i have a super island

Chapter 674 The Great Purge

Chapter 674 The Great Purge

All night, the lights in the room were on.

Equation, Lianna, and Pang Pang, the three of them stayed up all night.

Recalling this trip to Bailu Island, there are indeed too many strange places.

First of all, Equation absolutely does not believe that Pang Pang will betray him, even if he really has other thoughts, it is impossible at this point in time.

If anything happened to Fang Fang and Lianna, Li Qingman would definitely lead the soldiers from Wan Guo City to kill them directly.

Based on Equation's understanding of Pangpang, although he appears to be fooling around, he is actually a smart person, and a smart person would never do such a stupid thing.

Since Pang Pang will not betray, then this matter is someone else.

Who is responsible for this? I am afraid that only Pang Pang knows. After all, he sent the envoy to Wan Guo City.

It wasn't until dawn outside that the discussion in the house came to an end.

Fang Fang yawned. He was very sleepy at this time after staying up all night, and he just wanted to have a good rest.

"My lord, please give me some time, and I will investigate the matter clearly."

"Go down."

After Fatty left, Liana was still wary and looked at the equation suspiciously, "You really don't doubt him?"

Fang Fang shook his head and said, "He won't do such a stupid thing. It won't do him any good to get rid of us. Just wait and wait for what kind of explanation he will give me."

Looking at Fang Fang's bloodshot and red eyes, Lianna was rarely concerned about others, "You rest, I will watch over."

"There are straw mats in the bedroom at the back, you can go there, you are tired too."

"I'm fine, I'll stay here and guard." Liana was still worried that someone would suddenly be unfavorable to the equation, so she didn't dare to rest.

Fang Fang smiled and said: "Don't worry, with what happened yesterday, even if someone wants to harm me, they dare not jump out at this time. Besides, there are fat bodyguards guarding outside, don't worry, go rest."

Liana was moved by the equation, but she was actually a little sleepy, so she could take the opportunity to rest for a while.

"how about you?"

"I'll just sleep on this chair for a while, I'm a rough guy, not that fine." Fang Fang smiled heartily at Liana.

Liana's cheeks were slightly flushed, and she didn't say anything else, and went to the inner room.

As soon as Pangpang went out, a "storm" immediately set off on the island.

The first ones to suffer are those envoys who came back. These people were all sent out by Pangpang. Now that the trip is so suspicious, of course they have to be attacked.

Pangpang ordered the arrest of those envoys, and then hung them all up for torture.

From sunrise to sunset, four of the remaining seven people were directly beaten to death, and the remaining three were already dying, with only one breath left to hang.

In the end, they couldn't help being beaten severely, and the remaining three unlucky guys each told the truth.

It turns out that Equation's trip to Egret Island was indeed a well-planned conspiracy.

The Egret tribe suffered a disastrous defeat, the great lord died in the fire, and almost all the strong and strong men of the thousands of tribes were wiped out overnight. Such a result made the remaining tribes extremely sad.

It just so happened that at this time, Pang Pang led his people to the territory of the Egret tribe, subdued the remaining tribesmen on each island, and became their new lord.Some of these grieving people chose to follow Pang Pang, and some of them were only superficially expedient, but in fact they were dissatisfied with Pang Pang's rule.

Although the original great lords and the lords of the various islands had basically died during the war, many of the remaining people were still loyal to the old lords.

Therefore, although these people pretended to obey Fatty's rule, they were actually thinking about revenge all the time.

These people secretly joined together to form an anti-fatty alliance, and at the same time, they also opposed the equation of Fatty's submission to it.

They feel that Fatty submitting to an exterminating enemy is simply like the despicable behavior of their ancestors. They will one day avenge the dead lord and clansmen.

On the other hand, on Bailu Island, Pang Pang brought powerful fighters, and by the way, advanced civilization learned from Equation, and began to vigorously reform the old habits of the tribe, allowing everyone to transition from ruthless barbarians to orderly humans.

Under the leadership of Pangpang, the living standards of the clansmen have been greatly improved.

Some of those who opposed fat in the past were shaken by the status quo and no longer insisted on their own ideas.

But there are also a small group of extreme guys who admit to death and want to pull Pangpang off his horse no matter what. Their purpose is to avenge the dead clansmen.

Just taking advantage of the opportunity that Pangpang wanted to invite Fang to Bailu Island, these guys planned an assassination plan from beginning to end.

Seeing Lianna and the six islanders brought by Equation in the group, they knew they couldn't do it, so they thought of using the island that was said to have a sea monster to kill people with a knife.

What I didn't expect was that both Equation and Lianna were lucky. Although they were in danger, neither of them had any accidents.

Instead, three of the egret envoys who were traveling with him died.

After staying on the island for two days, Fang Fang didn't stay any longer, and the group returned to Bailu Island.

Seeing that nothing happened to Equation, these people planned the assassination at the dinner party, anyway, the purpose was to kill Equation.

It would be even better if Wan Guocheng could send troops to destroy Pangpang, it would kill two birds with one stone.

However, man's calculations are not as good as the sky's calculations. They calculated so much, but in the end they fell short because of the failed assassination.

Not only that, but he also exposed himself, making it impossible to continue to hide his identity.

The three remaining guys confessed everything they knew. On the one hand, Pang Pang ordered people to bring the three of them to the equation to tell the truth, and on the other hand, he mobilized his own guards to clean up the island.

Bailu Island is already an island under his rule, and all the people on the island can only listen to him, and absolutely no one who runs counter to him is allowed to appear.

How could Fatty be merciful to these guys who conspired to assassinate the equation, divert trouble, and then reap the benefits.

Overnight, the island suffered unprecedented brutal cleansing.

Those who were confessed were brutally tortured, and then these people continued to confess more people, just like this, and brought out all the people who opposed fat on the island.

Don't look at the fat and kind-hearted man, but don't forget that he is also someone who can attack his brothers, let alone these heretics.

Fatty's processing speed was astonishing. In just one day, over a hundred opponents were arrested, and they were all executed in the square without hesitation.

As a result, the storm on Bailu Island came to an end temporarily, and all the forces on the island that opposed Pang Pang were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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