i have a super island

Chapter 800 Entering a New Era

Chapter 800 Entering a New Era
Time flies, and a week has passed.

During this week, many things happened in Wan Guo City.

First, a temporary stop was set up on an island to the east of Wan Guo City. Any ship that came to Wan Guo City had to berth here for a week before arriving at Wan Guo City.

Then there is the sanitation problem on the island. To solve the current sanitation dilemma, we must start from the source. One is to vigorously strengthen sanitation education, and the other is to vigorously build sanitation facilities.

The health education department is mainly in charge of Zhenzhu, and Song Zhixi sometimes acts as a consultant to help publicize health knowledge.

Wei Lin is in charge of the facilities. She organized people to dig tunnels in several most populated areas of the island, including the core inner city of the entire island.

Seeing these deep ravines dug out of the ground, the natives didn't understand what was going on.

When the copper pipes are produced at the smelter, the next step of pipeline laying can finally be carried out.

Among all the projects, the paving of the inner city is naturally given priority.

For all the inhabited buildings in the city wall, Wei Lin has designed independent toilets. Several pipes eventually converge into a general pipe, which passes under the city wall and leads to the coast.

When the pipeline was being laid, the residents of those islands came to the construction site to watch.

The natives were amazed to see pipes made of brand new brass and then buried in the ground.

This is the brass used to make copper coins, and it is simply too wasteful to be buried in the ground like this.

Almost everyone was very curious about what the purpose of burying these brass was.

Of course, Wei Lin didn't have time to explain to these islanders who watched the excitement. She was very busy now, and she had to stand on the construction site and supervise the workers to complete the laying of the copper pipes.

Under the watchful eyes of the island residents, it took two days to complete the laying of those copper pipes.

All that was left was to cover back the excavated soil and bury the copper pipes.

Now those island residents don't understand even more, dare to toss for two days just for this?It doesn't look any different from the original one. What's the use of these things?

Of course they don't understand the drainage and sewage system. This set of technology is beyond their comprehension, but it doesn't prevent them from experiencing the benefits of the sewage system soon.

After the pipe laying was completed, the houses in the city that did not have toilets were built with toilets one after another.

With the pre-laid pipes, there is no need to worry about the dirt being difficult to deal with, as long as it is convenient to wash with water, it can be easily resolved.

Moreover, the island has a natural advantage, that is, there is no need to worry about running out of water for washing, and even fresh water is not needed, as it can be washed clean with sea water.

The most time-consuming part of the whole project is not digging tunnels or building toilets, but casting copper pipes.

A large amount of copper is needed to pour copper pipes, and the requirements for molds are also very high. With the production level of the smelter on the island, at most ten sections of copper pipes can be produced in a day.

After the pipeline in the inner city was first laid, the sewage pipelines in several other large residential areas had to wait in line for laying.

The area where the pipeline is laid first can enjoy the convenience brought by the new technology first. The natives who originally only knew how to dig holes on the spot gradually learned to squat in public toilets. The biggest benefit of this is that the people in that area The sanitation environment has been improved immediately.

There are even people from other settlements who will go to settlements that have built public toilets to solve the problem.

In addition, Wanguo City has already mastered the technology of papermaking and can independently produce paper. In this way, when solving hygiene problems, it also promotes the method of wiping butts.

Those natives who kept the friction of bamboo, stones, and leaves finally experienced the comfort of being touched by soft paper. For a while, the new cleaning method spread quickly, and everyone also took squatting in public toilets as a fashion.Meeting with three or five friends, chatting while squatting in the pit, has become the latest thing on the island.


Before I knew it, another two months passed.

At present, everything in Wan Guo City is on the right track.

The public health system has been established, personal hygiene knowledge is gradually popularized, and most islanders are accepting this new civilization.

There is no longer the scene of digging holes everywhere on the island, and the environment has also been greatly improved.

On the other side, the trade market on the east coast of the island is still as hot as before.

And more and more people came to Wan Guo City to seek wealth. In order to deal with these ships coming from all directions, three islands were opened as temporary stops.

Those ships coming to Wan Guo City must stop at one of the four outer islands and pass the inspection of the checkpoint personnel before they can obtain a pass to Wang Guo City.

The rise of free trade, the issuance of currency, an advanced health system, a strong army and city defense, a wise leader...

All these constitute the foundation for the rapid development of Wan Guo City, and it is precisely because of these factors that everyone is full of confidence in Wan Guo City, and it is precisely because of this that the copper coins of Wan Guo City have naturally become the hard currency circulating in this sea area. They are all using the copper coins of Wan Guocheng, and everyone hopes that Wan Guocheng can stand forever.

As the people's aspiration, Wan Guo City has also ushered in explosive development during this period. Several major planting areas on the island have begun to produce, and several major factories are also running non-stop. The Wan Guo City produced The goods were snapped up by people from the surrounding tribes, and the resources on those islands were also being continuously sent to the City of Nations.

So far, the total population of Wan Guo City has exceeded 1000 people.

If you count the prisoners held on Obsidian Island and those black households who escaped the inspection, the total population of Wan Guo City should be around [-].

At this point, Wan Guo City finally bid farewell to the original appearance of a small village, at least now it does look like a country.

During this period of time, the equation was extremely busy, spinning almost every day.

In the eyes of others, he is an iron man who does not need to rest, as if no matter how tired he is, he will not cry.

However, what they don't know is that Equation often comes to the forest in the middle of the island late at night.

Now the entire island has been developed, except for the dense forest in the middle. Because it involves the safety of the water source of the island, the equation issued an order to prohibit unrelated people from entering.

Defending the water source is only an obvious reason, and there is another reason that only the equation knows, and that is to protect Hathaway who is hiding here.

That night, after everyone had gone to sleep, Equation quietly came to the forest alone.

(End of this chapter)

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