i have a super island

Chapter 620 Night Attack on Pigpen Island

Chapter 620 Night Attack on Pigpen Island (2)

The aborigines on Piggy Island would never have dreamed that the impenetrable defense in their eyes would be broken so easily.

This is a blessed place that has sheltered them for thousands of years. For such a long time, how many people have lived and reproduced. No matter how indissoluble the tribes outside are, only these people on Pigpen Island enjoy the land. Never have to worry about being attacked by other tribes.

In the past, some tribes had tried to attack Piggy Island, and all of them ended in failure without exception.

In the eyes of the natives of Piggy Island, it is impossible for anyone in this world to attack their island.

But it is impossible to become possible in this way. When they fell asleep with no worries, Equation had brought people to the island.

The battle situation can be described as one-sided, and the only resistance did not last long in the end.

When all the men capable of fighting on Piggy Island were killed, the end of the entire island came.

Those old people, women and children have no ability to resist at all under such circumstances. They are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, waiting for the butcher to be slaughtered.

Blake was not polite either, and led the soldiers to slaughter the remaining islanders frantically.

The fire in the village was raging wantonly, and the warriors wielding this knife and ax would chop at anyone they saw. The bodies of the victims were everywhere, and the blood dyed the whole land dark red.

A child on Piggy Island ran towards the equation in a panic. The child was crying and running wildly.

It looks like he sees Equations, who don't look like these fighters, as a savior.

Suddenly... the child's head flew out instantly, leaving only a big bloody gash.

Just now, a soldier rushed up and killed the child with an axe.

Fang Fang, who saw this scene with his own eyes, stood there in a daze. Seeing the headless child's body lying on the ground, he felt an indescribable depression in his heart.




Fang Fang yelled three times to stop, and stopped the soldiers who were still slaughtering.

Blake stopped the ax he had raised, and under his ax was a terrified woman.

The other fighters also stopped one after another, stopping this victorious massacre.

In their view, killing all the people in the tribe after conquering it is just a normal thing, and they don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Leaving aside, let’s just say that the first island they conquered killed all the islanders on it just like they are doing now.

When they triumphed, the equation did not say anything.

But this time is different. Last time, Equation did not go out with them, but this time Equation came to the battlefield in person.

Seeing that the men who resisted had been slaughtered, and when the soldiers extended their butcher knives to these women and children, especially when they saw a child being hacked to death in front of their eyes, Fang Fang was greatly shaken in his heart.

"Master, what should they do?"

Blake came up to the equation and pointed at the panicked islanders.

"Bring back!"

"There are too many of them, and our boat can't take so many people."

What Blake said is also a very practical issue. There are still a large number of islanders on the island, and it is impossible to take all of them away.

This is a problem that the equation must solve. Since these islanders are not killed, a solution must be proposed.

"Leave the old people and children, and take all the women away."


Under the order of Equation, those soldiers arrested the women on the island one after another.

It was in this way that those remaining islanders were spared from being massacred.

Under the order of the equation, the soldiers began to retreat towards the coast.

According to the plan, this sneak attack was to be resolved quickly. After quickly eliminating the combat power on Pigpen Island, they immediately returned to the same route and left before the sea tide ebbed.

A boat composed of five canoes is full of dozens of people, and there is no problem. This time, Fang Fang led the soldiers back and took away more than 40 women from Pigpen Island.

After the battle, all that was left on Piggy Island was devastation and a mess.

Those old people and children were left on the island, all the women were taken away, and the tribe was cut off from the possibility of continuing to reproduce.

Unless they go to other islands to continue to live, slowly dying is their end.

This is already regarded as the kindness of the equation to them.

On the way back, the soldiers on the boat had already started to cheer, and some were even more excited, and even started to touch the women.

Fang Fang's mood was not here, he ignored the panicked screams of those women, and at the moment he was still revisiting the scene of the child's beheading just now in his head.

Is it too cruel to do all this by yourself?Without this active campaign, would all of this not have happened?

Looking at the turbulent waves, Fang Fang was very confused. He knew that these things were cruel, but he had to do them.

"Master, did the killing just now make you feel uncomfortable?"

Blake is still very smart and has seen the mind of the equation.

Fang Fang shook his head and said: "War is like this. Once war comes, no one can survive alone."

Blake said: "It would be better if I lead the soldiers to fight in the future."

Equation was noncommittal and did not respond to Blake.

The fleet continued to sail, and the destination of this trip was Blake's original island.

Due to limited navigation technology, it is not possible to return directly from Piggy Island to the main island at this stage, and must go through a transfer.

In the cabin, he quietly hugged his shield and sat there quietly without saying a word.

Fang Fang remembered that the little girl bravely stood up to save him just now, and immediately came to her side to express his gratitude to her.

Jing Jing, who was in a daze, was flattered, and it was something she couldn't even imagine to be thanked by the equation.

"You are a very brave little girl."

Fang Fang looked at Jing Jing lovingly. The little girl had a firm expression on her face. Even if she was standing on a real battlefield, she was not afraid of it.

Jing Jing said very excitedly: "The greatest meaning of my life is to serve you, my great master. I am willing to dedicate everything to you, including my heart."

Hearing this, Fang Fang felt a heavy heart, and couldn't be happy at all.

He didn't quite understand what kind of existence he was in the hearts of these islanders, and whether he had the same status as the gods they worshiped, but he didn't want a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl to fall into a frenzy for him.

Fang Fang patted Jing Jing's forehead and said, "I don't need you to sacrifice anything for me, I just need you to live well, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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