i have a super island

Chapter 537 Bow and Arrow Improvement Plan

Chapter 537 Bow and Arrow Improvement Plan
Equation proposed the idea of ​​copper smelting. According to the original idea, copper weapons could be forged before the Black Tooth tribe attacked.

However, Lu Fengmei said that copper smelting is actually not easy. The most difficult thing to solve is the temperature problem. It will take some time to solve this problem.

And Blake also said that people from the Black Tooth tribe will attack in a few days. Blake himself is a member of the Black Tooth tribe, so he naturally knows the situation of the Black Tooth tribe, so what he said is still of great reference value.

Now the equation is a bit difficult. It seems that there is no way to make copper weapons in a short time, and this matter will have to wait a little later.

"Based on what you know about them, will they come over tomorrow?" Equation asked Blake.

"It's hard to say, but I can be sure that they will come back to take revenge, and it will only be in two days." As a member of the Black Tooth tribe, Blake understands the characteristics of the Black Tooth tribe's vengeance best.

Equation said with a little regret: "Well, it seems that we have no way to use copper weapons sooner, and we will wait until we beat back those black-toothed guys."

Everyone gathered together and discussed with each other how to deal with the troubles that may be encountered next.

When fighting, the first thing that comes to mind is naturally to make a fuss about weapons. If you can overwhelm your opponent with weapons, you will have a huge advantage in battle.

The current situation is that they and the Black Tooth clan on the opposite side are using stone weapons, and neither side has an advantage.

When he was having a headache, Song Zhixi said, "Actually, we can make improvements on the bow."

Song Zhixi's words immediately aroused Fang Fang's interest, and asked, "Go ahead and talk about how to improve."

"We are using the simplest wooden bows now, which have short range, low stability, and insufficient lethality." Song Zhixi said, "After these days, I found that there are bamboos on this island, and bamboos can be used to Make a better bow."

"That's fine. We can't replace copper weapons. We can make a fuss about the bow." Fang Fang nodded repeatedly.

Lu Fengmei also greatly agreed, saying: "That's right, if our bows have a longer range than theirs, and we have the advantage of the arrow tower. Being condescending, those guys from the Black Tooth tribe can't get close at all."

Song Zhixi smiled and said, "Indeed."

"Okay, okay, that's a good idea. Range is our advantage on the battlefield. As long as our range is farther than the opponent's and we have an impenetrable defense, it won't be difficult to deal with those black-toothed guys." It was already night, and he wished everyone could go to the woods to cut bamboo now.

Song Zhixi said: "There are still some things to pay attention to when using bamboo to make bows and arrows. You can't use fresh bamboo, which is less tough. The best is older bamboo, which has been dead or cut down and stored for a period of time. Bamboo with a yellowish color is the best."

Fang Fang immediately said: "Okay, everyone will go to find bamboo at dawn, and bring all of them back to the camp as long as they agree with the request."

It was getting late, even if Fang Fang wanted to get back the bamboo for making bows and arrows at this moment, it was still too late. The woods were dark and dangerous, and everyone was exhausted and needed to rest.

In this way, with excitement, Fang survived the night.

After dawn, Fang Fang, who had only slept for a few hours, was still in good spirits, and took Song Zhixi to the woods to look for bamboo.

In order to find suitable bamboo, Fang Fang took Song Zhixi to the mountain peak in the middle of the island, which is the source of the river.

The entire island is surrounded by a sandy beach, and the rest of the island is almost covered with forests. Moso bamboo grows everywhere in the dense forest, and near the mountain peak in the middle of the island, there is the most bamboo distribution in the entire island. dense places.

Thinking that there should be suitable materials there, Fang Fang took Song Zhixi to the middle of the island.

It is not easy to travel through this primeval forest, every step is very difficult, there are thick grass everywhere, no one knows what kind of danger will be hidden in those grass tents.

In order to be sure, Fang Fang holds a spear in his hand, but whenever he encounters a place with dense weeds, he will use the spear to poke it inside first, and then go there after confirming that there are no snakes and beasts inside.

In addition to these things that may actively attack people, there are also those vines and barbed branches under their feet, which are very troublesome things.

After a whole morning, the two finally arrived at the densest bamboo forest on the island with great effort.

There are many bloody marks on Equation's body from those barbed branches. Fortunately, the years of life on a deserted island have made Equation's skin much rougher. These scars just look scary, but they are nothing special to Equation. of.

Song Zhixi was not much better, the white shirt on his body was hooked several times, and the jeans on his legs were not spared either.

Fortunately, she had clothes to protect her, and only the clothes were damaged, and her skin was not injured.

After arriving at the bamboo forest, the two rested for a while, and began to search for bamboo suitable for making bows without stopping.

Flipping through a patch of grass, Fang Fang found a bamboo that was about as thick as a thigh, and shouted excitedly, looking at Song Zhixi, "Is this tree okay?"

"Not suitable."

Song Zhixi shook his head.

Fang Fang let out a sigh of relief, and said angrily: "It's okay, keep looking."

The decision of the two to come to this bamboo forest today is correct. Compared with other areas on the island, the number of bamboos here is the largest, and it is easier to find suitable bamboos.

Not long after, Song Zhixi found a fallen bamboo.

This bamboo is not particularly thick, almost as thick as the calf of the equation, but it is dead, and the time of death is not too long. The texture of the bamboo has not rotted, and the whole is very resilient.

"That's it!"

Song Zhixi finally showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Fang Fang also came to the bamboo, pulled out his dagger and held it against the bamboo, and found a wooden stick to hit the back of the dagger, cutting the bamboo bit by bit.

Bamboo is not easy to cut, and daggers are not for chopping, so Equation used a simple and ingenious method.

There was a sound of "dong dong dong" in the woods. After a lot of hard work, this suitable bamboo was finally chiseled into several sections by the equation.

"Is this enough?" asked Equation.

Song Zhixi said: "Enough is enough, I can make a few bows."

"Okay, that's it, let's go back to the base first."

As he said that, Fang Fang cut off all the branches and leaves on those sections of bamboo, leaving only a few sections of bare bamboo tubes.He found another cane, tied up the bamboo tube and carried it on his shoulders, and carried them back together.

(End of this chapter)

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