i have a super island

Chapter 647 The Flying Flag

Chapter 647 The Flying Flag

Now that there is a collective concept, the flag is also an essential thing.

Like the totems of the barbaric tribes, those barbarians worship animals, plants or certain phenomena in nature, so they regard these things as the patron saints of their tribe, draw these things, and everyone worships them together.

Everyone believes in the same thing, so that the tribe will have cohesion.

Putting it into the equation, their current situation is also the same. If they want to build a city of all nations and integrate people from various countries and tribes together, then everyone must abandon the original totem and maintain a new one.

In modern terms, that thing is not called a totem, but a flag.

The place where the flag is planted represents the range of the territory, and everyone within this range has the same beliefs and guards the same things.

The idea of ​​Wan Guo City has been decided, so the design of the flag is also a matter of certainty.

In order to respect the opinions of everyone on the island, Equation announced that everyone can participate in the design of the flag. Anyone who has an idea can ask Wei Lin to tell her plan.

On this day, Fang Fang came to find Wei Lin, intending to inquire about the design of the flag.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked outside Wei Lin's house, he saw a long queue outside the door. Those indigenous people were very active in designing the flag, and everyone wanted to make suggestions and contribute their own strength.

Those who lined up saw the equation, and all backed away to make way for the equation.

Fang Fang came into the room and saw Wei Lin shaking her head and sighing in front of a pile of clay tablets.

"What's the matter, what's the trouble?"

"Brother Fang, you are here."

Seeing the arrival of the equation, Wei Lin was both happy and helpless.

When asked why she looked helpless, Wei Lin's answer made Fang Fang feel dumbfounded.

It turned out that the problem was with the design of the flag.

Those indigenous people are too enthusiastic about designing the flag, and the corresponding suggestions are also weird, which makes people speechless.

Some suggested the use of wild boars, manta rays, and turtles. These are animals; there are also proposals to use trees, grass, and flowers, which are plants; What's more, there are people who suggest using men...

Speaking of these various suggestions, Wei Linna really couldn't laugh or cry, and Equation, who was listening silently, couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh.

"Brother Fang, I really have nothing to do with them."

"Well, it seems that relying on them is still not enough, we still have to figure out a way by ourselves."

Wei Lin looked at Fang Fang begging for help, and said pitifully, "Brother Fang, why don't you come here, the name of Wan Guo City is yours, and there must be no one better than you to build Wan Guo City into what it will look like." got it."

Fang Fang felt that what Wei Lin said was correct. The meaning of the flag is extraordinary, and it must be designed to be pointed out. No one knows the concept of the City of Nations better than him, so the design should be decided by him.

With a casual glance, Fang Fang's eyes fell on a shield in Wei Lin's room.

Seeing the shield, Fang suddenly had an idea of ​​how to design the flag.

"What do you think of shields?"


Equation said excitedly: "That's right, it's a shield! The meaning of a shield is also very simple and clear. We are a peaceful city-state and will not expand and invade, but we also have our own strong defense force. Anyone who tries to attack us Everyone has to pay the price."

After listening to the explanation of the equation, Wei Lin suddenly became enlightened and showed a happy smile.

"I know, I know how to design this flag."

"Very well, then I will leave this matter to you."

Only one day later, Wei Lin found the equation with the newly designed flag.

Of course, it's not a real flag, just a design drawn on a clay tablet, a solid shield, which looks reassuring.

Seeing this design pattern, Fang Fang nodded with satisfaction, praised Wei Lin, and called everyone to pass the shield graphics on the clay board one by one, which was affirmed by everyone, so the matter of the flag was decided.

The next task came to Ichiko Asai, who wove the first flag on the island out of sackcloth.

In addition, Wei Lin is still busy with another matter, which is to design a flag stand in the center of the city, where the flag will be raised high in the future.

These things were done very quickly, and after only two days, the flagpole and flagpole had been built.

Equation also once again summoned all the people on the island, gathered them in the city, and raised this brand new flag in front of everyone.

There is a shield drawn with paint on the sackcloth flag, which symbolizes that the city of all nations pursues peace and is not afraid of war at the same time.

Seeing the new flag being raised in the city, a sense of identity that had never been seen before appeared in the hearts of everyone at this moment.

Since then, the people on this island no longer belong to any tribe or country, but have a new identity, the people of Wanguocheng.

Although everyone at this time may not be able to truly accept this shield flag, because it will take time for these aborigines from various primitive tribes to change from the original worship totem to believe in the new shield flag, fortunately there is a strong centralization will These people are firmly concentrated together, and as time goes by, these concepts will eventually enter everyone's mind subtly.

One generation, two generations... At that time, everyone will truly think that they are the people of Wan Guo City.

A shield flag was raised in the center of the city, and shield flags were also raised at the four corners of the city wall. The flags fluttered in the wind, and the island had a completely different appearance.

"Long live the city master!"

Below, Blake took the lead in shouting slogans.

When Blake shouted, the natives shouted together.

Standing in front of the crowd, Equation felt the cheers of the people at this moment, and seemed to have a wonderful feeling that he had never had before.

Although he is only the city lord in terms of title, he is no different from a king in essence.

Equation became their "king", and Li Qingman and Song Zhixi naturally became "queen" and "princess".

By this moment, a new ruler is born.

The island is entering a new era, and the people on the island will also usher in a new era.

After welcoming the birth of the new "King", Fang Fang ordered to celebrate the establishment of Wan Guo City, and the people on the island entered another three days and three nights of carnival.

During this period of time, there were many major events on the island, and the islanders were also busy, with carnivals every now and then, and the whole island was filled with a joyous atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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