i have a super island

Chapter 431 Galaxy Conjecture

Chapter 431 Galaxy Conjecture
Wei Lin's discovery made the equation suddenly clear.

Many problems that I could not figure out before have been explained now.

I remember that they fled from Cannibal Island and headed west all the way, but they turned up in the south of the island.

If the island itself can rotate, then everything is easy to explain.

In order to further visualize the equation, Wei Lin started to draw a picture on the ground with a branch.

"The records on the chart show what it looked like more than 300 years ago, because the sea area is always moving, so the current look will be a little different." Wei Lin said, "I don't know about the places that have not been explored, but the area in front of us The sea area has changed a lot.”

As he said that, Wei Lin drew a partial new map on the ground, and the positions of the islands above were quite different from those depicted on the chart.

Fang Fang frowned, and said: "So you mean, what you draw now is the real position between the islands?"

Wei Lin nodded and said, "Yes, as far as I can see in this sea area, at least the distribution of the islands is what I'm drawing now."

Looking at those islands, Fang Fang suddenly had an amazing idea in his head.

It seems that only the small island where they are located has not shifted much, while the other islands are turning around the island in a counterclockwise direction.

"Wei Lin, do you think our island looks like the sun, and the surrounding islands are like planets revolving around the sun?"

After finishing speaking, Equation took another look at the picture drawn by Wei Lin, and felt more and more that it was what he had guessed. Those islands were revolving around their island, and the entire sea area was like a galaxy, and where they were located This island is the center of the galaxy.

When Equation thought his discovery was flawless, Wei Lin shook her head and denied Equation's conjecture.

"No, it's not."

"Is not it?"

"It's not what you said. In comparison, our island is not a star, not even a planet, it's just a satellite."


Equation's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

I thought I was the chosen one, and this island was the center of the sea, but it seemed that I was overthinking it.

Wei Lin covered her mouth and smiled lightly, and explained: "Movement is relative. When you observe this sea area from the perspective of our island, you will naturally feel that all the islands are revolving around us. In fact, it is true. The situation is that all the islands are revolving counterclockwise around a center, and our small island is more like a small satellite of the big volcano in the north."

Fang Fang complained: "This is too shameless... Let alone a star, it is not even a planet, it is actually a satellite."

Wei Lin smiled and said: "This is just a metaphor. In order to show the situation in this sea area more vividly, you don't have to pay too much attention to the term satellite."

"Well, I don't care..."

Under Wei Lin's patient explanation, the whole afternoon passed like this.

Equation finally has a general understanding of the situation in this sea area. It is a bit too big to describe this sea area as a universe. To be more precise, it is more like a "solar system".

In addition to the "sun", there are also planets such as "Mercury", "Venus", "Mars" in this sea area, as well as "satellites" revolving around the planets, and countless "asteroid belts".

In the unknown sea area not drawn on the sea chart, there should be a huge island similar to the sun.

And many islands on the island are revolving around that unknown huge island, and the small island where Equation and the others are located is just one of them, very small and nothing special.

Of course, all of this is just a bold guess made by Wei Lin based on the known observation results.

As for the real situation, no one knows.

Suddenly, the equation thought of something again. Maybe there is a way to leave this sea behind the laws of motion of these islands.

If you don't discover the truth of this sea area, if you don't find that these islands are turning, you will most likely get lost in this sea area, and you won't be able to find the way to leave until you die.

The merchant ship that sank before was an example. The captain couldn't find a way to leave here until the last moment. He could only leave a log full of regrets and a chart of the tip of the iceberg.

"Wei Lin, well done, well done!"

Thinking that these discoveries might be the key to leaving this sea area in the future, Fang Fang was very excited and praised Wei Lin repeatedly.

Wei Lin was a little embarrassed, and said, "Brother Fang, these are just my preliminary thoughts, and they haven't been confirmed so far. If you want to confirm this idea, you need a lot of observational data to verify it."

Fang Yu said earnestly: "It doesn't matter, you don't have to interfere with the work on the island in the future, just concentrate on studying the situation in this sea area."

At this moment, Fang Fang felt more and more how wise it was to rescue Wei Lin. She was like everyone's eyes, able to see through the fog in this sea area and help everyone find the way forward.

To deal with such a genius who can point the way for everyone, Equation naturally wants to protect her, and absolutely must not let her have any accidents.

"How is the new house?" Fang asked with concern.

"It's very comfortable and quiet. Thank you Brother Fang for building such a nice house for me." Wei Lin was full of gratitude.

Fang Fang smiled and said, "You deserve it. If you need anything in the future, just ask me, and I will definitely find a way to satisfy you."

Wei Lin's index fingers touched together, a little embarrassed, and said: "Brother Fang, that... I want paper and pen, otherwise I can't draw. Now I use charcoal to record the observations in Lime On the wall, it will still be a bit troublesome, it would be nice if there is a pen and paper."

"I also know that this request is too much. If it is too difficult, then forget it." Wei Lin quickly lowered her head with a nervous expression.

She knew the conditions on the island, and it was really difficult to get paper and pens on the island.

Fang Fang looked firm and said: "This request is not excessive at all. I have been busy building a house some time ago and ignored your affairs. Paper and pen are the tools for you to draw the chart. I will find a way to do it no matter how difficult it is." of."

Wei Lin was overjoyed to get the promise from Equation, and bowed down to thank Equation again and again.

It happened that other people on the island came back from work one after another. Seeing Wei Lin's excited appearance, Li Qingman asked with a smile, "Wei Lin, what's the matter, Fang Fang bullied you?"

"Qingman, you are framing a good person, I swear to God that you never did." Fang Fang hurriedly cried out.

"Why are you so anxious without you?" Li Qingman gave Fang a blank look.

Wei Lin immediately explained: "Sister Qingman, brother Fang didn't bully me, he just promised to get me paper and pens so that I can draw, I'm thanking him."

Li Qingman looked at the equation in surprise, and asked, "Where did you get it?"

"Who knows, let's find a way. We want Wei Lin to draw a picture, so we can't let her draw it empty-handed."

"That's right, we really have to find a way to solve this problem."

(End of this chapter)

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