i have a super island

Chapter 515 Reality is crueler than imagination

Chapter 515 Reality is crueler than imagination

Regarding Li Qingman's order to rush to build ships, it goes without saying that everyone understands that she is going to cross the sea to save Fang and the others.

Knowing that Fang Fang and the others were captured, Ah Yue couldn't sit still for a long time, and he wished he could row a boat to save people now.After hearing Li Qingman's order to rush to build the boat, he went all out to build the boat and gathered all the canoes on the island.

Back at the camp, the others dispersed, and the island returned to its usual state. The vigilance, the training, the fishing...everything was operating as normal.

Seeing the picture in front of him, Derek was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He didn't expect that this island was far more developed than his own.

The people here have already lived in stone houses, and they are still growing vegetables, it is simply a sea manor.

In fact, he hasn't seen the sheep pens, prisons, and arrow towers on this island... If he sees these again, his jaw will probably drop to the ground.

Outside the camp, there were some tables, chairs, hammocks, and even a beach volleyball beside it, which made Derek a little dazed, as if he had not come to an overseas desert island, but a small island for vacation and leisure.

At this point, Derek already had a new plan in his heart, what about Bruce, fuck him.

He wanted to stay on this island and work for that beautiful woman just now.

It was cold outside Pingdi for a long time, during which time there were two dark-skinned natives guarding Derek, which prevented him from escaping.

Derek has been waiting for Li Qingman to come out of the house again, wanting to see her beauty again, but he has been waiting for Li Qingman to appear.

In the room, Li Qingman was discussing the next countermeasures with Song Zhixi, Tang Guo, and Wei Lin.

As for Derek outside, naturally someone is responsible for entertaining him.

About half an hour later, being dizzy and extremely uncomfortable under the scorching sun above his head, Derek was already impatient and cursed.

At this time, a man who looked like a giant beast walked towards Derek.

Derek's legs were trembling inexplicably. The man in front of him was more than a head taller than him, and his body was three circles bigger. Derek, who was still physically strong, looked like a primary school student in front of him.

Standing in front of him at this moment is James, who is also a mercenary.

It's not that being a mercenary is very powerful, the strength of the same mercenary is also very different.

"Let's talk."

James looked down at Derek with an indescribable majesty in his expression.

Derek shook his head in fear, and roared: "Who are you, I want to see that woman on the beach."

"It's not up to you."

"Get away from me..."

Derek had a premonition that the situation was not good, this was not the result he had imagined, and immediately wanted to push James away and escape.

Unexpectedly, his hand just pushed onto James' body, as if pushing against a concrete wall. James didn't move, but grabbed Derek's wrist.

With a "click", Derek's wrist was dislocated by James, and the pain made him wail.

A moment ago, Derek was still thinking about staying on this island and working for Li Qingman in the future, but now the giant man in front of him is killing him.

"What are you going to do to me? I want to see that woman just now. Help, someone will save me."

Derek's eyes revealed endless fear. James' strength was beyond his imagination. This was no longer at the level of normal humans. The giant man in front of him was simply a monster.

In the camp, Derek's cry for help echoed, but no one cared about him.

James pressed him to the ground and threatened in a low voice: "Although I haven't personally interrogated prisoners for many years, I want to use you to practice today."

Derek's painful expression was filled with panic, he shook his head and said, "I've said everything I need to say."

"No, you lied."

James knelt on Derek's spine, pressed him firmly to the ground, and grabbed Derek's hands so that Derek had no chance to struggle.

"No, what I said is true, absolutely true."

"It seems that you won't be able to tell the truth if you don't suffer a little bit."

James broke Derek's fist, just like breaking a pencil, and easily broke one of Derek's fingers.

The pain of the severed finger pierced his heart, Derek yelled like crazy, and at the same time tears, nose, saliva flowed out, looking extremely miserable.

"three two……"

James took another finger of Derek's and started counting down.

With the painful experience just now, Derek learned a lot this time, and hurriedly begged for mercy, "I said, I said..."


James snapped another finger off Derek, and threatened in a cold voice, "Just say it."

Regardless of the severe pain in his heart, Derek went straight to the point this time and admitted: "I did not betray Bruce, I came to this island by his order."

"Why lie?"

"I'm afraid of death. I don't want to be shot to death like those people on the beach."

"Why did Bruce send you here?"

"Because the man we caught said that there was an important chart and a box of gold on the island. Bruce wanted the chart and gold, so he sent me here."

"What kind of man is Bruce?"

"He is cunning and cruel, and he will kill those who don't listen to him."

"How many people are there on your island? How many can fight?" James reminded in a low voice, "I'll think about it after thinking about your fingers."

"There were more than 30 before, and more than ten were killed by your gang, and now there are only more than 20 left."

"How many of you are there?"

"Forget it, count it before, forget it now...everyone is dead..."

James asked a barrage of questions, and Derek was under such intense pressure that he nearly wet his pants several times.

When James took off his knee and got up from him, Derek thought it was finally over, but James asked another question, "Among those people, have you ever seen a woman wearing an army green vest?"

Derek shuddered and said tremblingly, "See...see..."

"How is she doing now, is she still alive?"

"Live, live."

"You better not lie to me, or I'll break all your bones!"

"I swear, I never lied this time."

Derek was so frightened that his tongue was knotted, thinking that the woman had been cut by himself on the arm, fortunately the giant man didn't know, otherwise he would definitely break his neck now.

(End of this chapter)

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