i have a super island

Chapter 1559 Kill Without Amnesty

Chapter 1559 Kill Without Amnesty
Hearing the word "kill" from Tang Guo's mouth, Edgar's legs went limp on the spot.

The person squatting below is his nephew, if he is killed, then his cousin will hate him as an uncle to death.It is said that his mother and uncle are the oldest, and Edgar certainly cannot let his nephew be killed like this. As long as he has not been killed, he thinks there is still a chance for things to ease.

"Master Tang Guo, can I teach this bastard myself."

"You can do it yourself."

Edgar immediately borrowed a gun from a soldier and came to Gray.

Gray thought that Edgar was coming to rescue him, so he couldn't wait to say: "Uncle, I am really innocent." Who would have thought that Edgar would hit him on the chin with the butt of a gun before he finished speaking. There was no mercy at all, and the beating directly made Gray's mouth full of blood, and two teeth in his mouth were broken out.

Gray grinned his teeth in pain, staring at his eyes. Before he could figure out what was going on, his uncle shot at him again with the butt of the gun. He was bound and couldn't move much, so he could only turn around. He tried to dodge, but he still couldn't dodge, and was hit on the head by Edgar "Kang Dang" a few times, his face was bloodied on the spot, and he looked miserable.

"You bastard, you have a good life, but you still want to do something wrong. It's my uncle's dereliction of duty that makes you make mistakes again and again. Today I will beat you to death, you trash!"

Edgar cursed fiercely, and at the same time beat him fiercely.

In fact, he didn't really want to kill Gray, but just wanted to stage a bitter trick, hoping that this would make the higher-ups lenient and let his nephew go.

Tang Guo didn't seem to care about what he did, and let him hit Gray vigorously, as if he had already seen through the scene.

Gray was already stupid. He was thinking in his heart, is this still his uncle? Why is he acting like an enemy?

"Uncle, uncle, stop beating..."

"Say, how much money did you make from usury?"

"No, not much, only tens of thousands of gold coins..."

"I'll kill you bastard!"

Edgar was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and hit Gray on the head again with the butt of his gun.

At this time, Ferdinandi, who was inquiring, also rushed over. Seeing that his father was beating the cousin violently, he hurried forward to dissuade him, "Father, stop beating, if you keep beating, my cousin will be beaten to death by you."

Edgar was hugged by Ferdenandi, unable to break free, he could only sigh faintly, "This bastard, if I beat him to death, it's his fate."

At this time, Wei Lin also came to the square, and together with her husband persuaded her father-in-law to calm down.

Tang Guo had been watching Edgar's bitter scene with cold eyes, and when he stopped, he said, "Lord Edgar, is there anything else you want to say to your nephew?"

Edgar's body trembled when he heard this, and Ferdenandi and Wei Lin, who were supporting him, clearly felt Edgar's fear.

"Master Tang Guo, can you really not spare his life?"

"That's what Your Majesty meant."

"I will make him spit out all the money he got for his crimes. Not only do I spit it out, I am willing to donate it ten times more. I beg you to intercede with Your Majesty and let Gray live."

"You go and tell His Majesty about this."

Tang Guo kept his face sullen the whole time, and there was no room for bargaining.

Ferdinandi winked at Wei Lin, wanting her to go up and intercede with Tang Guo. After all, they are sisters who have a good relationship. At this time, Wei Lin's going up might be effective.

In the end, Wei Lin went and came back with a helpless face.

And Tang Guo also warned Feidenandi, "This is not something you think can be solved by relying on relationships. You should be glad that the person who committed the crime this time is only your cousin." It should be like this, "You should be glad that the person who committed the crime was your cousin and not you." Tang Guo still gave Wei Lin face and didn't say the harsh words, so that the family would not have to go down the stairs.

When the time came, thousands of soldiers escorted these guys and started parading through the streets, each with a sign around their necks, from the east of the city to the west of the city from the city boulevard in Waterles.

During the parade, the common people of Waterles clapped their hands and applauded. These moths oppressed them for many days. They were usually afraid of being retaliated by these guys, and no one dared to expose them. Don't worry about being retaliated by them, they gathered on both sides of the road, scolding these bullies loudly, and some people threw them with rotten vegetables, leaves and eggs.

And these guys who are usually defiant and trample the common people under their feet are all ashen-faced at this moment. They never thought that their lives would end in this way.

They were escorted to the western outskirts of the city, and the group was lined up.

Edgar couldn't bear his nephew to be shot like this, and followed him all the way to the western outskirts of the city, and wanted to ask Tang Guo to let him live.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the suburbs, he saw Fang Fang already standing on the execution ground.

Seeing Fang Fang standing there, Edgar's heart trembled suddenly, and he was immediately shocked by the murderous aura emanating from Fang Fang's body, but he still wanted to try for his nephew, so he walked up to Fang Fang and knelt down on the ground, "Your Majesty, although Gray made a mistake, the crime is not limited to this. I beg you to spare his life. You let him be sent to the frontier to go to other remote islands or go to the north. He is my nephew, I can't look at him Die, I am willing to pay a hundred times the money he earned for his crimes."

With a blank expression on his face, Fang Fang walked up to Edgar and said condescendingly: "Edgar, are you confused? Where did you get the money? All the money in the entire world is my money, and I put it in yours." You just let you keep the pocket temporarily, you use my own money to bribe me, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Edgar fell to the ground, his body trembling like sifting chaff, "The old minister made a mistake, and I will die, and I beg your majesty to come down."

Fang Fang said coldly: "Anyway, you are also a minister. Look at your performance today. From inside the city to outside the city, how can you look like a minister? It's too late to make up for it. I really love your good nephew so much. Then keep an eye on him on weekdays, and don't let him do such treasonous things."

Edgar knelt on the ground, and he didn't dare to speak any more at this moment.

Fang Fang scolded him: "You raise your head, take a good look, look at these people outside the court, look at their eyes, which one of them doesn't hate these maggots, which one doesn't want to kill them?" Then hurry up! Why, because these maggots are sucking their blood! Maybe you should not come to me, but ask the common people, whether your good nephew and these bastards should be killed."

At this moment, Edgar finally came to his senses. He knew that the ten thousand kingdoms were the ten thousand kingdoms of the equation. If he continued like this, he might not even be able to protect himself. The first batch of those who were shot had been taken to the execution ground, and the soldiers had already loaded their ammunition and were waiting for orders.

The onlookers cheered, and they couldn't help but celebrate that these vampires finally ended up being shot.

(End of this chapter)

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