Chapter 639

The fleet left the island and headed for the original territory of the egrets.

The waves are churning, the sea breeze is blowing, the wind is smooth today, the trip of Fat Pang and Fat Brother is quite smooth.

Of the two brothers, one looked up at the clouds outside the sky, and the other looked down at the sea in front of him.

"Is that the end?" the fat boy said.

"It's over." Fatty replied.

Fatty looked back from the sea, looked at Pangpang beside him, "It's been a long time since we sat together like this."

Fatty replied: "Yes, it's been a long time."

It seems that the relationship between the two brothers is not very good, and they chatted casually for a few words, and they seemed to be looking for topics.

In fact, it's no wonder that the only memories the two of them have are the scenes of playing together when they were children. After they became adults, the two were arranged to become lords on their respective islands.

"What kind of person do you think Fang is?" the fat man asked.

"Shouldn't you ask yourself this question?" Pangpang said, "You chose to surrender to Fang, so you should understand him."

"I don't know, surrendering to him is only a temporary choice, because I want to preserve my territory and my people."

"What do you mean by that?" Chubby frowned.

The fat boy shook his head lightly, and said, "It's nothing else, since our brothers are here, why don't we just sit down and have a good chat."

Fatty hurriedly said, "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about our future."

"There's nothing to talk about."

Fat Brother smiled and said, "Really, but I think you also have something to say."

Pangpang showed a slightly sneered expression, and said, "I have nothing to say."


"What the hell do you mean?"

"Now the Egret Clan exists in name only. Without the Egret Clan, what is the need for our existence?"

"Speak directly." There was a little impatience on the fat face.

The fat boy was quite helpless, and said, "Okay, then I'll be straightforward. Now that our father is dead, and the egret clan is also in name only, do you think Fang will keep us?"

Fatty was angry and surprised, stared at the fat brother, and said, "You want to betray Fang?"

"It's not that I want to betray him, it's that he wants to kill us both."

"Hmph, you want to confuse me with these sweet words?"

The fat boy said: "Can't you tell from the manpower he sent us this time? I gave you a bunch of captives who had just surrendered, and took away the soldiers I brought. I only brought a dozen of them."

Chubby's brows suddenly became dignified. It seems that he also understands what Fatty said, but he doesn't want to think about it.

"Who do you think is in charge of this fleet now?"

The fat guy who had been smiling lightly all of a sudden became vicious.

At this time, the composition of the crew in the fleet, Pangpang brought just a bunch of prisoners of war who had just surrendered, and they were not of one mind with Pangpang at all, and although there were only a dozen or so people he brought, they were all brought by him from the territory cronies.

With such a composition of personnel, it doesn't matter who the fleet listens to.

The fat boy patted his fat shoulder and said, "Fang's idea is to let us kill each other. If we really do this, it will be exactly what he wants."

Pangpang put away the serious expression just now, and looked down at the waves on the side of the boat, "So, what do you want now?"

"Let's take these warriors to conquer the original territory of the Bailu tribe, gather the remaining tribesmen, and then we will become the great lord together, so we don't have to look at Fang's face from now on."

"Is this what you've always thought, or did it just pop up out of nowhere?"

The fat boy smiled triumphantly: "What if I said that I wanted to be this great lord from the very beginning? I have to thank Fang, it was he who helped me get rid of my father and those people who were difficult to control in the whole egret clan. Now The egret clan has no leader and lacks a great lord to gather them together again. And I am the most suitable candidate."

"what about me?"

There is a lot of displeasure in Pangpang's eyes.

Fat Brother smiled and said: "Let's go back to the territory of the Egret tribe. I will be the great lord, and I will give you half of the islands, and let you be the lord of these islands."

"Why should you be the great lord and I should be the lord?"

"Because I have the final say on this fleet now."

Fat Pang was very angry, but at this time it was indeed as Fat Brother said, now his life and death are in the hands of Fat Brother.

The fat brother put his arms around the fat shoulders, pulling the fat to talk, thinking about how to lead the ethnic group after returning to the territory.

Such a scene seems to be intimate, and the brothers are like brothers and sisters.

However, under the calm appearance, the fat boy's other hand was touching the knife behind him.

He is a person who can even betray his own father for the position of great lord, so it is nothing to deal with an unfamiliar brother.

This trip to the sea, from the moment he left the coast, Fatty had already made up his mind that Pangpang must be eliminated, and he was the only person who ruled the egret tribe.

"I'm sorry, brother!"

All of a sudden, the fat boy put his arms around Pang Pang's neck, took out a knife with his other hand, and stabbed Pang Pang in the back.


On the city wall, Fang Fang and Li Qingman were inspecting the situation inside and outside the city.

Li Qingman still didn't understand the decision to let Pangpang and Pangpang go to conquer the rest of the egret clan together. She didn't know what the equation was planning.

"Why did you let Pang Pang and Pang Pang go together? Besides, you must have your own intentions in arranging them like that."

"Because the egret tribe only needs one lord."

The answer to the equation surprised Li Qingman.

If it was the previous equation, I would never say such a thing, nor would I have such an idea.

However, the equation standing in front of him now has become different. This is Li Qingman's most real feeling. This equation understands tricks.

"Then what do you mean, which of the two will stay?"

"This is what happens between their brothers."

Li Qingman frowned and said, "I think you already have the answer in your heart."

Fang Fang said: "Maybe this is too cruel, but it is necessary. An egret clan does not need two lords."

Looking at the scorched earth in the southern part of the island, Equation is emotionally heavy.

There were countless casualties in this battle, and thousands of Egrets died here. It is impossible to say that the equation does not have any inner fluctuations.

Thousands of people were burnt to death, and the screams of those people echoed in Fang Fang's mind every day in his dreams for the past few nights.

War and peace are a pair of contradictions.

Fang Fang is not afraid of war. When war comes, he takes the lead and leads everyone to fight against the enemy.

But after the war, what Equation hopes most is peace. Since then, there will be no more wars in this sea area, and people in every tribe can coexist peacefully.

Therefore, this last step of the equation must be determined to go on, otherwise all the previous sacrifices will fall short.

(End of this chapter)

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