i have a super island

Chapter 731 The Traveler

Chapter 731 The Traveler

"Is this your boat? Incredible, I love it!"

Ofina is the most excited one. The Tinavians have always been proud of shipbuilding.

They think that their shipbuilding technology is the best in the world, and no ship anywhere in the world can match their warships.

However, the double-headed warship made by Tinavia is only a small boat after all, and it is no problem to cross the strait, and it is impossible to go to the ocean.

But the large sailing ship in front of me is different. It has a huge volume and can handle larger wind and waves.

Not only that, it can also store more food and fresh water, enough to support several months of sailing without docking for supplies.

As long as the wind can be mastered, the sea breeze will push the boat to sail.

The sailors on the ship don't need to paddle all the time, they can rest in the cabin when they are tired, and they can take a walk on the deck when they have nothing to do.

"I love this boat!"

Ofina made no secret of her love for the sailboat.

Of course, other people are also envious of this ship, but they are not as fanatical as Ofina.

After all, in the era where Ofina lived, this kind of ocean-going sailing ship would not appear until hundreds of years later. The shock she saw of this ship might be similar to that of Roger seeing a modern ocean-going ship.

Because she was really envious of this sailboat, Ofina's hand involuntarily touched the hilt of the sword.

Her idea is very simple, if she likes it, she can grab it, and if she kills Roger, the ship will become her own.

Just when she had this thought, Li Qingman's hand was on the back of her hand.

Although he didn't speak, Li Qingman told her not to do this with his eyes.

A large sailing ship like this is not something you can grab and use.

From the captain to the first mate to the sailors, the ship is a complete ecological closed loop, everyone has their own division of labor, killing their captain, unless Ofina has made up her mind to be the captain of this ship at this moment, otherwise more than 100 How the crew settles is the big question.

At the very beginning, Roger came to the cabin with the equation.

This is the most important place on the entire merchant ship.

"Oh my God!"

Entering the cabin, Fang Fang couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

I saw rows and rows of oak barrels placed here, most of which were wine.

Last night, Fang Fang personally tasted the taste of this fine wine, and he is still a little bit unsatisfied. If it wasn't for Roger to be transported to Nile for trade, he really wanted to buy it all for him halfway.

"You shipped so much wine on board?"

"These are the things that the Nile people like most." Roger explained: "Nile doesn't grow grapes, and they don't have wine there, but they like wine very much, and they flock to it. In order to be able to drink wine, they are willing to spend Lots of gold to buy."

Fang Fang said with a sneer: "Okay, it seems that people all over the world are the same, everyone likes wine."

Roger continued to look around the cabin with the equation. In addition to barrels of wine, there were also boxes of glassware.

"In addition to wine, Niloticians also love glass."

"What's the price of this thing at their side?" Fang Fang asked casually.

Roger said: "Ordinary household utensils are relatively cheap, and they can sell for one or two silver coins, while artworks are more expensive. A piece of glass art can be sold for one gold coin."

Fang Fang smiled lightly and said, "If you have money, you should pursue art."

Roger added: "The Nile people are really rich, and everyone wants to do business with them. A gold coin in England is enough for an ordinary family to spend for a year."

Hearing Roger talk about these, in fact, the equation didn't pay much attention.

For one thing, all he can think about now is how to go back. Money in this world doesn't mean much to him.

After visiting the interior of the cabin, the group visited other parts of the sailing ship under the leadership of Roger.

Finally, after visiting the inside and outside of the whole ship, everyone returned to the deck again.

"I've seen what I should see, thank you for your reception." Fang Fang suddenly became serious and returned to the most important topic, "So now we should talk about how to get out of here?"

Roger smiled faintly, and did not answer the equation directly, "Before answering your question, can you answer one of my questions first?"

Equation was stunned for a second, and then said, "What question?"

"Can I go back?"

"I don't quite understand what you're saying."

Roger asked, "How long have you been in this sea?"

Equation said: "It should be almost two years."

"Two years is enough time for a lot of things to happen. Even if you go back to the original place now, everything has changed. Things are not the same as before, so are you sure you can really go back?"

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, it's only two years."

Although Fang Fang was still trying to keep calm, his heart was already in chaos.

Roger would say that, he must know the secrets of this sea area, otherwise it would be impossible to ask this question for no reason.

"Okay, then you come with me."

Seeing the firm attitude of the equation, Roger nodded.

He brought the equation to the captain's room. Unlike before, this time he only brought the equation alone.

Other than that, all the other people were waiting outside.

Lianna was worried that the equation was dangerous, and originally wanted to follow up, but was stopped by Li Qingman, telling her not to worry.

Coming to the captain's cabin, Roger opened the drawer and took out a rolled up map from it.

Spreading out the map, the content on it shocked Equation from ear to ear.

Looking carefully, it is completely different from the world map in my impression, which records strange continents and oceans.

"Is this the world we live in?"

"Yes, it is this world where time and space are intertwined. I also bought this map at a high price from a navigator in this world."

On this map, there are a total of four vast continents. In the middle of these four continents, there is an ocean that traverses the entire map. Because of the existence of a continent in the middle, the ocean is divided into East China Sea, South China Sea, West Sea, North Sea.

Roger said: "In this world, there are four continents: the Eastern Continent, the Northern Continent, the Western Continent, and the Middle Continent. At the same time, there is a deep ice layer at the southern end of the polar region, and in the middle are four oceans in the south, east, and north."

"Where are we?"

After searching for the equation for a long time, he couldn't find his position on this map.

Roger pointed to a place not even the size of a fingernail, "This is where we are now, an unnamed island in the East China Sea."

"Wait..." Fang Fang held his forehead, "You mean, we have crossed? We have come to a new world?"

"We are indeed traversers, this is another world."

(End of this chapter)

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