is.

This group of Taishan thieves going south has nothing to do with Zang Ba. It is the deployment of Changxi, the second force among the Taishan thieves. Mouth back to Taishan County, rumors spread that Wang Hou was trying to win over the Langya family for Zang Ba, and Chang Xi couldn't sit still.

The core force of the 3000 Taishan thieves are the more than [-] strong Taishan thieves in Chang Xi's brother-in-law Lingu Xiemeng's village.

Under the cute eyes of Zhuge Lie and his sister, Zang Hong also described to Zhao Yun in detail what Xie Meng looks like, how tall he is, what kind of armor and clothes he likes to wear, and what kind of weapons he likes to carry , How long is the beard, and there are several moles on the face, Zhao Yun couldn't find the target and chopped off the wrong head when he rushed into the battle.

After reviewing the plan, Wang Hou had a lot of confidence in his mind. This one sent Lao Zhao to practice assassination with Zhang Xiemeng's photo sticker on the scarecrow, and the other Wang Hou also thought about going out and wandering around.

But as soon as he came out, a choking smell of soot hit his face, choking Wang Hou to tears, covering his mouth and coughing, Cao Hongjie was depressed again by the big tent of the Chinese army shouted.

"How could it be muddled again!!! It was fried according to Sister Lu's method!"

It's really talented, the same iron pot, what Lu Ji cooks is delicacies, but what Cao Xiaoniu cooks is poison!On the side of the stove on the right side of the yellow mud, Cao Hongjie's face was black with smoke, carrying a big pot and shovel, desperately at a loss, and rushed out of the smoke depressedly, looking at Zang Hong who followed behind and also suffered , brother and sister Zhuge, Wang Hou was suddenly dumbfounded for a moment.

"You are truly a blessing for your husband!"

Cao Hongjie was caught off guard, and Wang Hou suddenly put a white seal on her small dark face, and immediately put his arms around her slender waist, and spun around quickly, watching Zhuge brothers and sisters who had eaten a mouthful of dog food Looking stunned, her face turned red to the neck in an instant, and Cao Xiaoniu patted Wang Hou directly on the back sadly.

"There are so many people watching! It's so embarrassing! Let me down quickly!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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