i have a super island

Chapter 791 The Sleeping Port

Chapter 791 The Sleeping Port
On a small island hundreds of nautical miles away from Nile, a shocking crime is being plotted.

Orfina was sitting in the center of the high table in the dilapidated tavern, and next to her were Cyclops, Bald Head and Granny Tan.

There was still a bandage on Granny Tan's forehead. She was knocked unconscious by Ao Feina's shield that day, and her head is still shaking slightly.

After being hanged and beaten by the Tinavians that day, the three pirate leaders were completely subdued, and they recognized the gap in strength between them and Ofina, and expressed their submission to her.

"Queen Ofina, Nero can't be taken down by just a few of us." The bald head said.

"Of course I know this. We alone are not enough, so I have to recruit all the other pirates and let everyone follow me." Ofina smiled triumphantly.

One-eyed said: "It's not easy to win everyone over."

Ofina smiled and said: "Why do you become pirates? Isn't it for money? Don't tell me stupid things like ambitions and dreams. No one will come to become pirates if it's not for money. As long as we have money, we will have money." There are a lot of gold and silver, are you afraid that those pirates will not come one after another?"

Tan Po said: "Where does the money come from? Could it be that you want the three of us to pay for it?"

Ofina glanced at Tan Po, and sneered, "What if I want to?"

Having said that, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Let these three pirate chiefs join Ofina, and it's no problem to follow her, but once you want to spend real money, it's another matter.

The three pirate chiefs said that it is impossible to have no family background. Having been a pirate for so many years, they have paved a way for themselves no matter what. They don't know how much gold, silver and jewelry have been saved.

But if they had to shell out the money, the fragile alliance would have an immediate chance of breaking down.


Ofian laughed out loud, looking at the embarrassment of the three of them.

Then I heard her say, "It's not easy. Of course the money came from Nile."

Granny Tan supported her bandaged forehead, her eyes were flickering, "You don't really intend to rob Nero, do you?"

Ofina turned a deaf ear, but asked the three of them, "How many ports are there in Nile?"

"Four places: Shakara, Abydos, Said, and Giza." One Eye said, "Giza is the largest port, and cargo ships from all over the world come here every day."

"Don't think about the port of Giza. It is the largest port in the Nile and the most heavily defended port. Attacking Giza rashly will only wipe out our entire army," Tan Po reminded.

Ofina crossed her fingers, dragged her chin, and said with a smile: "Of course, with our current strength, to touch the Giza Port is to hit a stone with an egg."

One-eyed said: "I suggest choosing Shakara, which is the smallest port in Nile, and the defense force will be relatively weak, so we can succeed."

"Very well, that's Shakara!"

Ofina stood up, did not toast with the three pirate leaders, but turned around and walked out of the tavern.

Under the watchful eyes of the three, Ofina twisted her body and walked out of the tavern, leaving a sentence, "It takes three days to prepare the manpower, and when the time is up, surprise Shakara."

In the tavern, one-eyed, bald-headed, and Granny Tan were left looking at each other.

They just thought that this woman was so crazy that she appeared out of nowhere, and then proposed to conquer Nero in a whimsical way.

I thought she was just a lunatic, but I didn't expect that she did have the strength that people dare not resist.

The bald head couldn't make up his mind, and said vacillatingly: "Are we really going to go crazy with her? This is robbing Nile's port. What we did before was just looting passing ships. If we provoke Nile's anger... ..."

Cyclops had another attitude and said, "I think this woman is not simple, maybe it's right to follow her."

"Tan Po, what do you think?" The bald head looked at Tan Po.

Tan Po coughed twice, and said, "I'm old, so I won't make up my mind about these things. You juniors, just watch. If you send troops, my wife will follow."

One-eyed said with determination: "If this ticket is won, then we will be pirates. Wouldn't it be better to take the money and fly away?"

"One-eyed, so you've already made up your mind?" the bald head asked.

"Of course, they are already pirates, so there is no reason to be afraid of death." Cyclops said.

"Very good, then my wife will follow." Tan Po looked at her granddaughter beside her, and said to herself that she was too old to be a pirate for the rest of her life. Leave some dowry.

Pirates are like this. When there are benefits in front of you, then the risk is not worth mentioning. If you are afraid of risks, you will not be able to take the road of piracy from the very beginning.

Now that the matter has come to an end, the three of them put their treasure on Ofina, hoping that this woman can lead them to make a lot of money.


Three days later, the night before dawn.

Dozens of small boats appeared on the sea outside Shakara Port.

Although Shakara is the smallest of the four ports of Nile, that is only relative. In fact, it is not small, and there are a lot of defensive forces around it.

Dozens of merchant ships from all over the world are moored in the port. These merchant ships are loaded with local specialties and come to Nile, hoping to exchange them for priceless gold.

Every ship comes here with a full load and leaves with a full load.

Nile is like the world's treasury, with inexhaustible gold that makes people all over the world covet.

One-eyed, bald, and Mrs. Tan, the three pirate leaders gathered together.

However, the most important Ao Feina in this sudden attack has not appeared for a long time.

"What's the matter, that woman didn't come?" The bald head, who had always been suspicious about this matter, felt something was wrong.

"She won't play tricks on us, right?" Grandma Tan also felt that something was wrong. This was going to rob Shakara. How could such an important matter have not been seen yet.

One-eyed looked excited, looking at the port of Shakara in the dark, and said excitedly: "Whether she comes or not, look at the sleeping Shakara in front, they are a group of sleeping sheep, there is no one in the slightest." Fight back. And we have more than 300 fighters, if we kill them now, we will definitely be able to grab a lot of money."

The bald head and Mrs. Tan saw that the situation in front of them was indeed as what Cyclops had said, it was a rare and great opportunity to make money, so it was a pity to give up like this.

Since everyone has already gathered here, why not just grab him once.

"How about it, no matter the woman, as long as we are successful this time, we don't have to be pirates anymore." One Eye provoked the bald head and Granny Tan.

Grandma Tan glanced at her granddaughter, and said one word, "Grab!"

The bald head saw that the two companions were going to go, and he couldn't slip away alone, so he immediately agreed to go together.

(End of this chapter)

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