i have a super island

Chapter 297 Team of 6

Chapter 297 Team of Six
Zhang Youcheng is busy on the stove, striving for perfection. This is his first show on the island, and he must leave the best impression on everyone.

Even if the conditions on the island are extremely simple, as long as there is the simplest salt and cooking oil, Zhang Youcheng has the confidence to cook a dish with excellent color, fragrance and taste with his cooking skills.

The result was not disappointing. When his taro steamed crab was served on the table, Fang Fang was the first one who couldn't sit still. He was still enjoying the sunset on the recliner outside. He smelled the aroma from the cave, and quickly Back to the cave.

It was getting dark outside, and oil lamps were lit in the cave.

The light is not very bright, but it makes the cave look very warm. Everyone gathers together and can't wait to taste the delicious food in front of them.

Considering the serving size for six people, Zhang Youcheng specially cooked two dishes, so as to ensure that everyone can eat.

Among the crowd, the equation is of course the most active one. If he is the first to move his chopsticks quickly, the others will be too embarrassed to do it.

Fang Fang picked a slice of taro wrapped in crab oil and took a bite. The rough and dry taste of the taro became soft and sticky because of the moistness of crab oil.

Zhang Youcheng was extremely nervous when he saw the expression of Fang closing his eyes and savoring carefully. Whether his craftsmanship can be recognized or not depends on the attitude of the equation.


Fang Fang opened his eyes, and let out a beautiful soft hum from his nasal cavity.

"Brother Fang, how does it taste?"

"Professional is really incomparable, this taste is endless aftertaste."

As a foodie, I can immediately think of eating anything I catch. After tasting a bite of taro, the equation has been completely conquered by this wonderful taste.

Originally, Equation wanted to exaggerate Youcheng more violently, but after thinking about it, he exaggerated too much and was afraid of embarrassing Song Zhixi and Tang Guo, who were in charge of cooking before, so he deliberately kept the exaggeration.

"Brother Fang, it tastes even better if you eat it with crab paste." Zhang Youcheng took the initiative.

"Let me try."

Fang Fang picked a piece of crab and took a full mouthful of crab paste. First, the aroma of the crab paste melted in his mouth, and then he took a bite of taro. The feeling was so wonderful that it was indescribable.

Seeing that Fang Fang was eating so much, the others couldn't sit still anymore and moved their chopsticks one after another.

After a while, praise erupted in the cave.

Seeing that everyone was full of praise for his cooking, Zhang Youcheng was finally relieved, and he didn't have to worry about being regarded as a bluffing liar.

"Guoguo, go get a bottle of red wine." Fang Fang was in high spirits.


Tang Guo obediently went to the place where the wine was stored to fetch a bottle of red wine.

Zhang Youcheng opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "My God, Latour Red Wine!" What he saw on the island today is already unbelievable. There is everything on a small island. This bottle of red wine made him doubt his life even more, whether he came to a small isolated island or another world.

After receiving the red wine, Fang Fang used the iconic way to open the wine, smashed open the wine bottle with a bang, and poured a full glass for everyone with his own hands. A bottle of red wine was almost enough for six people to drink.

"Come on, to welcome our new member Xiao Zhang, let's make a toast together."

"Cheers.", "Cheers!", "Cheers..."

The atmosphere in the cave is harmonious, and everyone is enjoying this rare moment of relaxation.

Zhang Youcheng won the recognition of everyone with his performance. For the team, such a cook who knows everything is absolutely indispensable.

A good dinner is enjoyed by everyone, and afterward everyone sits down and chats casually.

When the insects sounded outside, the moon hung high, and everyone felt sleepy, they had to take a rest at this time.

"Brother Fang, where do I live tonight?" Zhang Youcheng asked nervously.

Fang Fang glanced at A Yue and said, "There is a shed over A Yue, you can go and sleep there."

Zhang Youcheng suddenly felt a cold breath rising from his back, and he trembled with fright. Ever since Tang Guo said that A Yue had chopped off a person's head, Zhang Youcheng was really afraid of A Yue from the bottom of his heart.

"what happened?"

Seeing Zhang Youcheng's embarrassed expression, Fang Fang asked.

"No, nothing."

Zhang Youcheng felt bitter, even though he was afraid of Ah Yue, he didn't dare to say it in front of his face, so he could only hold it in his heart.

Fang Fang said: "Since it's nothing, then sleep at Ayue's place tonight, let Ayue take you to build a shed tomorrow, and sleep alone on the other side after the shed is set up."

When it was time to say goodbye, Zhang Youcheng came to Tang Guo, feeling a little bit reluctant, and said, "Then I went to bed with Brother Ah Da."

"Well, you can go, don't worry, brother Ah Da is the best." Tang Guo comforted Zhang Youcheng.

Zhang Youcheng asked, "What about you?"

Tang Guo smiled and said, "Of course I'm sleeping in a cave."

"Cave? The cave is not..."

What Zhang Youcheng wanted to say was, isn't the cave where Fang Fang and his two wives slept, why did you sleep in it too.

Tang Guo knew that he had misunderstood, and explained: "I have always slept with sister Zhixi, and occasionally with sister Qingman, so don't think too much about it."

Zhang Youcheng touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said with an awkward smile, "No, I didn't think much about it, so that's it, good night."

"Well, good night, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Everyone went back to their homes and went to sleep.

In the dead of night, Fang Fang and Li Qingman came outside the cave, brought reclining chairs, and talked about what happened in the past two days while enjoying the shade.

"What do you think of Xiao Zhang?" Li Qingman talked about Zhang Youcheng.

"I think it's good. He's good at cooking, and he knows a lot about food, which is very important to our team." Fang Fang said, "It's just that this kid is not honest, and he has been playing Guoguo's idea. When I was young, I never took my eyes off Guoguo."

"I don't think so." Li Qingman said with a smile, "Obviously Guoguo seems to be interested in Xiao Zhang."

"Can you see that?"

"A woman's intuition is the most accurate. Besides, for a girl as young as Guoguo, how can I not know what's going on in her heart?"

"That's right. It's rare to see a young man who is about her age, handsome, and can cook. May I ask which young girl can't be tempted." Fang Fang sighed: "Youth is so good, look at They are so enviable.”

"What do you envy?" Li Qingman's face turned cold instantly.

"No, no, I just sigh that time flies, and in a blink of an eye we all... Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

"Have you learned well?" Li Qingman showed a smug smile.

"That's right, if you want to avoid being beaten by you, you have to learn to behave yourself."

Li Qingman smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this, do you think our team is expanding step by step, and there may be various talents coming to the island in the future."

Fang Fang said: "Come on, as long as you are capable, you are welcome to come."

(End of this chapter)

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