i have a super island

Chapter 410 Post-disaster reconstruction

Chapter 410 Post-disaster reconstruction
The sudden tsunami brought a lot of trouble to the island.

Huge waves brought in tens of thousands of tons of sea water, and the raging floods washed the island to pieces and devastated it.

After the tsunami, the volcano is still erupting violently.

Worried that there would be aftershocks or another wave, Fang Fang took everyone to camp on the top of the mountain for five days.

Five days later, the volcano in the north slowed down a little. It was still erupting magma, but the momentum was much smaller.

Seeing that the momentum of the volcanic eruption had weakened, Equation took everyone back to the cave.

What I saw before my eyes made me sad. The cave collapsed just after the wall was painted and before I had time to live in it for a few days.

In the violent tremors of the island, half of the cave collapsed. Seeing the cave that had gathered countless people's efforts collapse like this, Fang Fang only felt an indescribable discomfort.

Apart from the painstaking efforts put in, I have lived in the cave for nearly half a year. I have already regarded this place as my home, and I am so familiar with everything inside, but now all of this is gone.

Li Qingman smiled reluctantly at Fang Fang and said, "Fortunately, although the cave collapsed, no one was injured and everyone is still there."

Fang Fang smiled wryly and said, "Yes, everyone is still here. This is the luckiest thing."

Compared with the cave, no one was killed or injured in this disaster, which is already considered fortunate.

What the island lacks most now is human resources. The loss of any one person is a huge loss for the team, including the two native brothers.As long as there are people, there is still hope. No matter what happens to the homeland, it is still possible to rebuild it.

"Brother Fang, think about it differently. In fact, it might be a good thing for the cave to collapse." Wei Lin came out, wanting to cheer everyone up, and encouraged: "Now we know that our island is located in an earthquake-prone zone, where tsunamis and volcanoes It will be normal after the eruption, and it is very dangerous to live in a cave in such an environment, we can take this opportunity to get out of the cave and live in a new house."

Fang Fang glanced at Wei Lin gratefully, moved his chin, and said in greeting: "Well said, the tsunami only destroyed our cave, but it couldn't destroy our will. In this abandoned cave, we will once again put the house Build it."

After being affirmed by the equation, Wei Lin was very excited and said: "I think there is still room for improvement in the previous design drawings. At that time, I only considered the weather with frequent storms. It seems that the factor of earthquakes must also be taken into consideration. Design houses that are more earthquake-resistant."

"Then it's up to you!"

"It should all be."

Now that you have decided to rebuild the house on the ruins of the cave, let's start right away.

Equation led everyone into the cave through the gap of the collapse. Fortunately, only part of the cave collapsed, and there are still many places in it that have not collapsed.After everyone entered the cave, they carried the contents out.

With the will to rebuild their homeland, everyone devoted themselves to rescuing those things in the cave.

There is also a group of people led by A Yue, who are responsible for cleaning up the fallen soil and stones, and filling the soil under the flat outside the cave.

With the joint efforts of the two groups of people, it took a day to finally rescue the original large pottery vats, porcelain, tables and chairs, sofas, straw mats, suitcases...all of them outside the cave.

This time the cave collapsed, and the most serious losses were the pottery jars, which were basically shattered.

The fresh water, salt, and food contained in it were all spilled on the ground, except for those pickled foods that could continue to be eaten, as the water and salt had already dissolved into the soil.

In an extraordinary state, the previous three meals a day have also been reduced to one meal a day.

And the dinner was very simple. They just burned some cassava next to the fire. After it was cooked, everyone didn't pay much attention. They held the hot cassava, peeled off the outer skin, and swallowed it whole.


Everyone was in a fairly deep sleep.

After a busy day, everyone is exhausted. At this time, everyone should take the time to have a good rest.

The next day, the early morning sun was hiding behind thick dark clouds.

Because of the volcanic eruption, the black smoke from the crater continued to be emitted into the sky, and the air was filled with volcanic ash and sulfide. Such days will continue for a while until the volcanic eruption completely subsides, and then the sea breeze blows away the dust in the air. Everything will return to the way it was before.

They can't wait for that day, though, and they've already started rebuilding their homes before everything goes back to how it used to be.

After yesterday's non-stop rescue by all the staff, all the things in the cave were carried out.

Also, Ah Yue led his people and dug up many collapsed places.

However, there are still many places that need to be excavated and cleaned up. Today, Fang Fang took the rest of the people together, and the two groups worked together to clean up the collapsed cave.

As the only person on the island who knew how to draw, Wei Lin was arranged by Equation to design construction drawings and did not participate in the excavation and cleaning.

After waking up in the morning, everyone had no time to rest except to drink water.

It was so busy until noon, when it was the hottest time on the island, everyone stopped to rest.

Fang Fang wiped off the sweat from his forehead, fanned himself with his hands, and came behind Wei Lin to see that she was drawing a picture.

"How's it going?"

"Brother Fang, you are so tired, do you want to rest for a while?"

Fang Fang shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's take a look at your picture."

Wei Lin nodded, pointed to the design drawing on the ground and began to explain the equation, "I want to dig in the entire cave, go along the hillside to a depth of about 5 meters, and then expand to the left and right sides by 8 meters. In this way, the entire halfway up the mountain is planned, and this will form a larger lot than the original one, where we can build three houses at the same time."

"Three houses?"

"According to the single-person house I designed before, there is no problem at all." Wei Lin suddenly smiled a little embarrassedly, "Brother Fang, considering that you are going to live with Sister Qingman and Sister Zhixi, your house It can be designed to be larger, these are not problems."

Fang Fang blushed for a while, and scolded softly: "Who said, who said that the three of us lived together?"

Wei Lin scratched her head and said, "Uh... isn't it?"

Li Qingman came over, folded his hands on his chest, looked at the equation with pride, and said, "I want to be alone."

Song Zhixi also came to Fang Fang, and said with a smile: "I want a room alone."

How dare Fang Fang not agree, he nodded repeatedly, and replied: "Yes, yes, no problem, everyone will share a room."

(End of this chapter)

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