i have a super island

Chapter 704 Blonde Woman

Chapter 704 Blonde Woman
In less than a minute, those strong men who were still basking in the sun just now had already put on their armor.

These people held tomahawks and used round shields to form a shield wall. This formation equation was very familiar. He used this formation to teach the indigenous warriors on the island to fight.

Now it was reversed, and it was the turn of this group of strong men who came out of nowhere to use the same formation to deal with themselves.

Those people slapped their shields with their tomahawks, and roared at Equation and his party, immediately suppressing Equation and his party in terms of momentum.

Looking at the equation side, there are only three people wearing clothes, Fang Fang, Lu Fengmei, and Lianna, and the rest are aborigines wearing only a pair of linen underwear.

The gap in equipment between the two sides is too huge. The opponents are all wearing iron outfits, and the side of the equation is still naked. There is no need to fight this battle.

Not to mention that most of the aborigines who came with Equation this time were ordinary islanders, and those warriors who could fight were still on the island. At that time, Equation wanted to say that he was just coming to pick obsidian. matter.

There are actually only ten people on the opposite side, but this posture is not something that can be confronted head-on on the side of the equation.


"Stop, stop, we're not here to fight!"

Fang Fang raised his hands and walked forward. As long as his brain is not bad at this time, he knows that he can't fight with these people.

The natives behind were extremely nervous, holding hoes and sickles in their hands, Lu Fengmei and Lianna also stared at this group of people intently, a layer of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Hey, we're not enemies."

"Friend, friend, can you understand?"

In order not to let these guys do anything, Equation can only try to calm these guys down as much as possible, and at the same time keep his own people from messing around.

Seeing the costumes of these people, they don’t look like primitive people. From their horned helmets, battle axes, round shields, heavy armor, and the two-pointed warship behind them, Equation recalled that they were active in Northern Europe. Fearsome Vikings.

Are they Vikings?

There are question marks all over the forehead of the equation. How is this possible? The Vikings lived in northern Europe around the 8th century. How could they appear here.

But judging by their attire, they obviously look like Vikings. You must know that this island has a tropical climate. These people are dressed so thickly, and they definitely cannot be the local race here.

"Are you Vikings? Came here because of a shipwreck?"

"It's the same with us, we're not enemies, we're all here as castaways. Hey man, I think we need to put our weapons down first, let's talk about it."

In history, the Vikings lived in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The Vikings burned, killed and looted along the coast of England all the year round, so some Vikings knew English.

Regardless of whether these guys can understand or not, Equation is trying to communicate with these people in English, hoping that some of them can understand.

Although the idea is very good, the results do not seem to be optimistic, these guys do not seem to understand what the equation is saying.

Not only that, each of these guys was like an enraged bull, and they were about to cull towards Fang Yi and his party.

The palms of Fang Fang's hands were already full of sweat, and Liana also clenched the dagger in her hand, ready to fight these guys hand to hand at any time.

At this moment, a fierce female voice came from the stone house that was originally Li Qingman's.

After the scolding, the group of strong men wearing horn helmets fell silent.

All eyes turned to the stone house, and then they saw a woman with blond hair coming out of it.

This woman is tall, including the pair of cowhide boots she wears, the rough height should be 1.7 meters [-], this height is already outstanding among women.

Not only the height, but the woman's figure also looks very strong, not the kind of delicate girl who will fall down when the wind blows, but more like a female warrior who has experienced countless battles on the battlefield.

What is even more surprising is the appearance of this woman. Although she is tall and strong, her face is very delicate. She has a tall nose, and her fair skin makes her look more like a nobleman.

Like those brawny warriors, this blond woman is also wearing thick armor.

Her blond hair was combed from the sideburns to the back of her head and braided into a thick ponytail. This hairstyle seemed to tell everyone that she was a woman who would go to the battlefield to kill enemies.

"Were you talking just now?"

The woman walked up to the equation and looked at the equation with those deep eyes.

Hearing that the woman spoke English, Fang Fang was overjoyed. Although her accent sounded a bit weird, she was still a person with whom he could communicate.

"Yes, ma'am."

"You call me ma'am?"

The blond woman looked visibly unhappy.

Fang Fang was a little confused, "If you don't call me a lady, what's your name?"

The blond woman raised her haughty head, looked down at the equation with haughty eyes, and sneered, "Why do you speak politely like those Gurn Island guys? In our Tinavia, such sissy behavior But it will be laughed at."

"Gon? Tinavia?"

Fang Fang ignored the blond woman's ridicule, but was very curious about the two place names she said.

"Where are these places you speak of?"

"Hey, the topic just now is not over yet, you should call me Her Majesty the Queen!" The blond woman suddenly grabbed Fang Yuan's clothes. Out of the equation a lot of oppression.

Lianna, who was behind her, saw that Fang Fang was being rude by this woman, she stepped forward, and was about to pull out her dagger and cut off the woman's wrist.

Fang Fang turned his head and gave Liana a wink, telling her not to be impulsive.

Just when Liana was moving her steps, the other hand of the blond woman touched the sword on her waist. This move made Fang Fang see that this woman was not someone to be taken lightly.

The blond woman let go of the equation, glanced at Lianna behind her with fierce eyes, and laughed loudly, "Sure enough, just like those sissy men in Genn, a big man needs a little girl to protect him, this little girl Who is the girl, your little lover?"

Because the blond woman spoke English, Fang Fang, Lianna, and Lu Fengmei could all understand her.

Hearing that she had become Equation's little lover, Lianna was even more angry, "Shut up!" With a flash of the knife, Lianna had already killed the blond woman.

(End of this chapter)

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