Chapter 776
Night falls.

The island is shrouded in darkness.

From a distance, there are dots of light like fireflies scattered on the island.

These lights are the flames of shark oil lamps.

In order to ward off those underwater monsters and prevent them from suddenly launching a sneak attack on the people on the island, Fang Fang asked Wei Lin to design and manufacture a street lamp.

This kind of street lamp is a stone pillar with a height of 1.5 meters. There is a grid for placing oil lamps on the top, and glass is installed around it, so that the light can be transmitted through the glass, and the wind and rain outside will not affect the lights inside.

Because shark oil lamps can burn for a very long time, these street lamps usually burn day and night.

They spread all over the island, covering the whole island with a smell of burning shark oil, so that no shark would dare to attack the island.

In the largest room in the city, Fang Fang and Li Qingman were talking about the day's affairs.

He learned from Bruto the real reason why Ofina would leave, and also learned of Bruto and Olo's decision to go after Ofina after dealing with the matter at hand.

After listening, Li Qingman was a little moved and said, "I never thought that Bruto and Olo would be so loyal to Ofina."

Fang Fang sighed: "The Tinavians value loyalty. Ofina is not only their queen, but also the incarnation of their mythical Valkyrie. They follow Orfina to fight and can only enter the Hall of Valor after they die."

"Sometimes I really don't understand, they are willing to give their lives for those illusory gods." Li Qingman shook her head slightly, she couldn't understand the enthusiasm of those Tinavians for entering the Hall of Valor.

"There are many things in this world that we can't understand. Maybe they think it's worth it." Equation also doesn't understand, but there is nothing to say. This is the choice of those people.

Li Qingman suddenly thought of something, and said: "If you go straight to the east, you will be Nero. Does Orfina want to..."

Equation said: "If it is correct, it is Nero that Orfina wants to rob."

During the conversation with Bruto during the day, Equation learned that Ofina has always been obsessed with Nero.

In the tales of these Tinavians, the East is the land of riches, where pearls and gold abound.In addition, she got Nero's information from Roger, which is exactly the same as their legendary Eastern World, so Ofina can't forget Nero, and has always wanted to go there to rob.

"But didn't Roger say that it would take at least two months' flight from here to Nile." Li Qingman was a little worried.

"If it's just a vast sea, Orfina and the others must be difficult to reach, but if there are always small islands along the way, then their warships can also reach Nile."

The people of Tinavia know how to sail, as long as there are supply islands on the way, they will definitely be able to reach Nile.

Moreover, Ofina has been attacking and looting those indigenous islands these days, and the adult men who captured them are likely to be used to recruit coolies, build warships, train troops, and prepare for the plunder of Nile.

Li Qingman said: "I heard from Roger that Nile is a big city with a population of one million. The city is heavily fortified and the imperial guards are brave and good at fighting. Ofina and her people may not be able to please them."

Fang Fang spread his hands and said: "No matter what, it is her own decision, and it is also her fate."

Since all of this is Ofina's own will, it is difficult for outsiders to say anything, so she can only go.

It was already late at night, and both of them yawned, ready to sleep and rest.

Usually there is no movement on the island at this time, but today the sound of war drums suddenly sounded.

There are four battle drums placed on the four corners of the city wall, which were previously made to defend against the sharks, and have been placed on the city wall since then. Whenever there is a situation, the soldiers on duty will ring the war drums.

Hearing the sound of war drums, Fang Fang and Li Qingman, who had just lay down, immediately sat up.

"problem occurs!"

"I'll go out and see."

"Wait, I'm going too."

The two hurried out of the room.

When I got outside, I saw soldiers swinging bed crossbows on the city wall.


There was a loud bang.

The bed crossbow shot out a crossbow bolt made of trees.

Then came the loud sound of several shots from the bed crossbow, and the momentum couldn't help but make the heart beat faster.

Fang Fang and Li Qingman hurried to the city wall to check the situation outside the city.

Soon Blake came to Equation and reported the situation to him, "City Master, there are sharks coming ashore."

Hearing that there are sharks coming ashore, Fang Fang panics. Isn’t there shark oil lamps on the island? The whole island is lit with shark oil lamps. It stands to reason that no shark would dare to go ashore.

Too bad, it couldn't be Hathaway!
Fang Fang said inwardly that it was not good. Could it be that these soldiers guarding the city thought Hathaway who came out of the sea was a mermaid.

Seeing the bed crossbow beside him, Fang Fang couldn't help but feel lingering fear. What if the crossbow goes down and shoots Hathaway to death?

"Have you seen it clearly?" Fang asked anxiously.

"Go back to the city lord, I can see clearly, it's a group of mermen, and there are male mermen among them." Blake said.

Hearing that it was a group of mermen, Fang Fang was relieved, Hathaway was alone, and there would never be a group of them.

After firing a few bed crossbows from the city, there was no movement on the coast.

Blake said: "It seems that those sharks have been scared away."

The equation still needs to be confirmed with your own eyes before you can rest assured, and immediately came down from the city wall and came to the coast.

The others also followed to the coast to check the situation.

On the beach, I saw a male merman was shot through by the arrows from the bed crossbow on the spot, and was firmly nailed to the soil.

The merman wasn't dead yet, but his chest was pierced and he was nailed into the soil and couldn't move.

In order to prevent this monster from hurting people, Blake commanded the soldiers to rush forward and hack the male mermaid to death on the spot.

In addition to a male merman, there were also two ordinary mermen. It seemed that there should be quite a few merman who went ashore this time, but they were scared away by the power of the bed crossbow.

Li Qingman expressed deep worry on his face, and said, "Could it be that shark oil lamps don't work on them? How dare these sharks come to the beach?"

Fang Fang didn't speak, and kept frowning and thinking. He probably guessed what was going on. None of these mermaids could overcome their fear of the smell of shark oil, so they definitely couldn't stay on the island forever. There is a very likely reason why Li came to the island, and that is to chase something.

And the one they were chasing was probably Hathaway.

Of course, only Equation knows about this matter, and will not tell anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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