i have a super island

Chapter 569 surrender

Chapter 569 surrender
Everything was as predicted by the equation, the camp of the Black Teeth was already in chaos.

It just exceeded the expectations of the equation, and all this came too violently.

When Fang Xing was still processing the caught fish with everyone, he suddenly heard Xiao Liang's shout from the arrow tower.

"Master, there is movement on the other side!"

Fang Fang dropped the fish he had dissected, and hurriedly climbed up the arrow tower, asking, "What happened?"

Xiao Liang replied, "Someone is coming this way."

When Fang Fang climbed up the arrow tower and looked out, about a dozen shirtless Black Tooth warriors walked towards the camp.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Liang and several other alert soldiers immediately drew their bows and arrows, intending to shoot at these people who came over.

Fang Fang ordered everyone not to shoot arrows. These people came slowly, and they didn't look like they were coming to attack.

When they got to a place about 30 meters away from the camp, Fang Fang had a happy smile on his face, because he knew the person at the front, and it was Xiao Xiang whom he sent back.

Xiaoxiang was holding a dark object in his hand, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be a human head.


Xiao Xiang, who was walking first, saw the equation on the arrow tower.

He held up the human head in his hand and shouted loudly at Fang Fang to declare his allegiance to Fang Fang.

Xiao Liang on the side couldn't help but be speechless, looking at the naked head, isn't it their lord.

It turned out that the head in Xiaoxiang's hand belonged to the bald lord.

After Xiaoxiang stabbed the witch doctor to death, a small riot broke out among the Black Tooth Clan.

The remaining main combat faction had a bloody conflict with the surrender faction headed by Xiao Xiang. As a result of the conflict, all the remaining main combat factions died in battle, and only the surrender faction remained.

Originally, there were more than 30 people left, but after the riots, there were only more than 20 people left.

Xiaoxiang didn't force everyone to follow him to surrender to the equation, but let those who were unwilling to surrender go back.

In this way, Xiaoxiang came to the camp with the last dozen or so soldiers left.

"Okay, okay!"

Seeing Xiao Xiang leading the soldiers to seek refuge, Fang Fang was naturally extremely happy.

If they join at this time, the combat effectiveness of the base will definitely be greatly enhanced.

More importantly, judging from the battle situation, the enemy stronghold in the north has collapsed and will no longer threaten the safety of the base.

"Master, do you really want to accept them?" There was a hint of hesitation in Xiao Liang's eyes.

"Of course!" Fang Fang was ecstatic.


Xiao Liang was much more cautious in his attitude towards these surrenderers, after all Xiao Xiang was holding the head of his lord in his hand at the moment.

Fang Fang didn't take it seriously, now is not the time to care about these things, and from the moment he decided to use Xiaoxiang, it has already represented his trust in him.

"Nothing but, they are warriors of the same clan just like you."


After saying a few words, Fang took Blake and opened the door to greet him personally.

Those Black Tooth warriors who surrendered were still very unfamiliar with the equation, but Blake had a high prestige in their hearts, and everyone bowed down to Blake.

Blake was apprehensive, and hurriedly introduced them to the equations around him, telling them that the equations were his new masters.

Xiaoxiang presents the head of the bald lord to Fangfang, and kneels on the ground to swear allegiance to Fangfang.

More than a dozen other Black Tooth warriors followed suit and bowed down to Fang Fang to take an oath.

Blake excitedly translated to Equation, "Master, they are swearing to you and fighting for you from now on."

There is no need to mention how excited he is on the face of the equation. This is the result he wants to see the most. The crisis from the north has been resolved without a single soldier, and so many black teeth fighters have been received.

"Blake, get them up and take them back to camp."

"Yes, Master."

After taking the oath, the Black Tooth warriors stood up one after another.

Blake shouted at them, and took them back to the camp after explaining.

Seeing so many Black Tooth fighters entering the camp at once, the non-combatants seemed a little uncomfortable.

You know, before today, everyone was still an enemy on the battlefield, either you die or I live, but now they are actually in the same wall.

At Blake's request, all the Black Tooth warriors who surrendered surrendered their weapons.

These people were all led by Xiaoxiang and stood in two rows. After everyone quieted down, they began to receive lectures from the equation.

"My name is Equation, and I am the master here!"

"From now on, you will be loyal to me and fight for me. What I need is your absolute loyalty!"

Equation says a sentence, and Blake translates a sentence.

Blake exaggerated the expression on Fang Fang's face several times, and every word was like thunder, imprinted in the hearts of those Black Tooth warriors who surrendered.

"Of course, I am different from your previous lords."

"I don't eat human flesh, I don't like to kill innocent people indiscriminately, I don't want to rape women, and I don't need you to serve me. I just need you to do what I just said."

"As your master, as long as you follow faithfully, I will lead you to civilization and lead a better life."

"As for whether what I said is true, if you want to know, then ask the bravest warrior in your clan."

It has to be said that Equation's speech skills are getting better day by day.

This impassioned statement, let alone these Black Tooth warriors who had just surrendered.

Even when Blake listened to it again, he felt his blood boil, and once again felt the charm of personality emanating from the equation.

"I swear to God!"

"I swear to God."

The excited Blake took the lead in shouting the slogan.

The fighters of the Black Tooth tribe also shouted together.

"From now on, my life will be dedicated to my lord, and I will follow and fight for him all my life!"


Under the leadership of Blake, those newly joined fighters swore allegiance one after another.

Fang Fang was already very happy to be able to get more than a dozen fighters from the Black Tooth Tribe at this time.

"Rebecca, prepare more food for a while, so that everyone here can eat."

"But in this case, there will be nothing left of the fish we caught today."

Fang Fang grinned and said: "If there is nothing left, there will be nothing left. Is there anything more important than feeding everyone?"

Rebecca nodded in embarrassment, and said softly, "Okay."

From her point of view, the fish that was finally brought back today was thought to last for another day, but in the end it was about to disappear after a meal.

But in the eyes of Equation, the threat of the Black Tooth tribe in the north has been eliminated, and it is much easier to find food. Tomorrow, they will directly send people to the lagoon to catch crocodiles.

(End of this chapter)

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