i have a super island

Chapter 710 The Queen has a request

Chapter 710 The Queen has a request
"At the order of Queen Ofina, the party is invited to our dinner."

Olo used his rough voice to speak extremely non-standard Gunn words, and did not forget to raise his jaw to show his contempt for Liana.

Liana didn't intend to get out of the way, it was getting late, and they asked Equation to go over at this time, who knows if there are other thoughts in it.

"Little girl, I advise you to get out of the way!" Olo blew his beard and stared.

"If you go one step further, I'll cut off your chin and your dirty beard!" Liana's eyes burst out with murderous intent.

Perhaps deterred by Liana's murderous aura, Olo, the guy who chopped people up like fruit, was taken aback for a moment.

After a short period of stunned, Olo became even more excited. Every Tinavian fighter is like this. When they meet a strong enough opponent, they will feel as if they have been beaten with chicken blood, and they can't help but want to fight.

Now Olo is already interested in Liana, he can feel that this little girl is a ruthless person, so he wants to fight her.

"The contest between the queen and you is not over yet, or let me continue!"


Liana didn't fear him, even though Olo was several laps bigger than herself.

The Tinavian fighters behind them couldn't help cheering, everyone wanted to see Olo and Liana decide the winner.

Suddenly, the cheers stopped abruptly.

A figure walked out of the prison, with a majestic aura, and immediately quieted the noisy crowd.

Fang Fang came to Liana, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Go in, let me handle it here."

Liana worried: "They're going to let you pass."

"I'll come back as soon as I go, they won't do anything to me."


Fang Fang is very confident. He knows that although Ofina is arrogant, she is not the kind of villain who plays tricks, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Go back, I'll be back soon."

"All right……"

Liana was still worried, but chose to trust the equation.

Fang Fang came to those Tinavia warriors, smiled, and said, "Since it is your queen who wants to see me, let's go."

Olo was still chattering, insisting on a fight with Liana.

Fang Fang just snorted in disdain and said, "If this is also the task entrusted to you by your queen, then you can just play wild here."

Sure enough, once Ofina's name was mentioned, these berserkers were submissive.

Olo also stopped clamoring to duel with Liana, and led Fang Fang to the camp.

Crossing the gravel road on the island, Fang Fang followed the gang of rough men to the southern hillside.

When we got here, there was a bonfire burning in the center of the ground.

The Tinavia warriors took off their fur armor, leaving only the clothes inside, chatting and laughing around the campfire.

Ofina was in the middle of the crowd, and when she saw Fang Fang coming, she raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she was very happy.But that's all, nothing else.

"My Lady Queen, Fang has already been brought here." Olo's attitude was very respectful.

Ofina just moved her chin, signaling Olo and the others to disperse on their own.

After those people had left, Ofina pointed to her side, which meant to let Fang sit by.

Fang Fangxin said what's the matter with this woman, maybe she really likes her?
This is really weird, how can he act like a little girl in front of her, even though he is an old man.

For the sake of face, the equation did not pass, but just stood still.

"Are you looking for me?"

"There are some things I want to discuss with you."

Equation said: "Say something directly."

Ofina took out a leather bag containing water from nowhere and threw it to Equation.

Fang Fang was surprised, but he opened the cork anyway, and a scent of wine immediately wafted out from it.

Smelling the smell of wine, the eyes of the drinking-loving Fang immediately shone.

"This is wine!"

"Why, don't you dare to drink? Are you afraid that I will poison you?" Ofina's eyes were provocative.

"Just drink it, I'm thinking about getting over alcohol addiction!" Fang Fang was also unambiguous, and immediately poured a sip into his mouth.

In terms of the taste of this wine, it is a little less mellow and a little more violent, it is not a very high-quality wine, but being able to drink it here really helped Fang Yi get rid of his alcohol addiction for many days.

"How did you get this thing?"

"You mean this leather bag. It was taken during Frangie's robbery."


Equation was still pondering where Ofina said Frangie was, and heard Ofina continue to describe, "The people there are all dressed in white clothes and robes, and they are tightly wrapped."

Spain?Could it be that Frangie is Spain?
Why is there such a judgment, because Spain was once ruled by white robes for a period of time in history, and the Vikings fought as far as the Mediterranean coast.

At that time, the Vikings were walking sideways on the European continent. Their berserkers were invincible and no one could stop them.

"There was also good-tasting ham and fresh olives," recalls Ofina.

"And delicious wine?" Fang Fang laughed.

Ofina was very surprised, "Have you been to Frankie too?"

Equation said, "Maybe..."

"Then how do you know this?"

"I imagined."

"Hmph, man."

Ofina glared at Equation.

Fang Fang returned the leather bag to Ofina, and she took a big gulp after taking it.

"Now, let's talk about those evil spirits in the water."

"what do you want?"

Ofina said: "I know you have a way to deal with those guys. Since we have formed an alliance, why don't we join forces to deal with those damn things!"

With a heavy face, Fang Fang shook his head slightly and said, "They are stronger than you think."

"Are you afraid?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I don't want to provoke them."

"That's fear." Ofina looked straight into the equation's eyes, not allowing the equation to avoid her sight. "If you are not prepared to fight them, then you are afraid."

"There will be casualties," Equation said.

Ofina said: "The highest honor of a warrior is to die on the battlefield."

"No, we have different ideas. To me, the soldiers survived the battlefield is more important than anything else." Equation refuted Ofina's point of view.

"You are blaspheming the gods and the Hall of Valor!" Sure enough, Ofina's face changed drastically.

Fang Fang did not back down, and said: "You can say that I am afraid, and I also think your idea is just a momentary courage. In short, I don't think it is a good proposal to fight the merman here."

Ofina calmed down, and first apologized to Equation, "You don't believe in Odin, so you don't know that there is a Hall of Valor. I shouldn't blame you for this, but do you have a better way to deal with those evil spirits in the sea? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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