i have a super island

Chapter 539 Recurve Bow

Chapter 539 Recurve Bow

Although it was not easy to shoot the arrow of Equation, the effect was enough to amaze Blake and his clansmen.

A strong and powerful fighter like Blake is ranked number one in the entire Black Tooth tribe. Even he can't guarantee that he can accurately hit a target 20 meters away.

On the contrary, the equation did not seem to take much effort. It just took a serious aim for a while, and the arrow was nailed to the palm tree.

"Master Divine Power!"

Blake's indescribable shock could only be attributed to Equation's extraordinary arm strength and even more extraordinary archery skills.

The natives of the Black Tooth tribe below also learned some simple HX language, and followed Blake in loudly praising the power of the equation.

At this moment, Fang Fang's face was full of complacency, and he looked at the bamboo bow in his hand with great satisfaction. Sure enough, this thing was much stronger than the wooden bow.

"Blake, come and try."

I didn't bother to explain the equation. It wasn't because of my superior strength, but because of the bow.So he handed the bamboo bow to Blake and asked him to try it on.

Now Blake had a new view on this bamboo bow in his heart, and no longer felt that it was just a bow and arrow with no difference as before.

Taking the bamboo bow handed by Fang Fang, Blake carefully drew the bow and set the arrow.

Sure enough, I immediately felt the difference in feel when drawing the bow. The bamboo bow is more elastic, and the feedback force to the hand is stronger when it is drawn. Moreover, the bamboo bow can be drawn very far, because the toughness of bamboo is very strong. Well, not easily pulled off.


The long arrow flew through the air and nailed sharply on the palm tree.

Blake, who shot the arrow, was full of surprise on his face. Looking at the bamboo bow in his hand, it was indeed much stronger than the wooden bow he used before.

Looking at the bamboo bow, Blake was not willing to let go. This thing attracted him more than any beautiful woman.

"Master, can you reward me with it?"

Blake bowed to Fang Fang and begged Fang Fang to give him the bow.

Fang Fang waved his hand and smiled, and said cheerfully: "What's the matter, if you like it, I will give it to you. I will make more bamboo bows like this in a while, and each of us will replace them with new bamboo bows."

Song Zhixi said: "The strength of bamboo bows is much stronger than that of wooden bows. It is a pity that bowstrings are used. At present, we can only use straw ropes. If we can use hemp ropes, the power of bows and arrows will be even greater than now. .”

"Please leave the hemp rope to me, I will definitely make it as soon as possible." Asai Shizi said confidently.

"Then thank you, Miss Shizi." Song Zhixi thanked Shizi Asai.

After trying out the new bamboo bow, the next step is to mass-produce it and assemble it into everyone's hands.

Don't think that a bamboo bow is more difficult to make than a wooden bow because it is better than a wooden bow. In fact, this thing is much easier to make. A wooden bow needs to find a decent piece of wood, and it can't be too bad, or it will break when pulled.

Bamboo bows are much simpler. One piece of bamboo can be split to make many, and it can be shaped by roasting on the fire, and then it is ready with straw rope.

One afternoon, everyone in the camp replaced them with new bamboo bows. As for the original wooden bows, they were useless and all became materials for the bonfire.

The only person in the entire camp who didn't have a bamboo bow was James, because he didn't like to use a bow, and his archery skills were not very good. It would be much easier for him to break the enemy directly.

At the end of the day, everyone had changed their equipment for a round, but the expected Black Tooth attack did not come.

The expression of Equation looks a bit complicated. On the one hand, he is happy because the Black Tooth Clan did not come, which gave everyone time to change their bows and arrows; Hurry up, and when they attack, we must let them taste the power of the new bows and arrows.

"It will be dark soon." Song Zhixi said.

"It seems that the guys from the Black Tooth Clan will not come." Fang Fang sighed.

Song Zhixi said: "It's fine if we don't come, we can take this opportunity to make more preparations."

In the camp, Blake has led the people to get used to the feel of the bamboo bow and is training non-stop.

"Actually, we can improve the bow."

"Continue to improve?"

Song Zhixi nodded and said: "That's right, now we have the conditions, we can upgrade directly and equip them with recurve bows."

Ordinary bows are straight arm bows, like the previous wooden bows and bamboo bows are straight arm bows.

A recurve bow, on the other hand, is different in shape from a straight-armed bow, with an outward bend at the end of the bow. A recurve bow can store more energy than a straight-armed bow of the same type, resulting in an arrow with higher kinetic energy. .

Simply put, the arrows shot by the recurve bow are more powerful, have a longer range, and have higher penetration.

There is also a big difference between the two in drawing the bow. The more you draw the traditional straight arm bow, the more force you need to draw the bow will increase significantly.The recurve bow actually uses the principle of leverage to smooth the distribution of power when drawing the bow, and even women can easily shoot powerful arrows.

"Can we make a recurve bow?" Equation was slightly puzzled.

"It's not difficult, just bend the end of the bow outward, and you can make it out of bamboo." Song Zhixi is confident that the recurve bow is not a difficult technique, it's just a matter of making some changes in the appearance of the bow.

The eyes of Fang Fang were full of excitement, and he said excitedly: "We are going to develop by leaps and bounds."

Song Zhixi smiled sweetly and said, "We are modern people. Could it be that you want to develop step by step like those barbarians?"

"Hehehe, that's true, you're right..." Fang Fang scratched his head silly.

"Don't stand still, hurry up and prepare the materials." Song Zhixi urged.

"Okay, let's go!"

The day passed quickly, and the day passed without any disturbance, and no one from the Black Tooth tribe came to call.

Fang Fang and Song Zhixi brought back materials for making bows and arrows from the bamboo forest in the middle of the island.

Ichiko Asai also recovered sisal, and the next step is to extract the fiber and make hemp rope.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

At night, Song Zhixi and Fang Fang were still busy in front of the bonfire, continuing to make bows and arrows.

Blake on the side didn't understand very well, and asked, "Haven't everyone already replaced with new bamboo bows? You have made so many bows again."

"Look at the difference between the two?"

Equation asked Blake to bring his own bow, and then took a recurve bow for Blake to compare.

With the experience of the day, Blake knew that the things made by the equation must have something powerful, but after looking at it for a long time, he didn't see anything special, so he said cautiously: "The shape of the bow is different."

Fang Fang smiled happily and said, "That's right, the shape is different. Go outside and try the bow!"

(End of this chapter)

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