Chapter 104

Baijiu became popular only in the late Qing Dynasty and modern times, but even in the era of rice wine, Shanxi's Fenjiu is still famous all over the world, especially the old wine.

Last time I made a bet with Wang Hou that if his [-]-acre Zhongtian could harvest [-] shi, Guo Jia would quit drinking. As a result, they all went to conquer Lu Bu with Cao Cao during the autumn harvest, and when they returned, they began to renege on their debts.

No way, asking him to stop drinking would kill his old Guo Guicai. Wang Hou said it well, quit food and wine, but these days, a few pots of wine or something can almost catch up with his monthly salary. How can he enjoy himself?After arguing and arguing for a long time, the condition they finally got was that once Wang Hou showed up, he would not be allowed to drink!
So Wang Hou took the initiative to invite him to drink tonight, and he drank the old Fen wine that had been aged for three years in Bingzhou. At least seven or eight catties of yellow rice wine in the jar were dried up.

Don’t underestimate rice wine. In this era, rice wine is considered the highest quality wine. It is still aged. The alcohol content must be more than 20 if it is not thirty Have fun, don't let Jin Zunkong finish yelling sour words at Yueyue, this bastard Guo Jia babbles, then kneels under the table holding the wine bowl.

After bragging about the "international situation" with Guo Jia all night, and discussing the characters of Shilin for a long time, Wang Hou was also slightly drunk at this time, stood up staggeringly, walked to Guo Jia, and pushed Guo Dajun a few times in succession. Laughing and shouting.

"Guo Fengxiao, get up, don't pretend to be dead, keep drinking! Don't you call yourself the hero of the wine country?"

But he really drank too much, turned around, Guo Jia even snored, and Hei slapped his old face twice to make sure that this guy was drunk, but the smile on Wang Hou's face gradually faded .

Lifting the curtain hanging in the living room, a cup of turquoise bubbling liquid had already been prepared there. After picking it up, Wang Hou raised his head abruptly, and with a grunt, he was completely exhausted. The next second, he was extremely uncomfortable. Clutching his throat, he staggered out the door, and spat it out on the side flower bed.

His stomach was about to be vomited out, but after turning it over, Wang Hou was obviously sober, and his footsteps were no longer vain. He walked back to the room with an uncomfortable expression on his face, wiped his mouth with the towel on the table, and immediately Wang Hou was He took the arms of Guo Guicai, who was paralyzed on the ground like a drunk cat, and helped him to the backyard.


Fenjiu is really good. After drinking it, the throat doesn’t dry out, and the head doesn’t seem to hurt that much. Only one old waist seems to be sore, and the buttocks are still sore and sore, confused. Guo Jia seems to be rubbing his waist. But he pulled his hand, but he didn't pull it out, and he pulled it again, but he still couldn't pull it out. His brow was sweating in a hurry, and he finally opened his eyes in a daze.

"Yuan Shao didn't call! But Feng Xiao, you told me those things just now, it's troublesome!"

What a clever wake-up call. Seeing that Wang Hou had put on his chain armor inlaid with cold-forged armor pieces again, and was straightening the iron gauntlets, Guo Jia was so shocked that he wanted to stand up suddenly, but this time He didn't stand up and didn't say anything, and even brought down the big chair unique to Wang Hou's mansion.

That's right, he was firmly tied to the chair by Wang Hou.

But in Wang Hou's eyes, pretty little girls are worthy of being tied up carefully. Using a rope to outline every beauty of the body, and tying up the little hands helplessly behind the back, that is called a work of art. Guo Jia, a gentleman, is pure It's called a tied pig, and the big thick rope was wrapped around him like a thread, and his hands were directly inserted on both sides of his body, and his head fell to the ground. Helplessly, Wang Hou stopped what he was doing, and stretched out his hand to help him up again.

"I said Brother Feng Xiao, you can't be more honest, if you can't, I'll put you on the bed, and after a few hours, Lan'er will come and let you go!"

"Tu begging you to calm down! The prime minister has a reason for dedicating the Red Festival to His Majesty! First think about your current official position, your achievements, your whole family, and your Taiyuan Wang clan, don't be stupid thing!"

"The prime minister really wants to marry the Red Festival to the emperor! The send-off team tomorrow morning is really the one who sent her off!"

Wang Hou's pupils flickered for a moment, he clasped his chin and nodded clearly, and then tapped his head sadly, Cao Hongjie!He should have thought of it sooner!She is the second child of the three Cao sisters who were married to Emperor Xian of Han by Cao Cao in history, and Cao Jie who finally became the empress of Emperor Xian of Han!When Tian Lie saw the three sisters of Cao Hongjie going hunting together that day, he should have thought about it, but at that time, he was so full of thoughts on how to recommend Zhao Yun that he forgot about it!

The Guo Jia he saw in this scene was also so sad that he wanted to slap himself in the face. He should believe in his own wine, even if he was drunk, he didn't say anything!This is good, in the end it's exposed!

Full of anxiety, Guo Jia persuaded again.

"Tuqiu, the prime minister really needs you! Don't look at you as a timid person who is afraid of death and a bad character, but the prime minister really needs someone who will take care of the rear for him. This is something Xun Yu can't do. He is too partial to the aristocratic family. Cheng Yu and I can be Zhang Liang! And Xiao He, who compared you to the prime minister, is not talking about it for a while!"

"You are so talented! Are you willing to bury yourself on the long street on the spur of the moment, and call yourself a rebel?"

"Reuse! Hehe!"

Mentioning this, a strong sneer appeared on Wang Hou's face, full of annoyance, he suddenly turned his head.

"The prime minister reused Wang so much that he refused to even get married. He used the red festival to tune me, Wang Tuqiu, to work for him, and finally dedicated her to the emperor! Brother Feng Xiao, the prime minister really thinks highly of me, Wang Hou!"

"Wang Hou, why did you say that! Except for Cao Hongjie! How did the prime minister treat you badly? Once you started as a small official, within a year, you rose from penniless to a thousand-stone official! There are tens of thousands of lands, thousands of servants, and being forced Considered a close minister, the Prime Minister even believes in you more than he trusts the old minister Xun Yu, not to mention Xu Du, the princes of the world, who can be like you? Ask yourself!"

Guo Jia was also angry, Geng Geng's veins were throbbing, and he roared angrily. Wang Hou couldn't help being dumbfounded for a while, but after a long time, Wang Hou still shook his head heavily.

"Then why is the prime minister unwilling to marry Hongjie to me, Wang Hou? Since he values ​​me so much, how can I not be worthy of her?"

"If it's Miss Hongxian, Miss Honghua, or Cao Honghua, the Prime Minister would be happy to marry you, but Miss Hongjie can't!"

Beads of sweat rolled out on his forehead, and Guo Jia explained helplessly on the chair.

"You have seen the three sisters of the Cao family before. The eldest lady is weak and foolish by nature. She is not suitable for a place full of conspiracy like the imperial palace! The third lady is too young! Only the second lady, Hongjie, has the strength to keep the emperor in check. This wrist, this courage!"

Waving his sleeves and pointing at the door, Guo Jia said angrily and anxiously: "It's not like you haven't seen Dong Cheng, you're a fool! But why does he gather so many outlaws from aristocratic families to serve him? The identity of a foreign relative! The prime minister’s move is also to stabilize the whole situation! The prime minister’s hegemony does not belong to him, it belongs to you, it belongs to me, Guo, and everyone! The prime minister is willing to sacrifice his three daughters for everyone! You are an outsider, What kind of thorns are you playing here!"

"In order to appease you, the prime minister even recognized Lu Ji as a righteous daughter. Even if he broke the tacit understanding of the family's rules, he still recommended you as the head of the Jinyang Wang family. Is it not enough to glorify your lintel?"

This time, Wang Hou was completely speechless. With his head down, he sat on the chair quite silently. Unfortunately, under Guo Jia's gloomy eyes, Wang Hou still shook his head. shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng Xiao, I, Mr. Wang, don't have that much ambition, and I'm not even very promising. My only ambition is to keep my wife and children alive!"

"You don't have it now!"

"The wife must be Cao Hongjie!"

Guo Jia shook his head helplessly, he knew that no matter what he said, he couldn't change Wang Hou's decision!Clasping his fists, Wang Hou also spoke quickly and hastily.

"Wang has already made a covenant with the Red Festival! If Wang does not die tonight, the Prime Minister and Brother Guo's kindness will be rewarded in the future. If Wang dies today! This family needs to ask Brother Guo! Farewell!"

With a heavy bow, Wang Hou put on his big cloak chicly, carried a gun and a sword, walked out of the room with firm steps, watched him lock the door with straight eyes, and looked back at the corpse thrown on the ground. The old jar pulled out his right arm, and slapped his forehead sadly. Guo Jia shook his heavy head in depression.

"It's time to stop drinking!"


In fact, Wang Hou also really wants to thank Cao Cao, because it was actually Cao Cao who discovered all this. He gave Wang Hou the power of the Wang family in Taiyuan in Xudu, and let him know how powerful the feudal family is these days. how big.

There are about [-] officials and generals in Xudu, large and small. Even if they are implicated by the prince's clothes, there are still as many as [-] Taiyuan Wangs who are officials in Xudu, accounting for one-twentieth. The official positions are not big, but they are distributed in every corner of Xudu, and in the Wang family of Taiyuan, he, the fake patriarch, is even more powerful than Cao Cao's voice!

From the night when Cao Hongjie broke the appointment, Wang Hou began to investigate. He had already noticed the clues that the prime minister's mansion was planning to marry. One, it is impossible for Cao Cao to send Cao Hongjie, a stubborn little fool, to perform any important tasks alone. If there is anything, he must be fattened!second!The sorghum field agreement they agreed on was in autumn when the sorghum is red and romantic, so eager, it shows that the time for Caohong Festival is running out!Third: When Cao Hongjie left, the Langya Prime Minister arranged for him!

Langya is not a county but a country. At this time, the power of the clan king of the Han Dynasty has long been weakened and is no different from that of a rich man. The prime minister of Langya is equivalent to the prefect of Langya.

It is a place far away from the battlefield, and there is the Wang clan of Langya, a branch of the Wang clan of Taiyuan at the end of the Qin Dynasty hundreds of years ago. After all, they are related. Langya Kingdom is a good place to wait and see. At the moment when the decisive battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao is about to start, might Cao Cao put him, the big housekeeper, so far away to make soy sauce?
Then Cao Hongjie must have paid something to get it for him!
From this era, Wang Hou has been fighting for the head on his neck, but today, let a woman he loves sacrifice in exchange for his high-ranking officials and rich salary, and a stable life, Wang Hou found that it seems to be the head Hanging it securely on his shoulders, he will still feel uneasy in the days to come, and carry a heavy burden in his heart. Such a life is not as good as it is!
It's time to play a big game with my precious head!Facing the faintly setting moon, Wang Hou couldn't help but take a deep breath of the coldness in the air, to clear his mind a bit.

"You can figure it out!"

Holding the sword and wandering out of the corridor, Zhao Yun hummed lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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