i have a super island

Chapter 471 The Twin Towers Project

Chapter 471 The Twin Towers Project
Of course, the people around understood what the phrase "exhausted" meant in the equation, and they all snickered immediately.

Seeing that everyone was laughing, Ah Yue felt even more embarrassed, and wished there was a hole in the ground to get in quickly.At the dinner yesterday, I obviously didn't agree to Pearl, who would have thought that after a whole night, I would cook cooked rice with Pearl raw rice, this is what made Ah Yue feel embarrassed.

A Yue was worried that everyone would regard him as a person with a different heart, but everyone looked at A Yue with an expression of "I understand you".

As the other party involved, Pearl's performance was much calmer. Her dream was to become A Yue's woman. Now that she had fulfilled her wish, nothing made her happier than this.

A joke is a joke, after laughing, you still have to do business.

Today is the first day after the war. Everything on the island has to start again. Before the enemy's next attack comes, fortifications must be built quickly.

During lunch, Ah Yue apologized, saying that he came too late in the morning and did not work with everyone.

Equation told him that it didn't matter, because everyone was very tired from yesterday's battle, so there was no task arranged this morning, so everyone had a good rest.

"Pangpang, tell everyone about the Black Tooth Clan." Fang Fang first looked at Pangpang.

Translated by Pearl in the middle, Fatty said: "The guys of the Black Tooth tribe are cunning and cruel, and they hold a grudge. We repelled them yesterday. They must have remembered this grudge. In a few days, when they regroup, they will surely will attack us again."

In Fatty's words, he put himself and the other party in the equation, calling him "we". You must know that this guy was attacking the island with the people of the black tooth tribe yesterday, and he has completely joined the equation's side today. A real twenty-five boy.

However, Fang Fang still welcomes such a young boy, at least he is determined to follow Fang Fang and them, and he has no intention of making trouble.

Fang Fang looked around the crowd and said: "As you all heard just now, the aborigines who attacked our island last time were called the Black Tooth Tribe. After their last failure, they will definitely not let it go like this, so we can't take it lightly for a moment. , You must be ready to fight again at any time."

The expressions of the people below are very serious. The matter of fighting is not a joke. After the tragic experience last time, everyone on the island now understands this.

War is not about fighting when you are ready. Often the enemy will come before you are ready.

"Wei Lin, do you have anything to say?" Fang Fang looked at Wei Lin.

Wei Lin, who was quiet and quiet, pushed up her black-rimmed glasses, a little embarrassed in front of so many people, and said in a low voice: "I think last time they split into two groups and tasted the sweetness, so next time they come to attack again, They will definitely attack our island from two or more routes."

Fang Fang opened his eyes wide and nodded again and again. He agreed with Wei Lin's thoughts, and asked again: "You are the chief designer of the island. In your opinion, how should we build fortifications?"

"Ah, when did I become the chief designer of the island?" Wei Lin was very surprised.

"From now on, you are."

Fang Fang strongly announced the appointment of Wei Lin as the chief designer of the island.

Because looking around, Wei Lin is the only one on the island who understands design, surveying and drawing, and some architectural designs on the island were completed by her before, so this position naturally belongs to Wei Lin.

Although it was just a title, Wei Lin was flattered.

After receiving the encouragement from the equation, Wei Lin had to quickly figure out a way to defend against the enemy.

After a while, Wei Lin tried to ask, "How about the Arrow Tower?"

As soon as the plan was put forward, it immediately aroused the interest of everyone, including Li Qingman and Song Zhixi, who were also very concerned about it.

Under everyone's questioning, Wei Lin gave a detailed description to everyone. According to her preliminary idea, two arrow towers can be built on the west and north sides of the island, which can not only play the role of investigation, but also play the role of The role of combat, as long as there are enemies coming from these two directions, they will be discovered early and they will be blocked on the sea.

"Wood or stone is the material for building the arrow tower?" asked Equation.

"Stone, use stone and lime, so that the arrow tower is strong enough." Wei Lin continued, "According to the design, the arrow tower must be at least three stories high, that is, the height is about ten meters. It is difficult to guarantee such a height with wood. firmness."

Indeed, as Wei Lin said, the west coast and the north coast are already very windy, and the height of about ten meters, the wooden structure is difficult to stabilize.Furthermore, the arrow tower is used for fighting, and the wooden structure is easily damaged, while the stone has stronger impact resistance and is difficult to be destroyed.

"Isn't it a bit difficult to build at this height?"

Li Qingman expressed some doubts about this. After all, only a few houses were built on the island before, and the height of those houses was less than three meters. Now it is difficult to build an arrow tower of about ten meters. Suddenly enhanced a lot.

Wei Lin showed strong confidence in this, and said: "As long as the structural design is completed, the force and load-bearing problems of the arrow tower are solved, and a deep enough foundation is laid, according to the current conditions of the island, it is necessary to build A ten-meter-high arrow tower is no problem."

After hearing Wei Lin's confident speech, everyone was also encouraged.

If two arrow towers can really be built, they will definitely play a major role in dealing with the invading barbarians in the future.

When shooting bows and arrows, the side that occupies the terrain will have the upper hand. Imagine that with the existence of the arrow tower, the side of the island will undoubtedly gain a huge advantage.

"What about the arrow tower?" Fang Fang asked curiously.

"On the arrow tower, I envisage that two people can stand at the same time, and there must be enough space inside to store arrows and other weapons. In addition, wood must be prepared so that it can be used as a beacon tower, and it will be ignited once the enemy is detected. Wolf smoke, quickly spread the news all over the island."

"Okay, okay!"

Fang Fang clapped his hands excitedly, fully satisfied with the arrow tower plan proposed by Wei Lin.

Now there is another problem, that is the actual construction of the arrow tower. The blueprints have not yet been released, so the actual construction can only be done by digging the foundation first, and Wei Lin will design the blueprints.

"I will give you full responsibility for this matter, how about it?"

Fang Fang looked at Wei Lin with full expectation. This was a major test for Wei Lin, and he hoped that she would be able to be alone on the island in the future.

Wei Lin was a little worried, and said, "It takes a lot of manpower to build the arrow tower, but I..."

Fang Fang took a look at Pangpang, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Pangpang will solve the manpower problem."

(End of this chapter)

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