i have a super island

Chapter 567 I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic

Chapter 567 I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic
Looking at Xiaoxiang's figure sneaking into the night, Blake looked at Equation and asked the question in his heart, "Master, do you really believe him?"

Equation asked instead, "What about you, do you trust him?"

"I believe him. I can feel what he said to us just now. He didn't lie." Blake said.

"There is a saying that employing people should not be suspicious and others should not be used." Fang Fang said.

Blake scratched his head and said, "Excuse me for being stupid, I can't understand the meaning of the master's words."

Fang Fang smiled and explained: "This is an old saying, which means that if you doubt a person, then don't use him from the beginning; if you plan to use him, then don't doubt him from the beginning."

After hearing the words of the equation, Blake suddenly understood, as if a light shone in front of his eyes.

Although he is a fierce warrior, he is also considered to be the smartest among the group of black-toothed people.He is the one who learns the HX language the fastest, and he is the one who accepts advanced civilization. Since following the equation, Blake feels that this master far surpasses himself in terms of vision, knowledge, heart, and charisma.

What the equation brought to Blake was a change in thinking besides combat.

The worship of the strong written in the genes of the black teeth made Blake willing to go through fire and water for the equation.


Just before dawn, the fighters of the Black Tooth tribe were awakened by shouts not far away.

At first, I thought the enemy was coming, and everyone panickedly prepared to meet the enemy, but when I took a closer look, I realized that it was Blake and the others again, and they were shouting the same words as yesterday.

These words reached the ears, and the soldiers became more and more depressed.

Among the crowd, Xiao Xiang's eyes kept wandering, secretly looking at his companions around him.

He was ordered to return to the camp late last night, and he brought the important task explained by the equation.

As for the task entrusted to him by the equation, it is for him and Blake to play the role of cooperating internally and externally to encourage more people to join the equation.

People's emotions will be expressed more or less on the face. Listening to the shouts from outside the woods, no one will remain unmoved. Even if you are disgusted or shaken, it will be reflected in your expression.

Whenever he sees those guys whose hearts are loose, Xiaoxiang will pretend to walk past them unintentionally, complaining a few words casually.

In a bad environment, complaining is easy to make people mentally collapse.

Once the psychological defense line of a soldier collapsed, Xiaoxiang seized the opportunity to say something that envied the brothers of the same clan on the opposite side, which made the hearts of these black-toothed fighters even more itchy.

This kind of thinking is like a seed, once it falls in the heart, it will take root immediately, and it is difficult to completely remove it.

Unless conditions exist to suppress the seed, it will never germinate.

It's a pity that these black-tooth warriors are in a bad situation now, and even their lord is about to die. When the lord dies, who are they fighting for?

Xiaoxiang spared no effort to spread the words that could shake the morale of the army in the camp, all in preparation for the final surrender.

In the eyes of these barbarians, war may be swords and axes, bloodshed and sacrifice.

But Equation told them that in addition to the battles visible to the naked eye, there is also a big killer on the battlefield, which is rumors.

Just when Equation was at a loss, Xiao Xiang, who took the initiative to defect, became the most important pawn in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the camp.

There was an uproar in the crowd, and they all surrounded the bald lord.

Beside the lord, there is also a witch doctor in a grass skirt dancing with a branch in his hand.

And the bald lord didn't look very well anymore, and he might die at any time.

After dancing for a while, the witch doctor got some leaves that he didn't know where to find, put them in his mouth, chewed them up, and then spit the residue into his palm.

The bald leader didn't kick the witch doctor away this time, he didn't have the strength anymore, and he put his last hope of survival on the witch doctor.

He howled in agony as the witch doctor stuffed the chewed leaves into his rotting, festering eye holes.

The witch doctor beckoned the surrounding soldiers to hurry forward and hold the lord down, which must be done to save him.

Then four fearless warriors really stepped forward and pressed the lord to the ground so that the witch doctor could better administer the medicine to the lord.

After such a toss, the bald lord finally calmed down, staring at the sky bewilderedly.

I don't know if the leaves found by the witch doctor contain some paralyzing ingredients, which can make people enter a state of sluggishness after taking effect.

"Is he still alive?"

Xiao Xiang, who had been silently watching, spoke his mind for everyone.

"Maybe, maybe not...it depends on the will of the gods."

The reason why a witch doctor is called a witch doctor is precisely because half witch and half doctor, they deliberately pretend to be gods and ghosts when they speak, and they want to speak in a mysterious way when it is obviously nonsense.

"If the lord is dead, what shall we do?" someone asked.


The witch doctor lay on the lord's body and put his ear to his mouth. He seemed to be listening to the lord's speech, but in fact, everyone could tell that the lord's lips didn't move at all.

But this did not affect the performance of the witch doctor. He pretended to be decent, and announced to everyone, "Just now, a god told me the next will through the body of the lord. The god let us occupy this city. Island, this is his last instruction to us."

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately expressed objection, "We are like this, what do we use to capture this island? Could it be that the gods want all of us to be buried here?"

"This is the meaning of the gods, and we cannot disobey it." The witch doctor looked bitter and bitter.

"Who saw it? Since it is the will of the gods, why haven't we seen the gods?" Xiaoxiang jumped out and accused the witch doctor of deceiving everyone, "The lord didn't speak just now, and his lips didn't even move. How could it be a god? The possessed body conveys the will to you."

Encouraged by Xiaoxiang's jumping out, a group of people immediately stood by his side.

The remaining Black Tooth warriors in the camp were naturally divided into two factions at this moment, one was the main combat faction who insisted on capturing the island, and the other was the abandonment faction who did not want to continue fighting.


On the arrow tower, what Fang Fang looked at was the direction of the woods in the north.

He couldn't see the movement in the woods clearly, and couldn't hear Xiao Xiang's voice, but he had a confident smile on his face, because he firmly believed that his plan had worked.

As the saying goes: Soldiers are deceitful.

Being able to eliminate opponents without bloodshed, and even take advantage of this opportunity to absorb opponents and join their own team, this is the most desirable situation.

(End of this chapter)

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