i have a super island

Chapter 383 Chapter Family

Chapter 383
On the beach, a bare-chested, dark-skinned man was standing on a reef fishing.

On the shore, a girl is hiding under a coconut tree, weaving straw sandals in her hand.

"Guoguo, how is the weaving going?"

A woman with short shoulder-length hair, wearing a white tulle and a black bikini inside came over.

The woman's two round and tight long legs, her height of 1.6 meters [-], her well-proportioned body proportions, her bust and hips of just the right size, she had a figure like a devil.

"Sister Qingman, you are here."

Tang Guo put down the straw rope in his hand and smiled happily.

Li Qingman sat down next to her, glanced at the straw sandals she wove, and said, "Not bad, I learned how to weave just after I taught you."

Tang Guo smiled with almond-like eyes, and said, "Sister Qingman, your method is better. I didn't expect straw rope to be woven into shoes."

Speaking of it, Li Qingman also found it incredible. In his memory, when he was very young, he saw his grandfather wearing straw sandals made of straw. As for how they were woven, he was completely unclear.

Also after arriving on the island, I slowly learned to weave various things with straw ropes. The more I weave, the more experience I have, so I tried to weave straw sandals with straw ropes. After trying more than a dozen methods, I finally figured it out. an effective method.

With straw sandals, this is of great significance.

Living on the island, the shoes when you come here will always be damaged over time. At this time, the straw sandals play an important role.

Although straw sandals are cheap and hurt your feet, they are undoubtedly the best choice compared to scratching the soles of your feet with bare feet and causing infections.

"Go and see how many fish Ayue has caught, is it enough for us to eat at noon?" Li Qingman looked at Ayue at the beach, and gave Tang Guo instructions.

Tang Guo said enthusiastically: "Okay, I'll go there now."

The little girl jumped up and down to Ayue's side, and saw that there was already a grouper and a blue fish in the straw basket.

"Wow, brother Ah Yue, what kind of fish is this? It's so beautiful."


Tang Guo squatted down to examine it carefully, and the fish really looked a bit like a parrot. The key point was that its color was like that of a parrot with colorful feathers.

This kind of parrotfish is widely distributed in tropical seas. It has a sharp mouth with neat teeth. They like to eat coral reefs in shallow seas. Those coral reefs eaten by them eventually turn into sand grains.

Tang Guo was teasing the fish there, and A Yue concentrated on fishing.

Suddenly, Ah Yue noticed a black spot floating on the sea surface.

"There's something on the sea!"

A Yue's expression tightened, anything that appeared on the sea surface could be a potential threat.

Tang Guo stood up and looked into the distance, and sure enough, he saw a black spot on the sea to the south that seemed to be approaching the island.

"I'll inform Sister Qingman."

"Go quickly."

A Yue put away the fish basket and went back to the cave to get the spear.

Tang Guo told Li Qingman the news, and then went to inform Song Zhixi.

It didn't take long for everyone on the island to gather, and everyone came to the beach, waiting for the approaching thing.

Li Qingman held a telescope in his hand, and with good light, he looked towards the sea, and the black spot was a small boat.

"It looks like there are two natives on it."

Because the distance is very far, even with a telescope, I can't see it very clearly. I can only see two dark-skinned guys sitting on the bow.

Hearing that it was an aborigine, everyone immediately went on alert. They already knew that there were cannibals in this sea area, and it was impossible not to be unprepared when they saw an aborigine rowing over.

Everyone held weapons in their hands, including the chemistry teacher who had just joined the island, and he was also waiting for the seaside with everyone.

"Wait, I seem to see white people."

The small boat rose and fell in the waves, heading towards the island.

When he got closer, Li Qingman made a new discovery. Not only were there two dark-skinned natives on the boat, but there seemed to be two white people sitting behind it.

"No, not two, but four."

"There are six people on board, two natives and four ordinary people."

Everyone frowned. If this is the case, it is very likely that the opposite party is not a cannibal, maybe it is the six victims.


On the canoe, Fang suddenly became excited.

The distance from the island is less than 1000 meters, and the outline of the island can already be seen clearly.

He has lived on this island for more than half a year, and he knows the island well. Even if he sees it from a distance, he can still recognize the island he is on.

Thinking of finally being able to return to the island again, seeing Li Qingman, Song Zhixi, A Yue and Tang Guo again, the excitement in my heart was beyond words, so I had to wave and shout desperately in the direction of the island.

"It's me, it's me, I'm the equation!"

"I am Equation, I am back!"

Fang Fang is like a happy and crazy child, desperately shouting in the direction of the island.

On the beach, Li Qingman was still using a telescope to observe the situation of the boat that suddenly appeared, and then saw a figure on the boat waving.

Looking at the familiar silhouette, Li Qingman's body froze suddenly, and he couldn't believe it was real.


In his heart, Li Qingman didn't dare to confirm, he was afraid that it was because he missed the equation too much, so he was dazzled and misjudged.

Waiting for the boat to get closer, I held up the binoculars to look again. This time, the figure of Equation appeared in the binoculars. Although I still couldn't see the face clearly, the figure and movements were absolutely unmistakable.

"It's the equation, it's the equation back!"

All of a sudden, all the anguish and sorrow of parting that had been suppressed in his heart these days erupted, and Li Qingman's tears fell down as he spoke, crying until the pear blossoms were raining, and his eyes were full of tears.

When the others heard that it was the equation, they rushed to look through the binoculars.

Song Zhixi took the binoculars and saw the waving figure on the sea. It really was the equation she dreamed of seeing again every day.

Seeing that Fang Fang came back, Song Zhixi covered his eyes and cried bitterly.

A Yue didn't go to look at the telescope, but he was just as excited in his heart. Fang Fang was his brother, and there was nothing more exciting than seeing his brother come back.

On the island, only Lu Fengmei was a little surprised. When he first came to the island, the equation happened to be washed away by the sea, so he couldn't understand everyone's reaction.

As for the others, even a tough guy like A Yue, who has sewed more than 200 stitches without saying a word, couldn't help shedding manly tears.

When the small boat got closer, there was still a distance of more than 200 meters from the coast, and the sound of Fang Fang's happy cheers could already be heard.

"I'm back, I'm back, I'm back..."

A Yue couldn't wait to jump into the sea, and swam directly to welcome Fang Fang home.

(End of this chapter)

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