Chapter 322, Distress Signal

Jiang Ran and Si Xu thought of the same thing.

She picked up a chopstick of vegetables and put them in the Sixu bowl, took back the chopsticks, looked at Gu Yunqing and said, "We encountered an attack from an intelligent zombie this time on the way from Dongchao to Beichen."

Gu Yunqing was stunned: "Intelligent zombies?" He knew something about the work of the laboratory, and blurted out, "That thing evolved so quickly?"

At this speed, it would be much faster than the evolution speed of supernatural beings.

"Well, it's an experimental subject that was not processed by the Eastern Dynasty Research Institute before." Si Xu said, "I remember that our old Xiling Laboratory kept his data."

"Experimental subject?" Gu Yunqing was curious, "What's the name?"

"The wind stops."

After thinking for a while, Gu Yunqing confirmed that he had never heard of this name before, "But now that the laboratory is burned down, I'm afraid the information inside..."

"I told you, the old laboratory." Si Xu expressed his disdain for his companion's IQ, "It's the place where Qin Huai imprisoned you."

"Ah." Gu Yunqing thought of the dark prison cell and was surprised, "Where is the old abandoned laboratory?"

He suddenly came to the nature: "After I was rescued that time, I haven't gone back to read it. Why don't I go and have a look later? Maybe I can find the information about Fengting."

Si Xu was noncommittal and looked at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran was also very interested: "Okay, let's go and have a look after dinner."

She is also very interested in that Feng Ting. If she can find his information, maybe she can find out his weaknesses and flaws.

She had the same idea as Si Xu in this attack of the zombie wave - the large-scale awakening of the zombies and the command of the boss behind the scenes, she was more inclined to the latter.

As for whether the boss behind the scenes is the awakened wisdom Feng Ting, if it is him, how did he command the siege zombies?
All these questions may be answered in that abandoned laboratory.


For unknown reasons, this abandoned building was redecorated, directly sealing off all the original laboratories and dungeons in the new building.

The hole that Shen Bai knocked out last time was also sealed off by the ability team again. Si Xu and Jiang Ran stopped in front of the blocked hole, and looked at Gu Yunqing together.

Gu Yunqing carried out his work resignedly.

The man condensed the wind blade, mercilessly split the tool that blocked the entrance of the cave, looked back at the two, and made a gesture of invitation: "Both, please~"

Si Xu led Jiang Ran into the building by himself.

Gu Yunqing followed behind the two, feeling as if he had returned to the time when the two of them first met—at that time, he was just like now, silently following behind the two of them, working hard and being ruthlessly stuffed with dog food.

After entering the corridor, Si Xu went to the side wall and scratched twice, and the wind on the top of the corridor lit up with a "click".

Pale light shone on the walls of the corridor, making the whole corridor look gloomy.

"It's been so long, and the electricity is still on?" Gu Yunqing muttered, looking forward to the memory, "I remember that Qin Huai locked us in the dungeon at that time... I forgot where we got down from."

"What are you doing in the dungeon?" Si Xu was puzzled, "I miss the good time when I was a prisoner?"

Gu Yunqing: "..."

When the two were fighting each other, Jiang Ranji was concerned about their purpose of coming here.

She took two steps forward vigilantly, stopped, and looked at the schematic diagram of the building on the wall.

"There is still a map here?" Gu Yunqing also found out, and he leaned over to study, "Hey, why is there no dungeon here?"

He was thinking about the dungeon, and Jiang Ran couldn't help laughing: "Gu Dui, you are so persistent, if you find the dungeon, you can stay here overnight. I can lock the door for you for free, and by the way, I will notify Qin Dui to pick you up tomorrow."

Being teased by the girls, Gu Yunqing was in a good mood: "I just find it strange—the dungeon where we were imprisoned doesn't feel like a dungeon."

Not like a dungeon?What does it mean?Jiang Ran was puzzled.

Knowing this place well, Si Xu walked forward with ease, and did not forget to answer Jiang Ran's doubts: "The room where you are locked up is indeed not a dungeon-there was no dungeon in this laboratory before, only interrogation of prisoners and teaching disobedient experimental subjects torture chamber."

"Punishment room?" Gu Yunqing said, "How could Qin Huai know..."

"He's a regular visitor here, of course he knows." Si Xu said lightly, "Qin Huai used to be a wild wolf, who would bite anyone he saw. After staying here for a long time, he smoothed his claws."

Perhaps it can be said that after suffering enough, I learned how to disguise myself.

The impression of Qin Huai has always been on the cruel side he showed in killing the members of the fourth ability team. Now, hearing what Si Xu said, Jiang Ran can somewhat understand the man's hatred for the base.

Not wanting to continue discussing Qin Huai, Jiang Ran said, "Shall we move forward?"

Si Xu nodded: "Let's go—the reference room is at the end of the second floor."


After walking a certain distance, Jiang Ran remembered something: "Si Xu, this place has been abandoned for so long, why is it still powered on?"

Don't you think it's too weird?In the last days, all kinds of resources are very important. There will be a curfew at the base at [-] o'clock. In special cases, it will not wait until eleven o'clock... This abandoned laboratory can keep the power continuously. Don't tell her that she is moving away. I forgot to pull the switch.

Si Xu's eyes were stained with a smile.

Look, his little girl is sharp, much sharper than that idiot Gu Yunqing.

Gu Yunqing also came back to his senses: "Yes, Si Xu, why is there still electricity here?"

"If there are other crises lurking here, you must be dead [-] times by now." Si Xu's disgust was obvious, "You can be more dull."

Gu Yunqing, who was hurt again, replied straightforwardly: "Isn't it because you and Sister Ranran are here!"

Si Xu: "If you feel that you are in danger, I will take care of you?"

Gu Yunqing: "Si Xu, there is sister Ranran, if you don't save me, she will save me."

As he spoke, he still didn't forget to ask Jiang Ran for approval: "Yes, sister Ranran?"

Jiang Ran replied perfunctorily: "Hmm."

Gu Yunqing looked at Si Xu with a smile, full of complacency.

Secretary: "..."

Having no time to pay attention to the back and forth between the two naive men, Jiang Ran said, "Si Xu, you haven't said the reason yet."

Since Qin Huai found out this place, Si Xu didn't intend to hide it from them.

"You come with me."

He took Jiang Ran's hand and led Gu Yunqing to the first floor.

The corridor was deep and the white light was bleak, and the footsteps of the three echoed in the air, which inexplicably made people feel a little startled.

On the first basement floor, Gu Yunqing spotted the torture room where he was imprisoned.

"Yo, where I live temporarily."

Jiang Ran stopped at the door of the execution room, looking through the dilapidated door and onto the wall.

"The traces on it..." she asked Gu Yunqing, "Didn't you guys leave it behind, Captain Gu?"

There are scratches on the wall, many of which still have dried blood.

Gu Yunqing said: "No, it should have been left by the former prisoner. From the looks of it, it's likely to be scratches from fingers."

"Yes, finger marks." Jiang Ran's voice was deep, as if he was sighing, "The person who left these marks must be in pain."

Those bloodstains, like a silent cry for help, complained to those who saw the "prisoner"'s despair.

(End of this chapter)

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