i have a super island

Chapter 436 The taste of blood

Chapter 436 The taste of blood

Looking at these crew members squatting on the ground, Fang Fang felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

I can't say it, but I just feel that it is not normal. These people seem to be quite normal on the surface, but if you look closely at their expressions, there seems to be an indescribable weirdness hidden between their brows.

In short, that feeling is very depressing and makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Where's your captain?"

"The captain suffered a heart attack and died while at sea."

Fang Fang stared at Li Hang sternly, and said displeasedly, "Did I ask you?"

Li Hang lowered his head and said tremblingly, "No, no."

Glancing at these people, Fang Fang took a fancy to the gentle man wearing glasses, pointed at him and asked, "You, what's your name?"

"Zhang Mingyu."

The man timidly replied.

"How old are you and what are you responsible for on board?" Fang continued to ask.

"23, graduated from college, is a fisherman on a boat." The man named Zhang Mingyu introduced himself.

"Where's your captain?"

The equation asks the same question as before.

The corners of Zhang Mingyu's eyes trembled slightly, and he unconsciously turned his head to look at Li Hang, but Li Hang kept his head down and did not make eye contact with him.

All of this is seen in the eyes of the equation, and the problems inside can be seen at a glance.

It was obvious that Zhang Mingyu knew something, but he didn't dare to say it out because he was afraid of this man named Li Hang.

The reason why Li Hang lowered his head and did not make eye contact with Zhang Mingyu must be because he was afraid of being discovered by Fang Fang, so as not to get himself into trouble.


"Our captain, he...he had a heart attack at sea and died."

Song Zhixi came out and asked, "Where's your maritime satellite phone? The captain had a heart attack. Why didn't you call the maritime phone for help with such an important matter?"

Zhang Mingyu obviously didn't expect that there would be a woman who understood these things, and Song Zhixi's question made him flustered.

"We called for help..."

"If you make a maritime call, as long as you stay where you are, the nearby fishing boats will come to rescue you. Why did you drift here?"

"I, I don't know either..."

"Why don't you fly the national flag on your ship? It's impossible for you to understand this point?"


Under Song Zhixi's continuous questioning, Zhang Mingyu was already overwhelmed, and if he continued to ask, he would probably collapse.

At this time, Song Zhixi did not continue to question, but let Zhang Mingyu live.

From the abnormal behavior of these people, it can be seen that there must be something wrong with this ship.

"I want to go and have a look on the boat." Song Zhixi said.

"I also have the same intention, we will accompany you." Fang Fang said.

There are 11 crew members with suspicious identities on the coast. In order to guard these people, enough people must be arranged.

The number of people on board should not be too many. In the end, Fang Fang, Song Zhixi and Lianna capsized together on the fishing boat, and the others stayed to guard the 11 crew members.

Turning over to the deck of the fishing boat, one can smell a faint fishy smell.

This is a professional fishing boat, the hull is about 25 meters long, the whole body is made of steel, and there are fishing nets, spear guns, and winches on the deck.

Liana stepped on the deck, and suddenly there was a hollow sound under her feet.


"This should be a freezer, used to store fish."

Equation squatted down, found the turntable on the deck, and opened the door of the freezer.

Sure enough, after the door opened, a gust of cold air rushed out, and the three of them were shivering from the cold at the door.

As it was getting late, it was pitch black inside and nothing could be seen.

In order to see what was inside, Fang Fang jumped off the fishing boat, ordered the big man to take off his clothes, and wrapped his clothes on a wooden stick to make a torch.

With the firelight, you can clearly see that there are some big squids in the freezer.

Those squids were very big, each one was nearly two meters in size, all of them had been slaughtered, and they were neatly stacked in layers.

"It seems that their boat is indeed fishing for squid." Fang said.

"I always feel that this ship is very weird, go to the cabin and have a look." Song Zhixi was still very worried.

After closing the freezer door, Fang Fang took Song Zhixi and Lianna into the cabin together.

Inside the cabin, Equation found the ship's light switches.

When the switch was pressed, a light yellow light illuminated the entire cabin.

This is the first time after a lapse of one year that Equation once again felt how happy it is to have electricity.

Although the light bulb is not very bright, this feeling is incomparable to all fire lights. The electric light brings people a kind of stability, as if they have returned to the urban society and no longer have to live in the precarious wilderness.

Fang Fang put out the torch, and led Song Zhixi and Lianna to search in the cabin, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, not letting go of any suspicious places.

The space inside the cabin is very small, except for a long and narrow walkway, with sleeping beds on both sides.

Because men sleep in this place all year round, there will naturally be a particularly strong smell, especially the unsanitary conditions at sea, and the quilts on those beds can smell bad from far away taste.

Song Zhixi couldn't help wrinkling his nose, the smell was really unpleasant.

Even the old man in Equation repeatedly covered his nose, only Lianna remained indifferent and didn't show anything about it.

"There are a total of thirty beds here."

"Does the captain sleep here?" Fang asked.

Song Zhixi said: "The captain usually has a separate room, and this should be the crew's lounge."

Equation said: "Based on this calculation, there should be more than 11 people on this boat."

"Indeed, this is doubtful." Song Zhixi said, "It is impossible for an ocean-going fishing vessel to have only 11 people. In addition to the captain, there are first mates, engineers, chefs, and security guards, and most fishing vessels operate 24 hours a day. Contrary to homework, 11 people are obviously not enough."

"But you see, although there are 30 berths here, there are only 11 berths with quilts."

"The more this happens, the more problematic it becomes." Song Zhixi said.

In the cabin, there are indeed only 11 bunks with bedding, and there are also 11 daily necessities such as toothbrushes and cups. Everything seems to be fine.

But the more this is the case, the more it seems to cover up, obviously it is intentional.

Song Zhixi said: "Do you feel that the cabin seems to have been tidied up, it is very tidy."

Fang put his chin in his hand, pouted and said, "It's true when you say it, 11 old men do heavy work on the ship every day, and it's really abnormal that the cabin can be cleaned up in such an orderly manner."

Liana said suddenly: "There should have been a battle in here, I can smell blood."

(End of this chapter)

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