Chapter 770
In the room, Jing Jing and the other aboriginal girls were also extremely nervous when they heard the news that Pearl was about to give birth.

Each of them has seen too many examples of troubles caused by giving birth, which is nothing new in their tribe.

Now that Pearl is about to give birth, everyone worries about her.

"Ma'am, what about us?"

Quietly led everyone to the door and asked for Song Zhixi's opinion.

"Take the first aid kit, you all come with me."

Song Zhixi thought for a while, this is an excellent opportunity to let these girls know about the delivery situation, and immediately ordered them to follow along.

In addition to rushing to Pearl, Song Zhixi took Xiaoliang's wife and gave a few important instructions, asking her to inform Ayue first and then Li Qingman.

After finishing all the preparations, Song Zhixi hurried to the classroom with a few little girls.

When I came to the classroom, there were already some spectators surrounded outside.

Song Zhixi hurried in, and saw Pearl standing there, the trousers on her legs were already stained with blood, and she was holding a purple-black fleshy ball in her hand, which was covered in blood.

Seeing so many people inside, Song Zhixi immediately drove these people out, "Get out, all of you get out."

She has to deal with Pearl's side in a hurry, and Jing Jing can only do the work of dispersing the crowd.

Quietly, a group of little girls, it was difficult to drive all these native men out, but fortunately, other people on the island also rushed over after hearing the news.

Lianna's appearance made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. She quickly cleared all the natives in the classroom, leaving only Song Zhixi and a few little girls studying medicine.

"now what?"

"Please help me guard outside, don't let irrelevant people wait in."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Pearl held the meat ball, with a terrified expression on her face, she cried, "Ma'am, why is this happening? Why is it a ball?"

Song Zhixi comforted: "Don't be afraid, it's okay, this is your placenta, now you have to take out the fetus quickly." As he said, he tore open the purple meat ball, and the amniotic fluid inside flowed out instantly, a small The fetus emerges from the placenta.

Due to insufficient months, the fetus is much smaller than the average full-term fetus, and there is an umbilical cord connected to the placenta on the belly button of the fetus.

"Quiet, sterile scissors."


Song Zhixi took the scissors, cut off the umbilical cord, and carefully carried the little baby out.

The child was all gray and did not move. Seeing Pearl here, his heart felt cold. Could it be... Thinking of this, he did not dare to think about it any further, and the little girls beside him were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

Fortunately, Song Zhixi's psychological quality is excellent, this small scene is nothing special to her, even though she is not a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, it is really nothing.

The skin of a newborn baby is this color because it has a layer of something like oil on it.

The problem now is that if the little baby doesn't speak, he must first find a way to make him cry.

In desperation, Song Zhixi held the baby's feet upside down and slapped his little butt hard. At first, the baby closed his eyes and did not move. Then open it.

At this time, the baby's eyes can't see anything, and it's just an instinct to open his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zhenzhu, who was on tenterhooks, was finally able to swallow her heart back, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Everyone else clapped their hands happily and couldn't help cheering for the little baby.

The umbilical cord was stitched on the baby's side, and Song Zhixi hurriedly checked the wound on Pearl's body. In her case, the cervix would be ruptured and needed to be stitched.

"There is no anesthetic, you need to endure it."

"it does not matter."

Pearl closed her eyes, it didn't matter whether she was in pain or not at this moment, as long as she could see the child come safely, it was more important than anything else.

The next thing only Song Zhixi can do, the most important part of the pearl is cracked and the injury is serious, urgently need to stop the bleeding and suture.Song Zhixi scrupulously treated Pearl in an emergency, while a group of girls waited quietly behind her, staring at her seriously without daring to blink.

Half an hour later, the bleeding had stopped and the wound had been stitched up. Pearl's face looked a little pale, but her eyes were still open, maintaining a clear mind.

"Pearls, pearls!"

A Yue's voice came from outside the classroom, and he could be heard extremely anxious.

Lianna at the door stopped A Yue, "Miss Song ordered that no one should enter."

"I am Pearl's husband, inside is my child."

"That's not OK."

"Lianna, let me in!"


Lianna kept her promise to Song Zhixi, and even Ah Yue was not allowed to enter without permission.

A Yue wanted to see Pearl and his child wholeheartedly.

At this time, Quietly walked out and said to A Yue: "Madam told you to wait outside."

Ah Yue had no choice but to stand outside, but he was not reconciled, and shouted inside: "Pearl, Pearl, how are you?"

After shouting a few times, Song Zhixi came out and gave A Yue a cold look, so scared that he didn't dare to say anything, and scolded: "I told you to wait, don't you understand? How can a man enter the delivery room?"

A Yue blushed from the reprimand, lowered his head and repeatedly admitted his mistakes.

"Wait a little longer, wait for the inside to be processed."

Song Zhixi left a word, then turned around and walked in.

During this period, Jingjing and the other little girls kept coming in and out, bringing a lot of things into the classroom.

About half an hour later, Song Zhixi let Ah Yue in.

A Yue was so excited that he rushed to Pearl in three steps at a time, held her hand, tears streaming down his face, "Are you okay?"

Pearl's face still looked very pale, but she had recovered her complexion. She nodded slightly and said weakly, "The child is fine, and I am fine. Thank you Madam for saving my life."

"Yes, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you Madam for your kindness, I will never repay you for being a bully or a horse."

Ah Yue plopped and knelt down in front of Song Zhixi, knocking his head on the ground with a "thud thud thump", thanking Song Zhixi for saving the pearl mother and child.

Counting that Song Zhixi saved Ah Yue's life, all of their family was saved once by Song Zhixi.

"Where is the child, where is my child?"

After thanking Song Zhixi, Ah Yue remembered to visit his child.

Jing Jing wrapped a child in sackcloth in her hands, and walked up to A Yue, "This is your child."

Seeing the little angel with a small nose and small eyes in the cloth bag, the old man A Yue burst into tears, and took his child carefully from Jing Jing's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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