i have a super island

Chapter 528 Building a Base

Chapter 528 Building a Base
In the evening they stopped to eat and rested a while before going on to work.

According to the meaning of the equation, it is best to clear this forest tomorrow.

As for why he was in such a hurry, Equation naturally had his considerations.

Song Zhixi was worried that Fang would not be able to take it anymore, and he still had injuries in his chest, but none of these convinced Fang, he still kept his head down and worked like everyone else.

Seeing that even the equations were put together so hard, Blake and his clansmen were naturally embarrassed and lazy, and even exerted all their strength to cut trees desperately.

The sound of "咚咚咚..." continued until three o'clock in the morning. After everyone worked together to push down the last tree in the forest, everyone stopped exhausted.

Because they were so sleepy, basically everyone fell asleep while sitting on the ground, and it didn't take long for them all to sleep in disorder, and Equation also slept with these natives.

Rebecca, who woke up in the middle of the night, was deeply shocked when she saw the scene in front of her.

Under the silver-white moonlight, there was still a forest here during the day, but now there are only some stumps left.

I can't imagine how powerful this group of people is, they cut down this grove in one day.

"Miss Zhixi, you haven't slept yet."

When Rebecca wanted to lie down, she unexpectedly found that Song Zhixi beside her also had her eyes open.

Song Zhixi blinked, Fang Fang was working all night, how could she sleep.

"Mr. Fang is too hardworking." Rebecca said.

"He's always been like this, alas..."

Song Zhixi sighed faintly, she felt sorry for Equation, and human beings are not machines, so how could her body be able to bear such an approach.

In the early morning, the sun jumps out of the sea, and the fiery red sunlight shines on the island.

Song Ji-hee and Rebecca went to the beach early to collect food.

Not long after, Equation and the others, who had only slept for a few hours, also woke up.

After waking up, everyone looked tired. At the request of the equation, everyone came to the river and washed their faces with cold river water.Shocked by the cold water, the dull crowd immediately regained their spirits.

Led by Equation, each of these men seemed to have taken a stimulant. As soon as they woke up, they immediately threw themselves into the woods and started working.

The woods were all cut down yesterday, and now there is only a bare meadow. It is estimated that the area of ​​this meadow should be more than [-] square meters.

This time, Blake asked Equation again, "Master, these trees have been cut down, so what's next?"

Equation no longer hung Blake's appetite and said: "Next we will use these logs to build a fence."


"Yes, enclose our camp on this flat."

As he said that, Fang Fang measured the land with his feet. Without Wei Lin by his side, he had to do all these things himself.

"What's this for?" Blake couldn't understand the behavior of the equation, and felt confused.

"Where I just walked is the location of the wall."

Seeing that Blake and his tribe didn't quite understand, the equation had to be explained to them personally.

According to the plan of the equation, next they will use the felled trees to surround the land with a towering wall.

After explaining how to build it with Blake and his clansmen, the construction of the wall started non-stop.

Some people were assigned to deal with the timber. A tree that had been cut down could be processed into several sections of wooden posts for the construction of the fence.

Others were responsible for driving the stakes into the soil, one next to the other, and building a solid wall of wood.

In the next three days, all the tasks of the people were to build the wall.

During this period, the people below were more or less puzzled. They did not understand why the construction of the fence was so important in the equation. Everything else was left behind for a while, and the fence had to be built before talking about it.

Of course, the equation doesn't explain anything. He is the leader of these people, and many things only need to be followed by the subordinates, and there is no need to explain them one by one.

On the third day, according to the requirements of the equation, the fence around the camp was finally built.

The entire wall is square, with a length and width of about 20 meters and a height of about two meters. The upward end is sharpened to prevent outsiders from climbing over the wall.

There are high walls on all sides, and only one door is left on the side facing the beach. The wooden gate is usually open, and it will be closed at night.

With the existence of the wall, the safety of everyone has been greatly improved. At night, everyone sleeps inside the wall, the gate will be closed, and there are people on duty to guard it in shifts.

Up to now, more and more people are beginning to understand why Equation builds a wall overnight, because it is really very important.

After the fence was built, the inside of the fence was actually quite chaotic, because many stumps and roots were left when the trees were cut down, and there were some other things, such as protruding big rocks and so on.

But these are not included in the next clearing task. From the point of view of the equation, these things can be cleaned up slowly in the future, and the most important thing right now is to erect four arrow towers behind the wall.

They just came to this island, the road is blue, and there is a lot of waste to be done. It is a little early to burn lime like the original island, and there is not so much time for them to slowly collect stones and corals, so the equation chooses The most easily available material on this island is to use wood to build the arrow tower.

After cutting the trees in the forest, I went to the nearby woods to cut them. Anyway, the most indispensable thing on this island is wood, so I don’t care about it. I’ll cut it back and use it later.

The structure of wood is not as strong as stone and lime mortar. It is impossible to build a ten-meter-high arrow tower like the original island, so we can only build four five-meter-high arrow towers.

The four arrow towers are majesticly scattered at the four corners behind the wall, like four gods guarding the four directions, but it is daunting to see from a distance.

Putting down the four arrow towers took them another six days.

Counting it, it has been nearly ten days since everyone came to this island. With the strength of ten people, they were able to clear the woods here, build a camp, and erect an arrow tower.

The people below may not feel much, except that they are tired, and only the equation is the most stressful one.

This island is too big to be defended at all. In case someone like Bruce comes to the island one day, or people from the Black Tooth tribe land on the island, if there are no fortifications, everyone on the island will be in a very dangerous situation .

After all, now is not the time when Equation first came to this sea area. At that time, as long as he took care of himself, he didn't have to worry about being eaten by a group of barbarians who jumped out one day.

Nowadays, the influence of the Black Tooth Clan is constantly expanding and spreading, and there will be conflicts between them and the Black Tooth Clan at any time. As a qualified leader, Fang Fang cannot put his own people in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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