i have a super island

Chapter 244 Bloody Angel

Chapter 244 Bloody Angel

In stark contrast to Yafei crying bitterly, Song Zhixi's expression was calm from the beginning to the end.

After listening to Ya Fei's self-reported tragic experience, Song Zhixi didn't show any special sympathy or sadness.

"So you didn't go to the cave to find us because you got lost in the woods?"

"Yes, I want to climb to the cave, but no matter how I climb, I find myself spinning in circles. I'm afraid of this place, please take me out of here."

"I'll take you away."

"I'm so hungry and thirsty, do you have water and food here?"

"There are in the cave."

"Is there any help for me?"

Yafei looked at her thigh sadly, because it had not been treated in time after being pierced, and now it had begun to be infected and rotted, with a rotten smell.

Song Zhixi said: "Yes, but your leg may have to be amputated."


Hearing the word amputation, the last line of defense in Yafei's heart completely collapsed. This was a result she could never accept.

Thinking that she will only have one leg left in the future, this is more sad than killing her. She doesn't want to be a monster with one leg.

"Is there any other way, I don't want to do this."


Song Zhixi's words were as cold as a knife, piercing Yafei's heart.

At that moment, Yafei thought about dying, what's the point of being alive after losing a leg.

But once he really thought of dying, Yafei didn't dare again. How terrible death is. After death, he will completely disappear from this world, and he will never feel any feelings again.

"Help me, I don't want to die."

"I have no idea."

"I know you are a doctor. You must have a solution. If amputation can save me, then amputation."

In the face of death, Yafei finally chose to compromise, even if she survived, it didn't matter, she didn't want to die like this.

"let me try."

Song Zhixi changed his words, from refusing at the beginning to agreeing to give Yafei a try.

With that said, Song Zhixi opened the first aid box and found the medicine from it.

"Your condition is very serious, and your vital signs are weakening. I need to inject you with a booster first."


After Yafei nodded, the needle in Song Zhixi's hand pierced Yafei's carotid artery.

Yafei first felt a tingling pain in his neck, and then a feeling of swelling. After one injection, it really improved, and his body seemed to be full of energy all of a sudden.

But gradually Yafei realized that something was wrong, Song Zhixi didn't intend to stop, but continued to push all the medicine left in the needle tube into his body.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Yafei's eyes were terrified, because she saw the ruthless killing intent in Song Zhixi's eyes.

In a panic, Yafei wanted to reach out to stop Song Zhixi, but it was too late, Song Zhixi injected a whole tube of medicine into Yafei's body, a doctor of her level certainly knew the consequences of doing so.

With such a large dose, Yafei's heart would stop beating because it could not bear the huge load.

Sure enough, within ten seconds, Yafei's eyes were almost protruding, and his pupils were also dilated rapidly, like a walking dead, screaming at Song Zhixi tragically.

"you you……"

"I said I would take you away."

In Yafei's sight, Song Zhixi was wearing a doctor's white coat, but this white coat was covered with blood.Taking off the mask, the female doctor in a blood-stained white coat was staring at herself with cold eyes.When she was dying, the female doctor held a sharp scalpel in her hand, walked up to her, and cut open her trachea with the blade of the scalpel.

The overdose of medicine caused her to have strong hallucinations. In the hallucinations, her heart couldn't bear the load and stopped beating.

Yafei died, his body suddenly became stiff during the struggle, and he walked uneasy.

Looking at this woman with disheveled hair and a rotten smell, Song Zhixi stood up expressionlessly.

In her eyes, Yafei is not pitiful. She has come to this point entirely on her own fault. If she hadn't pushed Tang Guo out, followed Bai Shao to kill Tony, and then wanted to take the island as her own, she would have It will not fall into such a miserable state.

From the beginning to the end, if the only person Song Zhixi really cares about is the equation.

She absolutely cannot allow anyone to be unfavorable to the equation, if there is, then she will use her means to erase it, no matter who the opponent is.

Although the existence of Yafei did not directly threaten Equation, it did threaten the current ecology of the island. There are currently five people on the island, including Tang Guo. There is no problem with food and water for the time being, but if there is a problem, the extra people It will inevitably cause a great burden.

So Song Zhixi directly killed the possible problems at the source. She didn't want Yafei to join the team, and she was willing to bear all the sins on herself.

From the discovery of Yafei to the killing of Yafei, the total time was less than 15 minutes.

After Yafei's death, Song Zhixi estimated that Tang Guo should have returned to the cave at this time, and told Fang the news. All she had to do was quickly put Yafei's body where she could see it at a glance, and then waited. Equation here.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before I heard a series of footsteps coming from the woods.

A lot of people came, it seems that besides Equation, A Yue and Li Qingman, and even Tang Guo also came along.


Li Qingman saw Song Zhixi sitting on a fallen tree trunk from a long distance, and hurried forward.

"I heard from Guoguo that your leg was injured, how is the situation?"

"I'm fine, the wound has been treated." Song Zhixi smiled slightly, indicating that he was fine.

Fang Fang leaned forward excitedly, and asked happily: "I heard from Guoguo, you found a lot of good things in the yacht, and there is red wine!"

"Well, there is indeed a lot of red wine." Song Zhixi nodded with a smile.

"My God, what have you discovered? Red wine, it's red wine!"

Equation can't wait to celebrate. He hasn't tasted alcohol for a long time. He really didn't expect to be trapped on this desert island, and one day he would be able to drink red wine. At this time, he was already carried away with joy.


Just when everyone was excited and excited, Tang Guo covered his eyes and let out a scream.

Li Qingman's expression tightened, and he asked, "What's the matter, Guoguo?"

"Ya, Yafei!"

Where Tang Guo pointed, in a bush, Yafei lay motionless on his back, with his eyes wide open.

Just now everyone only cared about the injured Song Zhixi, no one noticed Yafei who was not far away, and now they were all shocked when they saw Yafei's body.

Fang Fang jumped over first, and he was the first person to come to Yafei's body. Suddenly, Fang Fang opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief, and saw a residual needle on Yafei's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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