i have a super island

Chapter 263 The Cave Is Flooded

Chapter 263 The Cave Is Flooded
Obsidian does have some problems, mainly because it is too brittle and easy to break, and it is prone to some unpredictable consequences after breaking.

Except for special periods, using obsidian as a weapon is not a long-term solution.Of course, it doesn't matter like the arrowhead, the obsidian arrowhead is still very sharp, as long as it is not a weapon in the hand, there will be no problem.

Although I know there are problems with obsidian, the question now is what material can replace obsidian?

Li Qingman said: "There are no other materials on the island except obsidian."

"Yes, this is the most fundamental problem."

Equation also frowned, not because he didn't look for new materials, but because there were none on the island.

This small island is too small. It is a gift from heaven to have water and food. Except for obsidian, there are no other resources that can be used on the island.

At this time Tang Guo said: "I remembered, there is a kitchen on the yacht, there are many knives in it, maybe those knives can be used."

Fang Fang snapped his fingers and said excitedly: "Yes! Isn't there a yacht? Although Zhixi searched it last time, there must be a lot of useful things in it."

During this period of time, everyone didn't pay much attention to the yacht. In fact, there must be more than that in a yacht. As long as you search again, you will definitely find new things.

Putting such a big baby there, and leaving it in the cold for so long, Fang Fang only felt guilty in his heart.

"Well, let's put aside the road repair for two days, and our main task is to explore that yacht again."

"I have no objection, just listen to you."

Fang Fang glanced at A Yue again, and said, "Let's search the yacht together tomorrow."

A Yue was about to agree, but Song Zhixi said first: "I'll go, I've been on a yacht before, so I'm familiar with it."

"Alright, then the two of us will go, and the others will meet us on the shore."

Seeing that Song Zhixi wanted to go with her, Fang Fang naturally would not refuse her request.

Ah Yue saw that the "wife" of Equation was going to follow, so he stopped mixing and voluntarily gave up his position.

So I happily decided to put aside the road construction for the time being and head to the west coast tomorrow to explore the stranded yacht again.

After dinner, Ayue returned to his hut, and the others fell asleep on their straw mats.

Although the three of them have come together in terms of relationship, Fang Fang sleeps alone on the side when sleeping. After all, there is a kid named Guoguo in the cave. It is always embarrassing to sleep too close, and Li Qingman and Song Zhixi I haven't even thought about the scene where Ehuang, Nvying and Da are sleeping together. Sleeping separately saves a lot of things.

The night passed quickly, and in the morning a cool breeze blew into the cave.

Song Zhixi slept lightly, and was stirred by the cool wind. He opened his eyes immediately, looked at Li Qingman and Tang Guo who were sleeping soundly beside him, and got up cautiously, preparing to go to the edge of the cliff to fetch water.

Just as he was about to walk out of the cave, Fang Fang also woke up.

The two looked at each other, showing a tacit smile to each other. Song Zhixi waited outside the cave for a while, and only went to fetch water together after the equation came out.

Ever since he met the black snake on the edge of the cliff that time, Fang Fang never dared to let Song Zhixi fetch water by himself, and would wake up early every morning to go with Song Zhixi.

After all, the relationship between the two is different now, and the difference between Fang Fang and Song Zhixi is only the last step. In name, Song Zhixi is also regarded as Fang Fang's "wife", so Fang Fang will definitely not let his "wife" be in danger.

On the way to get water, Song Zhixi was completely a well-behaved wife, asking about her husband's recent situation with concern along the way.

Fang Fang also enjoys this kind of time very much. He likes to put his hands behind his back and tease Song Zhixi from time to time, just like an old couple, and sometimes let Song Zhixi teach himself a few words of Korean.

I have to say that in terms of language talent, Equation is still far inferior to Song Zhixi. Although it is a very simple word, it takes a lot of effort to get it right. Even the tongue has to be tied, which makes Song Zhixi burst into laughter .

After fetching water, the two walked back together.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with overcast clouds, and the western sky had turned into darkness.

Song Zhixi's eyes were full of worry. Today, she and Fang Fang will enter the yacht again. If the weather conditions are bad, they may have to give up this operation.

When they arrived at the cave, as soon as the two of them walked in, the heavy rain poured down.Fortunately, the two of them walked quickly along the way, otherwise they would have been drowned by now.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Tang Guo quickly handed them two cups of hot water, for fear that they would catch the cold from the rain.

Li Qingman was on the side, frowning, and said: "If the heavy rain keeps falling like this, today's boarding task will be abandoned."

Even on sunny days, boarding a ship is dangerous. Now that it is raining heavily, boarding a ship will become even more dangerous.

To climb down a cliff more than ten meters high, any small mistake could be fatal. Li Qingman didn't want to see Fang Fang and Song Zhixi take risks.

At the beginning, Equation also agreed to give up this mission, and honestly stayed in the cave and waited for the rain to clear before taking action, but the more we waited, the more we found that something was wrong. Today’s rain is crazy, from the beginning to the present, there is no reduction The trend is getting bigger and bigger.

Outside the cave is already a world occupied by heavy rain. From the entrance of the cave, it is no longer raining outside, as if it has fallen into the bottom of the water.

The pouring rain was blown into the entrance of the cave by the strong wind, and the rainwater kept pouring in from the entrance of the cave and the windows. In addition to the rainwater pouring in, there was also rainwater dripping from the roof of the cave. Water Curtain Cave.

Under this kind of violent rain, even if the drainage tank has been dug, the effect at this time is very limited.

To be honest, the rain was so heavy that everyone had never seen such a heavy rain before. For a while, everyone felt a little apprehensive, and they didn't know what it would be like if it rained like this again.


Water was dripping everywhere in the cave, and Equation remembered the most important things.

Under heavy rain, the salt and medical medicines in the cave are the most important things to be protected. Fresh water and food may not be so important, but the salt and medical medicines must be kept dry and must not be wet by rain.

The medicines are okay, and there is a first-aid kit outside to protect them. For salt, you can only move the big salt tank to a place where it will not drip, and then cover it with several layers of straw mats.

In a morning's work, the cave has become a swamp country. No one thought that such a heavy rain would suddenly come on the island.

(End of this chapter)

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