i have a super island

Chapter 685 The Arrow That Shocked the Island

Chapter 685 The Arrow That Shocked the Island

In the next few days, Wan Guo City entered a state of emergency combat readiness.

Because of the sea ban, no one on the island is allowed to approach the beach, and all boats and planks are not allowed to enter the sea.

Although this order is strict, it also largely guarantees the safety of the islanders.

Due to the distance from the sea, no one has been infected with ichthyosis these days, and no fishermen have been attacked by sharks.

At the same time, Wei Lin and A Yue are rushing to make war drums.

During this period, a large number of copper mines were mined on the island, and a large number of tools were produced. Now the conditions on the island are no longer what they used to be, and it is not too difficult to make war drums.

The wood is split into boards of uniform size and thickness, and then the boards are spliced ​​together with copper nails, and the periphery is tightly hooped with copper wire.

After the drum body is formed, the sewn crocodile skin is covered, and after repeated sealing, a brand new war drum is completed.

A total of four such war drums were made and placed on the four corners of the city wall.

At the moment when the drum was completed, Fang Fang, Li Qingman, Wei Lin, and A Yue stood at the four corners and beat the drum together.

The sound of drums was dull and continuous, spreading from the towering city walls to the surroundings, and the sound of war drums could be heard within a radius of two miles.

Those natives had never seen war drums, let alone heard the sound of war drums.

But even if it was the first time I heard it, I could hear the sense of urgency from the deep and eager voice.

After checking and accepting the war drum, Fang Fang had a smile on his face.

I hadn't thought of this before. Now there are war drums on the city wall. Once the enemy comes, the war drum is a signal to call the islanders to fight against the enemy.

The day after the production of the war drum was completed, exciting good news came from Lu Fengmei.

Because of the experience in making trebuchets, I did not encounter too much trouble in making the bed crossbow this time. Drawing, preparing materials, and starting to make, everything went smoothly.

The bed crossbow is powerful, but it also has many limitations.

First of all, the mobility of the bed crossbow is very poor, because of the huge recoil force, it basically determines that it must be fixed in place.

So from the very beginning, Lu Fengmei moved the materials to the city wall, and assembled and built the bed crossbow on it.

After the bed crossbow is set up, it can't be moved except for turning the direction.

However, no matter how many shortcomings the bed crossbow has, these small problems are nothing in the face of its powerful power. From the moment the bed crossbow is made, what is needed is its unparalleled lethality.

On this day, Lu Fengmei announced that the bed crossbow was completed.

The city wall was crowded with crowds of onlookers, and the islanders were all looking forward to seeing this weapon that was said to be able to shoot through stones.


"This bed crossbow is really big!"

Tang Guo couldn't help but exclaimed. Before seeing the bed crossbow with her own eyes, she had thought about what it looked like.

I guessed before that it was only the size of a small cart, but now it seems that it is really the size of a bed.

This thing is huge, with a super-large arched back at the front, and a groove in the middle, where a crossbow bolt made of wood is placed.

The crossbow arrow was as thick as a human's calf. At the head of the crossbow arrow was an oversized arrowhead made of copper, and at the end were three pieces of arrow rain made of copper plates.

Not to mention anything else, just such a giant crossbow bolt lying here, the deterrent power already makes people feel shuddering.

Just imagine, if you were shot by such a crossbow arrow.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Fang Fang no longer dared to think about it, closed his eyes and grinned, if he was shot, he might be shot out with his internal organs.

James came to the bed crossbow, stroked it non-stop, and said with a smile, "This thing should be considered a missile in the cold weapon era."

Lu Fengmei proudly said: "How powerful it is, you have to try it first to know."

With that said, a tense test firing began immediately.

Under Lu Fengmei's signal, ten strong indigenous men pulled back the thick hemp rope with their arms on their shoulders, which was twisting the bed crossbow.

The tighter the twist, the more powerful the bolt will be once fired.

The ten men yelled vigorously on the city wall. In order to get ready quickly, Ah Yue stepped up and worked hard together with everyone.

After a waste of effort, the bow string of the crossbow machine was finally twisted, and the crossbow arrows were also placed in the groove.

Fang asked, "Shoot what?"

This bed crossbow is installed on the south wall, and the range it can cover is within 500 meters outside the city.

Lu Fengmei pointed to a grove in front of the guide, which survived the fire.

"Let's shoot over there. If the accuracy of this thing exceeds 100 meters, you can't be strict. You can shoot whatever you can. The main thing is to see how far it can shoot."

"Okay, come on then."

The equation is no longer long-winded. At this time, everyone is looking forward to the amazing performance of Lu Fengmei's bed crossbow.

Everything is ready, and everyone is staring at this big guy intently.

Lu Fengmei walked to the back of the bed crossbow, adjusted the angle of the bed crossbow, and pointed it at the forest in the south, took a deep breath, and then dialed down the trigger.


There was a loud bang on the wall.

The super strong recoil made the bed crossbow tremble violently.

The people standing beside the bed crossbow were all startled by the huge sound, as if there was a muffled thunder in their cochleas.

Before he could react, a lightning bolt flew out.

Seeing the huge crossbow flashing past, everyone was stunned by the power of the crossbow.

In almost three seconds, the crossbow had already disappeared into the small forest about 300 meters to the south.

"Quick, follow me to see where the arrow landed."

Fang Fang rubbed his ears, and couldn't wait to go over and see what the arrow hit.

Those people on the city wall woke up like a dream, and hurriedly followed Fang Fang to the small forest in the south. Along the way, the natives were all talking about the amazing power of the bed crossbow.

Not to mention these natives, even modern people like Fang Fang were shocked by the power of the bed crossbow. This thing is really a missile in the era of cold weapons.

A group of people hurried to the grove and found the crossbow bolt on a tree trunk as thick as a person.

It turned out that the arrow flew straight into the woods just now, then shot through a big tree, and finally got stuck in the trunk.

Seeing this scene, everyone was terrified and silent.

There is a distance of more than 300 meters from the city wall to this grove. There is no need to think about bows and arrows so far away. The 50-meter range of an ordinary recurve bow is almost the limit, and there is basically no accuracy and lethality beyond 50 meters.

The bed crossbow easily shot 300 meters away, and penetrated a tree as thick as a person. With this lethality, no matter whether the enemy is a human or a ghost, it will still shoot you right through.

(End of this chapter)

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