i have a super island

Chapter 491 Lagoon

Chapter 491 Lagoon
I am used to drinking clean fresh water, and when I took a sip of this lake water, Fang immediately spit it out.

"This water is not drinkable."

The face of Equation is full of disappointment, distress and some doubts.

"what happened?"

Liana also took a sip, then frowned, and spat out the water in her mouth.

The same goes for everyone else, spitting out the water after taking a sip.

The four members of Fang Fang and his party are all people who are used to drinking clean fresh water. As long as they take a sip of this water, they can drink out the problems in it.

When I first saw such a large lake, the first thing I thought about was whether the lake was a saltwater lake or a freshwater lake. After drinking a sip of boiled lake water, I was sure that it was a freshwater lake, but there was a big problem with the water. .

One is that although the water is not salty, it has a little bit of bitterness. Although I don’t know where the bitterness comes from, the water must be abnormal; the other is that the water has a very light fishy smell, which makes people feel sick Feeling very bad.

Equation just took a sip, but he didn't swallow it, and now the whole mouth is full of this uncomfortable taste.

Zhang Lin scratched the back of his head, even puzzled, and whispered: "What's going on, this water is not sea water, it looks fine, why can't it be drunk?"

For further confirmation, Fang Fang took some raw lake water. Of course, it was not for drinking. If you drink unboiled water in the wild, you will die. You just put it in front of your nose and sniffed it. There is indeed a very light fishy smell.

"This is the lagoon!"

Suddenly, Fang Fang thought of the knowledge he had seen in the wilderness survival program.

On some islands, there will be this kind of lagoon (sound with opera) lake, this kind of lake looks isolated from the sea, and the salinity is also very low, but it has so many sediments and microorganisms in it that it is not drinkable at all.

Equation was not very happy. It was rare to find a lake. He thought it was a good water source, but it turned out to be a lagoon.

If the water source here is not drinkable, then Fang and the others will have to work in vain in the afternoon and have to find a new water source.

"As shocking as this result is, we still have to get out of here."

Fang Fang stood up and took a look at the camp that had just been set up. He felt uncomfortable, but finding water was the first priority of survival, so he had to leave no matter how unwilling he was.

Others also felt that it was a pity, but the fact was that they had to abandon this place if they wanted to find a new water source.

Just as the group was packing up and preparing to leave, Ichiko Asai appeared outside the camp.

It could be seen that she was very nervous, and she was clutching the hem of her clothes and didn't know where to put it.

"What are you doing here?"

Fang Fang walked over and asked in a cold voice.

Asai Ichiko asked in fear, "Are you leaving?"

Fang Fang did not speak, and Lu Fengmei said regretfully, "There is no way, the water here is not drinkable."

"Ah, how could it be, we have been drinking the water here." Shizi Asai was surprised.

"After drinking it, how did you react?" Lu Fengmei asked.

Ichiko Asai thought for a while, and said: "In the first few days, everyone seemed to have diarrhea, some were more serious, while others were not so serious. The symptoms lasted for a while, and then everyone gradually got used to it. "

Lu Fengmei said: "That's because your body has gradually adapted to the dirty water here, but the harm it has brought to you is also obvious. Look at your current appearance, all of you are half dead and weak, because you drank the water here. lead to poisoning of the body."

"Then what should we do? Now that we have a fire, can we drink water if we boil it?"

"Of course not. This is a lagoon. The water in the lagoon has a lot of sediment and excessive trace elements. You can't remove the trace elements even if you boil the water. These things are the culprits of your body poisoning."

When it came to the water source, Asai Shizi's expression was full of helplessness and helplessness, and said quietly: "But we have no other way, except for the water here, we have no other water source."

Filled with doubts, Equation asked, "Is there no other water source on this island?"

Before coming to this island, I learned from the sea chart that the area of ​​this island is more than ten times that of Equation's island. How could there be no water source on such a large island.

"No, there are more." Asai Ichiko said.

"Why not go to a better water source?"

"Because... those people will kill us." Shizi Asai's expression changed from helplessness to fear, "In the middle of the island, there is a small river that flows into the sea. The water source of that river is very clear and clean. We once found There, but..."

"but what?"

"They killed two of our members." Ichiko Asai lowered his head.

Equation asked, "Are those two people the ones you said were starved to death at the beginning?"

"Yes, that's them." Shiko Asai nodded.

"Why are you lying?"

"We were afraid of them. Those people were very cruel. They had knives in their hands and threatened to kill us all if we dared to approach the small river in the future."

Listening to Ichiko Asai talking about these things, there was some anger in Fang Fang's heart, but that was all, and there was no more extreme emotion.

To survive in the wild for a long time, the equation is not only to fight against the sky and the sea, but also to fight against people. In such an extreme environment, the evil of human nature will be infinitely magnified. In order to rob water, land, and resources, anything can be done. It is nothing new to do it, and the equation has long been familiar.

"Apart from the small river, is there any other source of water on the island?"

"I don't know about that. The small river is in the middle of the island. We haven't been to the place beyond the small river."

Seeing that Ichiko Asai has already asked all the questions that should be asked, and there is nothing else to say, Fang Yi ignored her and took his own people to prepare to evacuate from the newly built camp.

"Where are you going?" Asai Ichiko asked worriedly.

"Go to that little river you mentioned." Fang Fang said.

Shizi Asai said in fear: "Don't go, they are very cruel and will kill you."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Fang Fang's mouth, and he said contemptuously: "Then it depends on who kills whom."

When Fang Fang and the others landed on this island, they had formed an enmity with those people. Lao Yang was shot and killed by those people on the beach, and Liana almost fell into their trap.

Now the only high-quality water source on the island has become something everyone is fighting for. There is no way to avoid this bloody battle.

"After we leave, this new camp will be left to you."

Fang Fang glanced at the poor-looking Asai Shizi, and thought that this new camp was better than their original pigsty anyway, so it was a help to them.

Suddenly, Ishiko Asai stood in front of the equation and begged, "If you must go, take me with you."

(End of this chapter)

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