i have a super island

Chapter 1542 The Abacus of the Old Stubborns

Chapter 1542 The Abacus of the Old Stubborns

Following the carriage to Ham's manor, Ham personally stood at the door to greet him, and he was very respectful when he saw Cynthia appear.

When Cynthia got out of the carriage, Lianna followed suit.

Seeing Lianna behind Cynthia, Hamm froze immediately.

"Master Harm, what's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing, I didn't expect Her Royal Highness to bring servants with her."

Cynthia frowned, looking very displeased, and said in a bad language: "Master Ham, she is not my servant, but my sister."

Ham apologized again and again: "It's the old minister's negligence, please don't blame Her Highness the Princess."

After entering the manor, it was obvious that Hamm had prepared a grand dinner for Cynthia.

There were quite a few people who came to the manor, most of them were Ham's henchmen, that is, those Nero veterans who opposed Serra.

After seeing Cynthia, all of these people had light in their eyes, because they felt that they saw hope. The biggest problem they opposed to Sera was that there was no reasonable reason, and now Cynthia's appearance is undoubtedly the legitimacy .

Those stubborn old-fashioned people came forward to say hello to Cynthia. Each of them looked so humble and respectful in front of Cynthia, and each of them was very concerned about Cynthia's experience of living abroad. They seemed so empathetic and wished they could Suffer all this for Cynthia.

Cynthia could see all of this. If it was her in the past, she might have believed the lies of these old guys and was deceived by their appearance, but after going through so much, she didn't believe these guys at all. If these people are really as good as they say they are now, then why didn't anyone stand up when she was wronged.

But Cynthia didn't expose these people face to face, just a symbolic smirk.

The banquet started, and Cynthia was invited to the seat by Hamm.

First, Hamm toasted Cynthia, and then everyone else came up to toast.

The early stage of the banquet was full of joy, and everyone enjoyed it happily. However, as the banquet progressed, some of the veterans began to cry while they were eating.At first one person cried, and then, as if contagious, others followed suit.

This was unexpected for Cynthia. She didn't know that there was still laughter and laughter a second ago, but suddenly everyone burst into tears.

More and more people were crying, and Ham couldn't help covering his face and crying.

"Master Ham, you are..."

Cynthia looked extremely awkward in the middle of the crowd, she would never have expected to encounter such a situation.

Hamm covered his face and sobbed, and took the opportunity to vomit bitterness to Cynthia, "Your Highness the Princess doesn't know, my servants are crying for Nero, for the former king."

Cynthia was very surprised, "Lord Ham, why did you say that?"

"Your Highness, you have been away from Nile for a long time, and you don't know what happened to Nile. Since you left, Nile has experienced too many disasters. First, Halder sought to usurp the throne, and then Prince Feisal The army rebelled, and then the Ohrei people took the opportunity to go south, almost destroying Nero. Although the people of Wan Guo helped us repel the Ohre people, but the people of Wan Guo were also ambitious. How could they be sincere for Ni Luo? .”

"Isn't Nero good now?"

"Okay, but..."

"But what?"

"How should I put it..."

"Lord Hamm, but it's okay to say."

Hamm gritted his teeth and said, "Nile has a thousand-year history, and there has never been a woman as king."

Cynthia's eyes slanted slightly, "Master Ham, you mean that all this is my mother's problem?"

Ham suddenly knelt down on the ground and said loyally, "Your Highness, the old minister has absolutely no intention of targeting Queen Serra, nor does he have any intention of sowing discord between your mother and daughter, it's just out of consideration for Nero." , The old minister feels that it is really inappropriate for a woman to be the king of Nero."

"What's wrong."

"Queen Sierra is not the talent of a king, how can she manage this country well."

"If my mother can't do it, then who should do it?"

Ham knocked his head on the ground, "The old minister has the guts to invite the princess to sit here."

There was a disdainful smile on the corner of Cynthia's mouth, "Master Ham, just now you said that a woman cannot be the king of Nero, why did it change when you came to me?"

"Your Royal Highness, you are different from the queen. You are the blood of the former king, and the blood of the former king flows on your body. However, Queen Serra is always a foreigner, and her being the king will affect the blood of the Nile royal family."

"Master Ham, is blood really that important?"

Hearing Ham's remarks, Cynthia trembled slightly with anger, her palms clenched into fists, and she was really upset for Sierra that her mother was being talked about so arrogantly by these so-called "loyal veterans". What did they do in the moment of life and death, they didn't do anything, and now they stood up like a bunch of jumping clowns, the behavior of these people really made Cynthia feel sick.

Hamm said: "Your Highness, blood is really important, and now that Her Majesty Queen is about to give birth, the period of her pregnancy is too strange. At the beginning, the Queen was living abroad, and then returned to Nile with people from all nations... "


Cynthia's rare rage.

She was very angry, angry that these old guys should slander her mother so much.

Liana gently touched Cynthia with her finger, reminding her not to forget the purpose of coming today.

Only then did Cynthia come back to her senses, she was so angry that she almost forgot the important thing.

Her anger frightened some of Ham's old officials. Those old guys were still crying, but suddenly they stopped crying in fright.

Deliberately planting flowers but not blooming, unintentionally planting willows and willows to make shade, Cynthia burst out because she couldn't control her inner anger, but her burst of anger made the play more realistic.

Of course, the veterans of Hamm would not doubt the mother-daughter relationship between Cynthia and Sera. It was Cynthia's performance that made them more and more convinced that it was the right choice to win over Cynthia. attitude, then there may be something strange in this.

It was Cynthia's rage that made Hamm and the others more determined.

Ham knelt on the ground and grabbed the ground with his head, knocked loudly, and finally broke his head, "Your Highness, in order to ensure the royal blood, please stand up, I have already discussed it, just The day when Queen Sera gives birth is the time for me to start trouble." Hamm took the lead in kowtow, and the others followed suit.

"Master Ham, get up quickly." Cynthia looked embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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